SWW at the begin of a match makes the game a waste of time and feeling angry [Can’t reproduce]

naabaldan Posts: 633 Critical Contributor
now that we deal with more connection errors and sww issues its time to change the node consumption to a point the game is fully initialized.
the most common situation when the start of a new match leads to a sww is a lost match even though we didn't even see the battlefield because the first thing the game does is set its State to game started reducing the number of available matches for that node by one.
when this happens to a freshly started event the only thing left is stop playing because the chance to be perfect is gone right from the start. frustrating, senseless, it makes me Feeling sad and tired. 
please fix this, a sww on initislizing a match should not count as a lost match...


  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,512 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thank you for the feedback!
    This issue is now under investigation.
  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,512 Chairperson of the Boards

    We could not reproduce this issue. If you face it again please let us know.

    In order to help us, please provide the following information if you have it (you can PM me the answer if you prefer, or send it to Customer Support in-game):

    • A screenshot of the battle log?

    • The Planeswalker you were using and its level.

    • Which Event and Node.

    • All cards in the deck and possible interactions that might have happened.

    Thank you,


  • ertaii
    ertaii Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    edited September 2023

    In the current coalition event (Family Business), I had a something went wrong message when trying to launch a match. I was clearing my top nodes, stopped at 110 points for about 20 minutes, then I started my next match. I already had an opponent assigned, launched the game, then waited a long time with the message Starting encounter. Then I got a timeout message (unable to reach server). Then I got a something went wrong message. I hit retry many times but the message kept popping up. I did not hit cancel because this is know to cause the lost of the game.

    Instead I ended up force quitting the app, hoping that it would not count my game as started and lost. However, when I came back into the game, the match was counted as a loss and my PW HP were down to 13.

    It happened at 13:15 Paris France time.

    My guess is that the match actually started on your end but your servers were never able to talk back to the app on my phone for some reason. Then when I get the timeout, my app, client side, who doesn't know that the encounter has started, asks for the encounter to start. Your server side can't because the encounter is already started. Something went wrong. If I quit, your server side gets notified by the client that I exit the game and thinks I'm conceding. All in all, game lost without playing.

    The whole things looks really like a 502 Bad gateway error. The fix shoild be on server side: upon starting a match, if the server can't talk back to the client, it has to CANCEL the game he has started. You also can fix it from client side: if client request a game but one is already started server side, somehow patch the request and the existing game together. This way might have more side effects from my perspective so the first option should be better.

    The crash occurred at 13:14 or 13:15 Paris, France time.

    To answer your other points: My walker was pmajani, but I don't think this is walker related. It happened earlier this week in daily TG, I think it was with Jaya. We cannot provide any battle log given there was no battle played, being stuck before it actually begins. Once again, I think none of this is related to the issue. We're facing a network related issue that causes desynchronization between client side and server side, as in a Http Bad Gateway error.