The Blob

PiMacleod Posts: 1,815 Chairperson of the Boards
If the Blob were to ever be made (and I hope he does), I feel like this should be a part of his package.  Best part about it -- it fits as is, whether he's a 4* or 5* (because we know the game doesn't make 3*s or lower any more).

PASSIVE  --  Immovable Object

"Nothing can move the Blob!"  While the Blob is an active teammate, he is always in front, and cannot be sent Airborne.

See?  Simple.  And fits the character.

But this'll probably get buried like my idea for Leech did.... sigh.  


  • NemoAbernnigan
    NemoAbernnigan Posts: 193 Tile Toppler
    Damn. That would be one serious tank passive. I'd put the passive on black. Give him a red and yellow as well to make him a bit of a Colossus mirror. Also, so that the levels and covers in it matter I'd put a second aspect on it, damage reduction would make sense, or an active. I think it would be cool to make it more unique though, maybe put a damage reflect on it instead, like x% of the enemy match damage.

    Here's my take on him fully fleshed out-

    Hungry Man
    Red- Passive- Each turn The Blob eats (destroys) 1/2/3 enemy special tiles, gaining ap but not dealing damage, as well as adding 50/75/100% of its value to his weight counter. If there are no enemy special tiles on the board, The Blob takes a bite out of the enemy instead, stealing x amount of life from the enemy.

    Ten Ton Tackle
    Yellow-8 AP- The Blob body slams the enemy, stunning them for 1/2/3 turns, plus one turn for every 500 pounds on his weight counter, and dealing x damage, plus the value of his weight counter.

    immovable Blobject
    Black-Passive- While The Blob is an active teammate he is always in front and cannot be sent airborne. The Blob's weight at the start of the game is 500/1000/1500 pounds, and continues to increase throughout the game. For every thousand pounds he weighs The Blob reflects 10/25/50% of the enemy's match damage.

  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,815 Chairperson of the Boards
    Neat.  I think that Red's a bit OP.... a passive that just destroys (consumes) multiple enemy specials right off the bat?  I could say MAYBE 1, like 4* Thanos does... and maybe add in more, if the team has a certain AP in storage (like say, for every 6 red AP, destroy an extra enemy special).

    Reflected damage?  That's interesting.  Like, the enemy is punching into him, but ...he's the Blob..... so, their limbs and what-not are getting caught in his flabby rolls.  :tongue:

    Honestly, I can see a build like this being pretty broken.  You'd have to fight against him with a non-SAP tile user, for one.  Two, can you imagine teaming him with people that make ENEMY specials?  Like Polaris, Elektra, Sabretooth...  yikes!  Or, you could run Anti-Venom and another web-person behind the Blob, keeping him alive and really personifying the word 'tank'.

    Scary stuff.  I wonder if they'd ever make it like this -- but probably only as a boss?  ...but then again, maybe as an answer to the current Polaris meta... ?  Seems a bit too on-the-nose for D3, though.

    Also, when I thought of the passive to make him in front and immune to Airborne, I was thinking it was one of those passives that sits on a power ALONG WITH an active power.  You know, how Silver Surfer has a blue active power to heal, but also he's immune to stun...  like that.  :)
  • NemoAbernnigan
    NemoAbernnigan Posts: 193 Tile Toppler
    Yeah, I mentioned the black would fit on an active on the little header above my pitch. Also, yes he would be quite broken haha, but so were Karnak and Polaris so you never know. But a restriction on the eating would make sense.