Designing a new power: focused blow

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It seems today I slept a bit more and Im feeling inspired. So I started to think about powers.
Right now the meta powers are mostly cheap and with multiple hits. Those are the best because they can be improved by damage multipliers like strike tiles or special ones like apocalypse or okoye.
But that made me think multiple hits are not really hero-like.
There are 2 existing powers I thought they were more like this, got your six and fast ball. Going airbone and delivering the blow. Those powers are similar on the concept that one hero launchs another one.  As a sidenote heroes who can fly(or jump high) could do a power as this one by themselves delivering a powerful blow after going airbone, and not just a free power.
But still I was thinking what type of power was really hero-like. 
And I thought a focused blow accumulating energy, yes that was more like it.
Kind of like thanos in the way that is an atack the enemy will be nervous trying to stop no matter what.
But its needed to be more cheap on this meta. So roughly the focused blow could be like this:
7AP. The character is stunned for 1 turn and goes in front with a %damage reduction. 
Turn 2. Char delivers the blow dealing ... damage or he chooses to keep focusing stunned for 1 turn. 
Turn 3. Char delivers the blow after all strike tiles are improved by ... and damage multipliers are doubled and the enemy is sent airbone 2 turns.
Or turn 4 ....
Yes, now that is a powerful super hero-like atack.