What do you do with a problem like... Bishop

Jacklag Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
This is not another nerf Bishop thread, I swear it! I'ld just like to know. Some users in the forums claim they don't have a problem with Bishop. I'm actually still in 4* land, with a few good 5* options, including 5*Thor, BRB and Apocalypse. I mean, some chars are immune to stun, yes, but I don't even think the stun is the biggest problem here. It's probably the ludicrous amount of blue AP.

At my level, instead of a problem with Bishop+BRB, my biggest problem is actually with Bishop+Karnak, since Bishop is a char that you have to kill slowly, while Karnak is one that you gotta kill fast, otherwise he risks utterly destroying one, if not two, from your team.

I usually run IM40+Iceman against this pair, chase blue first, to stun Karnak, which buys me time to chase yellow, Recharge, load on blue and then stun lock them both so I can... spend forever chipping away their health. You can understand why I would rather skip this team when I could just be JuggernautGrocketing some 6 other teams in the time it takes me to deal with this one.

How about you? Other than skipping, how do you solve your Bishop problems?


  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 723 Critical Contributor
    I have 36 4* champions and 2 ready to champ but I lack ISO. Which mean I do not have all the options here.
    I run Iceman/Valkyrie/X-23 team to beat him. X-23 to tank dmg, Iceman for stunlock him and Valkyrie to dmg. Most of the time his full Team is Bishop/Peggy/Deapool4. So it is even harder cause of Peggy but doable.

    The other team I run, when it is Bishop/Karmak combo, is Invisible Woman/Juggernaut/KarnakJuggernaut to tank dmg, Susan for team invisibility and Karnak to nuke Bishop. Requires some luck tough.

    Yes, he is a problem. But for me bigger problem is abudance of 4 R&G than Bishop and teams he turn up to 11.
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,203 Chairperson of the Boards
    I never see bishop and Karnak together .

    Apoc has been my counter to Bishop lately being he cannot be stunned and has a massive health pool.

    Personally Apoc/Bobby/Clint has been working nicely for me.
  • Jacklag
    Jacklag Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    Mr_F said:
    Yes, he is a problem. But for me bigger problem is abudance of 4 R&G than Bishop and teams he turn up to 11.
    Well, the abundance of 4* R&G is because it allows you to get easy victories fast against a team that is not tailored to beat them, but the fact that it's so abundant makes teams that are strong against them become great defensive options. Kraven, Sabertooth, anyone that flips enemy tiles. And now Polaris.  
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    bluewolf said:
    This thread will be irrelevant in 5....4.....3....2......
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 723 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2020
    Agree to that. That is why i decided to not chase him (and Bishop) but to enjoy the other 100 4* we have. Especially the ones like Wolfsbane, Wasp or X-23.
    The Bishop and R&G problems in 4* land are similar yet opposite. Bishop requires no specific counter - just a carefull play to not trigger him. Or bring stunner. Yes, he is overpowered and broken. And Annoying. And prolongs fights. And he shut downs 5* tier.
    On the other hand, R&G is not overpowered. He turns others in specfic combos to that level like Carol/Worthy or Juggs/Gamora. And he requires a counter to beat. By that I mean that sure, if you do not bring counter then pray for luck and awesome board.

    Plus one more thing: Bishop needs nerf ASAP (like months before his release) while Rocket requires nothing.