Another Onslaught Psychic Blast bug

Was using boosted Onslaught for the current Infinite Pursuit event. Noticed when trying to fire his blue Psychic Blast when only minions were on the board (both Assassin and Grenadier at the time) that his power description declared that green was both their strongest and weakest color. Even when one of them was eliminated, the status of green being both the strongest and weakest stayed in place. Makes his power ineffective.

Is this working as intended?


  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 713 Critical Contributor
    Can Confirm.  Same thing happened to me. (Green as the strongest color and Green as the weakest color at the same time)
  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    If possible, could you submit tickets regarding this issue to our Customer Support team? 

    Please be sure to include any screenshots you may have of the issue in your tickets as this may be very helpful for the team's investigation into the issue. 
  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 609 Critical Contributor
    I posted this back on 10th August.

    Personally, I feel there are two bugs with this power. the first is the order it does tile colour change/damage.

    the flow currently goes;

    Choose tile
    do DAMAGE for every special tile
    check Strongest/weakest colours
    change tiles

    This means, if you down a character with the damage of this move, it can then change the strongest/weakest colours, meaning any cascade you had set up is now gone. This makes the move less powerful that it really could be. I think it would be better if the flow is

    Choose tile
    check Strongest/weakest colours
    change tiles
    do DAMAGE for every special tile

    the other fault seems is what you've described. goons with a single power. since they only collect one colour, their strongest and weakest is the same. this is very easily replicated and will occur against any goon with a single power (can't do a screenshot as I don't think there are any in the current PvE).