Thank you

Julie71 MTGPQ Mod Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
Y'all probably don't hear this enough, so thank you for listening to us. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules (real life) to fix issues investigate issues. Thank you for giving us a game I personally truly love to play. I appreciate you. 


  • Nalthazar
    Nalthazar Posts: 142 Tile Toppler
    Julie71 said:
    Y'all probably don't hear this enough, so thank you for listening to us. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules (real life) to fix issues investigate issues. Thank you for giving us a game I personally truly love to play. I appreciate you. 
    I second this. I know that the development of this game is the studio's job, but I also appreciate all of their hard work and efforts to make the game engaging and fun for us. I also love playing this game. It can often be a thankless task in the age of forums and social media, but there are people who also appreciate what the studio is doing. It is nice to see a positive post here. Thank you Julie.
  • Undead44
    Undead44 Posts: 11 Just Dropped In

    I agree.  I always wish for there to be more communication and faster updates/bug fixes.  But I appreciate the effort that the development and front end team put into operating the game with the resources they have.  Any feedback provided is meant to be constructive so as to improve the game that we all enjoy playing!
  • ReadingRambo
    ReadingRambo Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    I bet running a game whose content updates and release schedules are not yours to set is a neverending struggle to stay ahead of. Also, a game that is only getting bigger and more complicated with each release - not to mention the struggles of working across language and time barriers.

    While I'm sure we could all come up with a list of grievances and potential fixes, I'd like to join in the voices here thanking the game's developers, artists, coders, and any other support staff for the work they've put into this thing that some of us treasure so much. Thanks! Your hard work really does make some of us quite happy!

    Stuff that is awesome, in no particular order - 

    Landforming is a completely awesome mechanic! Whoever thought of that implementation is great, and deserves a raise! Making the game *more* about the gem and board play really adds a new twist to things.

    Face the hydra and colossal tussle are really fun and engaging new events! Also the newest duel deck event is still really fun, even if I'm 100% team Kalemne for life ride or dieeee

    The new home screen is a big improvement! I like that you are trying to streamline and improve existing game assets.

    Anyway, Thanks!
    -Chamzod / Reading Rambo
  • Tezzeret
    Tezzeret Posts: 223 Tile Toppler
    I can't imagine keeping up with the release  schedule  wizards has with sets... by the time you have all  the kinks worked  out with one set its  already time to create and code a new  one! Im  looking forward  to what you have in store with kaldheim