Heroic/Mighty/Legendary Store remodel and repurpose

PiMacleod Posts: 1,815 Chairperson of the Boards
I've cut and pasted the following from another topic (the release topic for Elsa Bloodstone, if you're curious)...

So, yeah -- the new 5*s are the "6*", I get it... but it doesn't change the 4* release-and-dilute-train.  I can't help but wonder if they should just make multiple (like 2 or 3) Heroic and Mighty stores...

...What I mean by that is what if the Mighty store and the Heroic store (and maybe even the Legendary stores?) had MULTIPLE buttons to click, instead of the single button (or multi-pull buttons)?  Most of the store is just a giant splash screen -- there's a LOT of real estate to use for buttons.  So, I'll use the Heroic store to explain this, as it already has the most buttons.  Currently, it's a ROW of buttons... but what if we added ANOTHER row on top of those?  You could have the top row be "this" set of 4*s, and the bottom row be "that" row of 4*s... this would allow the player to pull for a set that has the character(s) they want.  But I wanna emphasize that a Heroic token is still a Heroic token, and these are BOTH Heroic token 'options'... so if you have 10 tokens, you could use all 10 on one button, or 5 on this button and 5 on the other.  Maybe for those people who like how it currently is, make a 3rd button/row for the "ALL" option.

This example above can be expanded upon for Mighties and Legendaries too.  Or, maybe the devs like their splash art... well, you could have a slider at the top under the title bar of the store... the slider bar/toggle switch thing could have settings for different stores.  For example {--ALL----------Store #1----------Store #2--}.   You could slide the toggle switch between what option you want, and that would dictate what 4* selection is available from your token pulls.  This would allow them to keep the giant splash screen, keep the buttons the same, and only add a sliding bar option under the title.

I personally like the slider option the more I re-read this and imagine how it would look.  I think this would solve, or at least relieve the pressure of the 4* dilution problem.  Even better, it can be easily expanded upon as the game grows older.  Lets say we have 120 4*s... You could have the slider set to "All", "1st 60", and "2nd 60".  As time goes on, they add the next 4* to the 2nd store, and push the oldest character in THAT store to the 1st store option.  So character 121 would be in the "2nd" option, and the 1st option would now have 61 characters.  As time goes on, to alleviate extra bloat, you add a NEW option.  Lets say we hit 150 4*s.  Then you split it into FOUR store options (ALL, 1st 50, 2nd 50, 3rd 50), and we resume the previous trend.

This could be implemented in all stores that present a 4* option.  This could also start to be used for 5*s eventually, as we are hitting our 50th 5* soon.

I hope this is considered.  Unless I'm mistaking dilution for 'purposeful game design'.