I already own all Legacy Cards. Supply something useful now.

Endbringer Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
Currently I own all legacy cards that can be obtained from booster packs (aside from some Odyssey and Torment) and I'm sure there are many other people in the same boat (ALOT THANKS TO HAVING SPENT A TON OF MONEY ON THIS GAME), yet we still get unnecessary legacy packs for leveling up an entire 6500 xp for the player level (such a let down) and legacy packs and cards are half of our VIP rewards. We will never need anymore legacy packs ever again if we continue to play consistently, especially when spending money, so why do we get sold short for all of our efforts and cash? Instead, we should get standard/vip packs or currency we could actually use like jewels or crystals to replace those legacy packs. Leave booster crafting and booster crafting alone to be the place where people can go for legacy cards.


  • DragonSorcerer
    DragonSorcerer Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
  • FindingHeart8
    FindingHeart8 Posts: 2,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Do those packs work if new sets are transferred to Legacy, or do they (like new standard packs) only work for the game state they were created in?

    It makes a huge difference between being able to stockpile legacy packs and instantly having what you missed on standard packs shifting to legacy,  or the packs being essentially worthless as guaranteed dupes.
  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2020
    Octagon_support wrote this a few days ago in this thread


    — quote start —
    When the Standard format rotates (every Last Set Release of the Year), the VIP (Standard) and Standard Boosters acquired during that Standard format will continue to yield cards from that Standard format.
    Standard Boosters acquired during the new Standard format will contain only cards from the new Standard Format.
    Also, the VIP (Legacy) Boosters acquired during the previous Standard format will not be updated to contain the new Legacy Sets (the ones from the previous Standard Format).

    — quote end —

    so @Endbringer is totally correct, the legacy boosters are useless (except orbs). I think they have missed something in their planning, regarding complete legacy players.
  • FindingHeart8
    FindingHeart8 Posts: 2,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tremayne said:
    Octagon_support wrote this a few days ago in this thread


    — quote start —
    When the Standard format rotates (every Last Set Release of the Year), the VIP (Standard) and Standard Boosters acquired during that Standard format will continue to yield cards from that Standard format.
    Standard Boosters acquired during the new Standard format will contain only cards from the new Standard Format.
    Also, the VIP (Legacy) Boosters acquired during the previous Standard format will not be updated to contain the new Legacy Sets (the ones from the previous Standard Format).

    — quote end —

    so @Endbringer is totally correct, the legacy boosters are useless (except orbs). I think they have missed something in their planning, regarding complete legacy players.
    Well that is sad, VIP eventually becomes useless
  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards
    I assume that the group of players with full-legacy is a (very) small minority. No matter the size of this group, it is really strange that several of Octagons solutions have an upper limit, which prevents the players from contributing to the development of the app.
  • Endbringer
    Endbringer Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    edited August 2020
    Well I also currently have all Standard cards obtainable from packs as well, so it would take waiting for the next new set to go all the way to legacy for any of the none-dupe legacy packs to even grant me new cards and that doesn't include the legacy packs I would collect up to that point for they wouldn't contain those specific cards until the newer set hits legacy. For those who've invested so much into the game that they have no more cards to obtain from packs, you'd think the Devs would wouldn't leave those players hangin to recieve worthless cards and resources like they're currently doing. You'd think those people should be rewarded instead for being whales and filling their pockets, but also people who aren't big spenders should be able to recieve the same common decency and not end up having to stockpile worthless packs that just turn into dusty old runes or orbs. Sure we could all still use some runes for new PWs but runes don't cut it for a duplicate conversion, not even with mana orbs added as a player in my shoes with over 180k orbs and nothing to currently spend them on, will never see that currency as useful except for some exclusives once the next set comes out, which entails I wouldn't buy them in the first place. Aside from that my orbs may come in handy if I up and stop playing for a while and stop spending just to make them useful. I'd have to wait until 2 sets from now when I could use them for the cards from the next set and that's to say I didn't already complete the set which could require spending which is something you'd think the Devs would want...
  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2020
    My suggestions are;

    No Runes
    No orbs
    Substitute (compared to current Master VIP)
    Legacy booster -> standard booster
    Mythic booster -> jewels
    Basic legacy booster -> jewels
  • Endbringer
    Endbringer Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    Non duplicate vanguard packs. A currency used specifically to obtain PWs. A better amount of jewels and crystals. The option to pull from any vanguard set at any time.
  • Vorazg
    Vorazg Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    Easiest fix, if you already have all the legacy cards possible, legacy packs yield whatever non-dupes are available that you don't already have (so most likely standard).

    Additional idea, if you already have all cards available for everything, non-dupe packs could then yield say an automatic 500 orbs.

  • Zzyzzx
    Zzyzzx Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    I don't have the best answer to fit everybody's needs, but those legacy packs (non-dupe or otherwise) aren't useful to me.
    I'd rather "gift" them to my teammates that don't have full Legacy collections rather than just watch them collect dust.
    That is, if exchanging them for Standard (not current) packs or some other non-rune form of currency isn't on the table.
  • Enygma6
    Enygma6 Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    Some way to exchange the Legacy packs for a useable set would be nice.  
    Even if it's 1:1 Guaranteed Non-Dupe Legacy pack to a regular Odyssey or Torment pack, or for one of the VS or a Vanguard Rare pack.  
    As it is, I've stopped opening packs from "completed" sets.  There's no incentive for me to get into my 75 Legacy packs.  
    If Vanguards would go into regular packs once they hit Legacy, I might have a use for the 338 packs from the Ravnica block that are sitting around in my Vault.  But for now they collect virtual dust.  
    I've taken to collecting unique unopened prize packs, as any cards gained from opening such wouldn't be worth the time to watch the animation.  (I'm sure someone out there has more than me, but I'm sitting on 61 unique packs, under 48 banners, to give an idea of how ridiculous this has gotten.)
  • Horadrim
    Horadrim Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    edited August 2020
    I am currently sitting on 1 million orbs with almost full collection (just missing Gideon vanguard and two missed holiday cards) so I have basically nothing more to spend the orbs on, almost 10 million runes and I currently have all available PW so nothing to spend runes on. I still have a lot of unopened packs from event rewards. I wish there is a way to convert currencies, or allow us to just share the resources to coalition mates. Currency converting mechanism just like the "Horadric Cube" in Diablo lore will be helpful.
  • Smokincookz
    Smokincookz Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    I agree with @Tremayne. Allow us conversions to redeem the full value of what we spent money on... anything less is basically robbery. Had I known that my last few Legacy packs would not be updated, I’d have not bought my last month of VIP. With the “white circle loading” issue, I could not get to the main menu in the last few days.

     I think I’ll be requesting a refund for that last VIP month- unlike the changes made to Standard VIP packs being delayed to give us a chance to use them up, there is no grace period for our butchered Legacy VIP packs.

    Marcela, you are amazing, and I really appreciate your constantly being the herald for the players’ voices. 
    While having flexible VIP options is a nice idea, I think we need to take care of the packs we purchased before we are asked to spend more money. I’d like to see Oktagon finish the old chapter before starting a new one... not just leave us with “your extra packs are now worthless”.
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kudos for a well-constructed proposal. 
  • naabaldan
    naabaldan Posts: 633 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2020
    I would catagorize the player base into different groups:
    • Group A they own only a few cards and have a lack of everthing
    • Group B they own a good base of standard cards but have a lack of legacy cards
    • Group C they own an (almost) complete standard set and a high aoumt legacy cards
    • Group D they own everything and have resources like hell
    Current card base (4247):
    Legacy 1162 commons, 1178 uncommons, 961 rares, 622 mystics and 179 masterpieces
    Standard 585 commons, 554 uncommons, 491 rares, 331 mystics and 100 masterpieces (vanguards included)
    145 full art cards, 87 currently obtainable
    For Group A players vip-packs are only to save for future use, as it is a waste to open them just to get mostly commons and uncommons only, resources are zero
    Group B players will benefit from standard and vip-packs but have a hard time to fill there legacy collection and will keep the legacy packs until all commons and uncommons are owned, always short on resources
    Group C players will get the most out of vip as they can use every pack and see how there collection grows celebrating each chaise card they get from those packs, save resources for pw's and special interests
    Group D players: benefit only form vip-packs until the new set is complete, this may take up to 6 weeks. kept standard packs in a small amount are of some value in case exclusive cards from the prior set can be optained that way when the new set is available (current policy), hording resources to be ready for new stuff
    a solution (?):
    Limit vip packs to nonduplicate rares/mystics/masterpieces, add special standard/legacy packs including only nondupe commons and/or uncommons in a higher amount (like 25 standard/50 legacy) to allow filling the cardbase in a resonable time.
    introduce vip coins to replace vip packs.
    build a vip-shop that enables vip-users to buy rescources, pw's, nondupe booster packs separated by sets, vanguards, full art cards already released, new deck-slots and special offers from those vip-coins
    To prevent vip-users from filling a complete new set within an hour after release, some items maybe limited to a certain amount within one week (or any other reasonable timeframe) so they can't be bought in hugh amounts.
    The number of vip-coins earned should differ with the selected vip-plan and vip-tier.
    You may also introduce new stuff and gimmics to be enabled form vip-coins like creating a very own title in the profiles, add favorite deck slots, enhancements of event-rewards, multiple crafting with one click, "open all" button for saved packs and more
    Allow trading of resources, this maybe easily done by adding a special command in the ingame chat, allowing to donate an amount of resources to another member of the coalition, for example
    #donate x resourcetype to $name
    alternatively pop up a dialog where you can select the coalition member, the resource type and the amount of resources to trade activated by a command button with in the ingame chat
    or both.
    Allow the exchange of resources to any currency for a reasonable rate
    Thats it.

  • naabaldan
    naabaldan Posts: 633 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2020
    Changed @ Symbole to $ sign because of special use in the donate command line
  • Opperstamper
    Opperstamper Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    madwren said:
    Kudos for a well-constructed proposal. 
    Seconded! Sounds like enough flexibility to feel in control of your needs, yet easy enough to have maximum transparency.