Which 5* do you regret not spending LL/CP on?

LavaManLee Posts: 1,413 Chairperson of the Boards
Since we have another 4* coming out (Red Guardian) this gives me more time to hoard LL/CP and hopefully the next batch of 5* will be better than the current.  I have Heimdall/OMD/DP5 all rostered but am not going to pull any more until they are gone.  Thus, I am purposely not spending LL/CP on them and they won't be champed.

In the future, I could regret this if they become useful in a meta.  This led me to thinking: which 5* have you skipped on (if any) and then realized maybe it would have been good to get them.

My two would be GED and IH.  I wasn't super impressed with GED at first but was so totally wrong.  I would really like to have a champed one.  The other is IH.  I was very LL/CP poor and made the decision not to go after him.  Really wish I had.


  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,760 Chairperson of the Boards
    I regret not chasing IH, as I really didn't see how good he would be... I still hate selfharming toons though.
  • MrPlow
    MrPlow Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    I could use a Carnage to go with my Polaris.  I only have one cover for him.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2020
    I totally blew off Okoye, Thor, and Kitty, so I’m only just now catching up on Kitty and Thor. I got Okoye done awhile ago. I had a 2/0/2 Thor and a 2/3/0 kitty, and I’ve got Thor at 5/0/2 and Kitty at 5/5/0 now from shard targeting.

    i went all in on Latest back when Fi5k launched, and I’ve mostly been able to keep up since then. 
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,699 Chairperson of the Boards
    None. I have all the metas. I'm good.
  • Michael1957
    Michael1957 Posts: 630 Critical Contributor
    I’ve gone after all of them since entering 5* land this summer . I can get 8/13 covers ( last 7 releases) on average which is good enough to win in PVE 10. 
  • Sithforever
    Sithforever Posts: 144 Tile Toppler
    Carnage is the last one I struggled to get champed before leaving LL. He is definitely fun with Polaris lol. Also not understanding the tiers sooner than I did. I thought Old Man Logan was the best ever and got him champed with no other champed 5s I got whipped by meta teams before I caught up in about 6 to 8 months of butt whuppings.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    In my case it was Kitty. She looked decent, but not the powerhouse she has ended up being. I was short on CP so I decided to pass. I chose poorly. I am still trying to get her covered (still just 343 after all this time, getting 5s out of latest is slow as hell).

    The other two I would like to have a bit more covered than I have are Iceman and Onslaught, they are not meta by any means, but I would have liked to have a few more covers for them (maybe not finished but at least 5 in blue for Iceman and 4 in green for Onslaught).

    Other than that I have almost everybody else that is good.

    Daredevil217 said:
    Chase them all instead of just the “meta” and you won’t have regrets when someone turns out better than expected. Plus if you like variety, it’s just more toys to play with. 
    Mmm sure, I would get all 5s If I could, but obviously I can't :P 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,092 Chairperson of the Boards
    My regret is that I *did* chase Apocalypse as hard as I could and ended up with an 8 cover Onslaught. :(
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2020
    I didn't quite chase Thor at release, though I think i ended up with 9 or 10 covers for him from chasing Gambit.  And I also got plenty of okoye covers from chasing JJ.  Thankfully, I was able to finish both characters via bonus covers (and I think one 250cp Okoye purchase), so I didn't burn myself too badly and don't have too many regrets. 
    I totally skipped Kitty at launch as I was even more semi-retired then than I am now.  It took me something like 18 months with her as my only bonus hero/sharget to finish her.  And I only barely accomplished that before IH and Apoc made her significantly less useful (though thankfully BRBitty is still a thing, so my effort wasn't wasted).
    I wanted to chase GED, but didn't have the resources to do it and ended up skipping him almost entirely. 
    Similarly, I decided to open a hoard for Prof X and then had to pick which LT set to target.  I ended up having to between Ice and BRB; that's not a hard call at all since BRB is so good.  I held out for Prof/Carnage/BRB and did manage to get both BRB and prof fully covered.  But I had to skip Ice entirely (which I regret a little bit now that CL10 is a thing) and also regret only getting to 7 covers for Carnage in retrospect and he turns out to be a little bit better than he looks on paper. 
    I did chase IH, but came up a bit short given his reduced LT window, so I definitely regret missing out on him.  And just this week I decided to skip KM because I didn't have enough pulls to guarantee that I could get him up to 10+ covers.  I think his passive could jump him up into the meta with the right partner, so I hated to let him go.  I will probably go with Heimdall + DP + ??? instead, as I am definitely going to chase the last 5 covers I need for Heimdall. 
    I also have a few un-regrets too, like getting DD and Thor while chasing gambit, or getting okoye while chasing JJ.  And in chasing IH and Apoc, I ended up covering Yelena by accident, and have been quite pleased about that in retrospect (her red is even better than i thought for enemy suppression, and her purple is MUCH better than i expected because the traps are always on a color the ai will target).
  • krakenoon
    krakenoon Posts: 355 Mover and Shaker
    Apoc & iHulk vault all day, every day.
  • NemesisEtherion
    NemesisEtherion Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    edited November 2020
    I skipped iHulk because i don't like Hulk, any Hulk.

    Edit: he's 0-1-1 for essential reasons.
  • Loosie
    Loosie Posts: 397 Mover and Shaker
    No regrets because until recently I wasn't able to chase. I did end up with 9 saved covers on Killmonger before getting a 13th to finish him off.

    My colour distribution has been horrible lately. I have a 5/2/4 OMD with 1 saved cover, a 5/1/1 Heimdall with 1 saved cover and a 4/0/1 Deadpool
  • abenness
    abenness Posts: 228 Tile Toppler
    My next biggest hoard-breaking decision was between Storm/Ice/Prof-X, vs the Wakanda special store Okoye/Panther/Thanos.  All 6 toons were at very low levels.

    At the time I needed a single Mockingbird bonus hero for shield training, and in trying to get that I spent all of my LTs.  And then I decided I may as well keep going with CP.

    In the end I was able to champ Storm/Ice/Prof before they respectively rotated out, and I've kept up with LL ever since.

    I've also champed Okoye from special stores/shards/BH a long time later.  But my Thanos is still at 2/0/0.

    So I do wonder if I could have left Storm on the shelf and instead had some more levels/covers on Okoye and Thanos :)
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2020
    Chase them all instead of just the “meta” and you won’t have regrets when someone turns out better than expected. Plus if you like variety, it’s just more toys to play with. 
    Would that we could...not everyone has the resources to keep up with every new 5*. I just about completed Prof and Carbage before they left Latests by the skin of my teeth. The main reason I made the decision to pass over Bill, Sinister, Havok, iHulk and Yelena was because they shifted the release schedule from 4/4/5/4/4/5 to 4/5/4/5/4/5. Foregoing those five allowed me to accumulate enough resources to comfortably champ Poccy, Onslaught, and Killmonger, as well as complete Kitty in the Fan Favourites store. And now that I'm skipping Daken, I have more breathing space. 

    5* sharts in PVE progression definitely helps, but the devs gave with the right hand and took away with the left hand by reducing CP rewards in PVE progression and adjusting 3* and 4* champ rewards. And then you have the occasional 5* store, like recent fan favourites, which "forces" many players to choose whether to split resources. And of course, there's our dear friend RNG.

    Unless one already had a huge hoard prior to the release schedule change and the introduction of sharts, one will very likely have to pick and choose the 5* they want/need, instead of being able to catch em all.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2020
    I regret luck didnt make me install the game 2 months before. When I started playing, LL were loki, kitty, cable. Rotated to kitty cable kingping then cable kingping ged. When I had to choose wich 5* I was going to develop I had kitty 2 purple 1 yellow, cable 3 green 1 blue 2 yellow, kingping 3 black 2 green, and ged 2 yellow 1blue. 
    I had the opportunity to buy kingping blue and then I chose him to be my 5* espending 750 cps on each power until champing him.
    If I would started playing before and having all powers I would chose kitty. If started a bit after and RNG let me, it would be ged.
    So in my case I cant regret nothing but fate as my stepping stone.
    Edit: yes, when I started there no was such a useful thing to chase 5* as shards.
    P.S: in a team with no blue users in a long pve battle, heimdall absolutely rocks.
  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,231 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've got all the meta 5 stars champed,  I just regret not saving up a bigger hoard for the fan favorite store during the anniversary. 
  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    I regret that the fan favorite vault gave me an 8% pull rate. I hoarded before joining 5* land and as a result, Okoye and Apoc are my highest leveled 5* and I have all the meta ones champed except for Onslaught (if you consider him meta, I do see him frequently in PvP) so I really have no other regrets.

    I will say I occasionally find myself wishing I had more covers for Carbage and Sgt. Onslaughter, as well as any 5* featured in Welcome to SHIELD or PvE so they can meat shield longer. And I find myself warming up to Heimdall and Deadpool, so maybe I’ll regret not chasing them in the future. Or maybe the next 5* will be a stud so I can chase all 3.

  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
    iHulk. But I'm not really capable of keeping up with all 5*s, even in the 'old' release schedule. So I was pretty low on pulls back then. I still have him at 2/1/1 or so, but I would have liked more covers for him
  • bk201
    bk201 Posts: 94 Match Maker
    Kinda regreted not spending on Kitty, but at that time, decided to spend the hoard on Okoye, so it's fine.
    DAZ0273 said:
    My regret is that I *did* chase Apocalypse as hard as I could and ended up with an 8 cover Onslaught. :(
    Almost the same here! *Did* chase Apocalypse too, ended up with 1/1/7 and a 2/1/6 Onslaught, but during the chase I got a very useful 4/3/5 iHulk, 5/4/3 Killmonger and 2/1/7 Yelena.