Apocalypse right now

ROTBI Posts: 54 Match Maker
I don't recall this event ever being difficult.   Did the difficulty get amped up this time around?


  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 723 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2020
    Nope. Its just standard RNG. You can get insta 3 turn kill on Apoc or "awesome: inability yo destroy his black CD on time. And everything like that. I mean, I already has expierenced both. In just few fights.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can overwhelm his heal by doing enough damage to him on a single turn; otherwise I recomend tile manipulators who can move the board around, or Vulture with at least 4 in blue so he can just clear out all the specials for you when he goes airborne with 10blue ap

  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 986 Critical Contributor
    Kitty works (with 5 in purple), Cloak & Dagger helps putting in black and Apoc's countdown tiles are always black, so it's going to be easier matching them. Cap 4 Marvel's black does enough direct damage to down Apoc instantly for the first few rounds.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    PSA: Teen Jean + S.Witch + 4Cyclops

    (pssst.... they're always boosted for this event)
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,769 Chairperson of the Boards
    Before I hit 5* land, I would use my 4* Wolv and 4* Cyc, along with a battery, like 3*IM, or someone else to build that AP.  

    And I wouldn't worry about doing much more than building AP until I could fire Wolv's black, Cyc's red (and blue, if possible).  Basically, add the damage up in your head, and see if that damage beat's Apoc's health pool.  If so, fire it at all once.  If not, save it until you have the AP to do so.  Especially if you can hide behind a healer (like Wolv), let him take the hits and occasionally fire off that big ol' healing ability.

    That's how I used to do it... before there was an Apoc neuter named Kitty.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,092 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kitty is purpose built to kill Apocalypse - she eliminates his specials and his death countdown tiles too but not everybody is lucky enough to have Kitty with purple in 5.
    If you have Kate Bishop - her blue power can actually stop Apocalypse healing whilst the countdown is on the board. This gives you a bit of time to try and take him out before his healing kicks back in.
    I am also wondering about how Samurai Daken's permanent damage power works against Apoc or whether his healing kicks back in - I don't have the power to check it myself.
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,769 Chairperson of the Boards
    DAZ0273 said:
    Kitty is purpose built to kill Apocalypse - she eliminates his specials and his death countdown tiles too but not everybody is lucky enough to have Kitty with purple in 5.
    If you have Kate Bishop - her blue power can actually stop Apocalypse healing whilst the countdown is on the board. This gives you a bit of time to try and take him out before his healing kicks back in.
    I am also wondering about how Samurai Daken's permanent damage power works against Apoc or whether his healing kicks back in - I don't have the power to check it myself.
    I got it... I'll check it out, just to see.  Of course... after my nodes reset.  :smile:

  • Michael1957
    Michael1957 Posts: 630 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2020
    He’s a tile dropper , he’s toast by massive damage in a few rounds with Hulkoye/Polaris. As will be any tile user from now on . I used to hate this event now it’s a cake walk 
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,189 Chairperson of the Boards
    He’s a tile dropper , he’s toast by massive damage in a few rounds with Hulkoye/Polaris. As will be any tile user from now on . I used to hate this event now it’s a cake walk 

    He's toast against any semi-relevant 5* team. Never mind Hulkoye who <5% of players have at >L360ish.
    Most players looking for help are 3* or early 4* players. Once you are solidly in 4* land (25 or more champed) you can handle even round 8 Apoc relatively easily (I'm in late 4* land and I finish all 8 rounds using 0 health packs for example).
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 723 Critical Contributor
    @KGB I have 46 4* championed and I HAD problems. The matter is WHO you have not HOW many. For example, one of best combo is XF Wolvie and Deadpool. Collect Black and Purple and bonanza. Unfortunetly my DP is not champed and starting with round 6 he had to low health to be enough efective. Kate Bishop's blue works too but again, not champed and health problems in my case.
    Yes, wider roster helps (I once used Mockinbird/Gwepool combo and wiped Apoc with theirs Red/Red/Green combo).

    My solution: BRB (at least 1/1/1)/Polaris (any build 0/x/x)/XF Wolvie (5/5/3) do wonders. But ya may not have BRB.

    For 3* players I strongly suggest Cyclops/Kamala/Storm combo. Deadpool (for his purple and tanking), Iron Man (for AP generation), Rocket & Groot (5/x/x to survive), Patch Wolvie (5/3/5 also to survive - need good pairing cause of his enemy strike tiles creation) and Octopus (X/5/X) for a 3rd one are good options too. Maybe Gambit or Magneto too (for protect tiles).

    For 4* players. Few options I have mentioned above. The others that may be used as potentiall partners or full teams.
    • Web Warriors team may work (Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2099 and Spider-Gwen) for their survivability. You may change Gwen or Miles with Anti-Venom (boosted!) or IW Spider-Man.
    • Valkyrie for AP generation
    • X-23 (x/5x build) for one of strongest healing in game to survive. Good option as 3rd - Apoc's red will target her but she will go back easily.
    • Cap Marvel if your strongest color would be black.
    • Gwenpool's purple may be usefull for attack tiles destroying or targeting Apoc's death CD.
    • Juggernaut tankiness is nice but need healer to keep him alive (tested: he was eated by attack tiles).
    • Domino for more black tiles.
    • Thing with a healer for protect tiles spamming.
    • Chavez/Karnak to nuke him.Nay need healer to keep Karnak alive.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,189 Chairperson of the Boards
    With 46 champs you should be able to make some excellent teams. Who else do you have champed?
    I use Xpool/Carol/C&D with 0 health packs. XPool Red to 5, Carol Yellow to 5, C&D 5/5/3. You match Red over anything else (to deny Apoc his only damage power). C&D fills board with Black for APOC to match and each time he does you get 4 Red for Xpool. That ends 1 horseman very fast (the AP deny one). XPool can one shot Apoc in early rounds (and heal) and in later rounds (6-7) it takes 2 Reds or 1 Red/+Carol Black. But since Apoc generously matches black to give you tons of Red you can get 26 Red fairly fast. You can use Yellow to resolve Carols Black or C&D Yellow to remove Apocs attack tiles. I have no supports on any of these and my team is all 290-300ish other than boosted Xpool.
    I've also used 4Cyc/Teen Jean (both of whom are boosted)/Switch. Jeans purple power removes Apoc attack tiles and 4Cyc Yellow helps him generate tons of extra Red to stop the AP drain. Cyc's blue power is useful to remove Red which you don't want Apoc to ever get.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 723 Critical Contributor
    Well... Check my signature for my roster.

    Anyway. As I said it is not a matter HOW many champions you have but WHO they are. Northstar, Mysterio, Carnage or Winter Soldier (all champed and I did not used them) are less usefull here than Kate Bishop, Domino, XF Wolvie or Captain Marvel. And Kate and Domino I used few times later on even thou they are unchamped.
    I started having problems when my XF Wolvie, Cyclops 3* and XF Deadpool (4/3/5, lv 213) started to have problems with their healthpools. When I run out of helth packs I went for some creativity like Mockingbird/Gwenpool, Teen Jean, Domino (lv 229 5/4/4), Kate Bishop (lv 168, 4/5/4) or Juggernaut or whatever. Yes, my wider roster was usefull and has helped me to find a solution. But the true solution is just having someone who will work not just anyone.
    Luckily, I have combo I mentioned earlier. I ended with BRB (1/1/1), Polaris (4/5/4, lv 209, waits for ISO) and XF Wolvie (3/5/5 or 5/5/3) which required just a few packs later on.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,189 Chairperson of the Boards
    Your Carol is champed so you can respec her and your XPool has 4 Red so might be able to do it with your C&D or Domino (the key is tons of Black for Apoc to match to generate tons of Red for XPool to heal/damage).
    You have any supports that might help (generate extra Red for example) or Chimichanga for Deadpool?
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mr_F said:
     ..it is not a matter HOW many champions you have but WHO they are.
    Actually, it's all about how fast you can get purple for Teen Jean, because once she casts it Apoc becomes extremely manageable for anyone with a 4-star roster. In round 8 I used to bring +2purple/All boosts and S.Witch to get rid of all the specials in the shortest amount of turns possible. After that you just need a nuker to supplement Teen Jean's purple/green attacks. On your roster I'd be looking at XFW or Hulkbuster. You're going to take your licks but with a fast cast of Teen Jean's purple I had no problems surviving round 8 when I was strictly a 4-star player.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 723 Critical Contributor
    TY for advices. I have finished the event already with BRB/Polaris/XF Wolvie combo.
    Its all like I mentioned before: it is not how many champions you have but who. Like me I have most of the mentioned and some others at 168+lv and well covered so I knew I can do it. I mean I just struggled a bit and had to find a solution. But like i said it is a matter of WHO to use not HOW many I have.
    That is why I some time ago have champed Quake and Spider-Woman as both were at 12 covers and I found them usefull to counter Grockenaut combo when paired with Juggs. I mean with 4* and Baby 5* variety there Is solution to almost anything 4* players may encounter. Like I have used my 2/1/3 Yelena with Juggernaut to counter Chavez/Karnak in Ani's PVP and I used Quake/Juggs to counter Juggs combos. Unless you chase someone specific for whatever reason (like me and 5* Wasp) I highly advice to chase all/most of 4* who has unique counter abilities to common problems like Teen Jeen vs. match5, Quake vs Area Damage, Juggs vs Match/critical damage, Kate Bishop vs healing or Cardusa/Mr. F combo for almost any Medusa teams. Even Venom has his uses (try him against protect tile spammer....).
    So... In all of that I, of course, has forgotten that Teen Jeen removes special tiles.
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    i wiped three times with brb(330, 1/2/3), marvel5(330, 2/5/2) and a champed polaris. couldn't multiply the shield tiles fast enough.

    also wiped with 5px(5/3/5), onslaught(5/5/3) and apoc (5/2/5), all 330

    sometimes it's just a bad board. 
  • Michael1957
    Michael1957 Posts: 630 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2020
    I’ve never used this , but it did work as suggested by someone else . BRB/ Polaris/Karnak.  Level 8 is faster I think because the first black countdown CD is only 4. I only got 7 moves to do it but it does win so far. Get as much blue and green as possible 
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    Remember that Gritty-dusa will mangle Apocalypse through every single round.  If you get unlucky enough that a bunch of special tiles fall from the sky, it can make things harder, but still eminently winnable.

    If you can't clear a black insta-death CD, let Grocket take the fall.

    And if you can after a round or two, match Medusa's tile.  Then the damage really starts to roll in a turn or two later.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,189 Chairperson of the Boards
    pheregas said:

    And if you can after a round or two, match Medusa's tile.  Then the damage really starts to roll in a turn or two later.
    Actually Medusa is useless against Apoc. Or rather her CD & attack tiles are. They don't count as damage when you are trying to remove the damage horseman. I discovered this a long time ago (pre-Juggs days) when I was running Medusa/Grocket/Gamora and I couldn't get his damage horseman to remove despite tons of attack tile damage backed with Grockets strikes. Eventually I realized all attack tile damage isn't counted for some reason.