**** Anti-Venom (Eddie Brock) ****



  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,399 Chairperson of the Boards
    I actually had a lot of fun pairing Vulture with my undercovered iHulk and the loaner Anti-Venom. Just kept Vulture airborne, while iHulk got knocked down but back up again all the time. After AV was downed, the match slowed down a bit, but still a sure victory.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    DeNappa said:
    I actually had a lot of fun pairing Vulture with my undercovered iHulk and the loaner Anti-Venom. Just kept Vulture airborne, while iHulk got knocked down but back up again all the time. After AV was downed, the match slowed down a bit, but still a sure victory.

    I used this strat against riri/bobbi/goon yesterday.  but it's less reliable there because bobbi's purple will drain black unless you have a high-level IH.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought Vulture would shine, but not. I cleared at first try with yelena. She flew away with the illegal lordstar hit (being a woman she could take less damage).
    But the battle ended with 2 perfect antivenom Ihulk. 
    In fact  antivenom heals so much that just chasing red and not taking a huge hit it can be cleared.
  • Michael1957
    Michael1957 Posts: 630 Critical Contributor
    I tried Hulkoye 3 times never got close even with supports ...sent in the whales as well . Okoye was one punched 3 different times .
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,851 Chairperson of the Boards
    I tried Hulkoye 3 times never got close even with supports ...sent in the whales as well . Okoye was one punched 3 different times .
    I feel like you have lousy luck. My Hulkoye wasn't even threatened.
  • Rhipf
    Rhipf Posts: 295 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2020
    Thanx 4 the Valerie suggestion. I was sure this was another training that wouldn't be completed but actually made it past day 3. 8^)
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,966 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2020
    It's interesting how much of the time, after a few days the new 4's thread stops being about a middling character and more about how to beat those pain-in-the-neck nodes and get the rewards in Welcome to Shield.

    Anti-Venom is nothing special; I've used him in PVE and PVP (and the other events) and he's got great art. And it's nice to see a different (not a variant) character (I like the original quite a bit).

    But I think our initial assessment stands.....I'm not even sure he's good enough to fill a spot on a Spider-team unless you are missing other options and are desperate to run a web team.

    That purple is just bad.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Umm, if anti-venom is not a variant character, I don't know who is.  He is a palette-swapped venom suit on a the most popular host character.  He's as much of a new character as iron spider or Ms. Marvel.
    As for the kit, I agree he is meh.  The need to max black to make red effective is really bad. But I don't hate the purple.  It's a weaker version of Kitty's power, but 4* land won't suffer for more ways to deal with enemy CDs and repeaters.  It was very meh with just 3 covers, but I think it might be somewhat useful at 5 covers when it proc's every turn.  It does clear out all adjacent specials which is nice, and unlike some other similar-style powers (e.g. stranger's purple), this one is reasonably cheap.  I am not convinced that it is good, but I want to expermenting a bit more before declaring it bad.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2020
    Actually, 5/5/3 could work. Most of the time, you can't get decent damage from his red after 1st use, unless you are going in with a low health character or facing opponents like R4G/Juggernaut and variations of such team.

    I'd pair him with SMIW, who need to tank 4/7 colours to be effective. Then use Domino to generate black tiles and help Anti-Venom generate web tiles for SMIW to use his red. This will be my first champed Anti-Venom team once I champ him next year. The typical Spidey teams / Web tile teams will be tested by other players by then.

    If we are talking about his Crash, 5/3/5 is the way to go. Let him soak in damage or go in with 50% health while building black and red ap. 
  • Michael1957
    Michael1957 Posts: 630 Critical Contributor
    Too many prerequisites to make his powers useful , his red is useless with a healing tank. His purple wanders the board aimlessly unless you’re spam tile flooded. It doesn’t work on invisible trap tiles . There are better synergistic spider friends .  They’ve been good recently (4*)but this one Maria Hilled it. 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,562 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not really liking him, sure the healing is nice but my iHulk is not in a good shape and my Spidey 2099 is a baby champed 4 so I am stuck on the last two nodes at present and Anti-Venom isn't able to keep up like Misty and Hellcat did. I think he will be a 4* I might just let accumulate organically rather than chase any more covers.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,966 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx said:
    Umm, if anti-venom is not a variant character, I don't know who is.  He is a palette-swapped venom suit on a the most popular host character.  He's as much of a new character as iron spider or Ms. Marvel.
    As for the kit, I agree he is meh.  The need to max black to make red effective is really bad. But I don't hate the purple.  It's a weaker version of Kitty's power, but 4* land won't suffer for more ways to deal with enemy CDs and repeaters.  It was very meh with just 3 covers, but I think it might be somewhat useful at 5 covers when it proc's every turn.  It does clear out all adjacent specials which is nice, and unlike some other similar-style powers (e.g. stranger's purple), this one is reasonably cheap.  I am not convinced that it is good, but I want to expermenting a bit more before declaring it bad.
    I suppose it's a bit of a matter of opinion re: is he a variant.  Same person, different symbiote and powers and approach to things (heroic vs villain, although they did move pretty early in his comic career to transition him to a hero).

    The reason I don't like purple so much is because it's got to be at 5 covers to be somewhat useful, and it's hard to move the other, more immediately useful ones, down to bump up a power that only spawns on purple tiles randomly and might spend its time ticking down next to 0 special tiles and accomplish nothing other than placing a web tile after 2 turns.  And if there are no purples next to specials it won't eat them.  It's just too conditional to be useful for me.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,562 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2020
    As a slight aside: The above conversation reminds me of one I had on facebook a few years back about whether legacy or existing characters taking on new identities qualified as being "new creations". The sample we were initially discussing was D.ick*/Richard Grayson when he became Nightwing. A few comic book professionals weighed in but I don't think there was any real conclusion drawn. At least with Anti-Venom he does have a different set of superpowers rather than just a costume change or name change. I guess the question is Anti-Venom a variation on the symbiote Venom or a new identity for Eddie Brock? The answer appears to be both so I guess he might fit in alongside Jane Foster Thor or Beta Ray Bill as being technically a "new" character albeit with a "legacy" link.
    *Note to Mods - I hope it is appreciated that the asterixed word is not any attempt at profanity (well beyond talking about a DC character on a Marvel based game forum...) and is simply the most popular used version of this characters name. If it breaks rules anyway then of course do as you must.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    DAZ0273 said:

    *Note to Mods - I hope it is appreciated that the asterixed word is not any attempt at profanity (well beyond talking about a DC character on a Marvel based game forum...) and is simply the most popular used version of this characters name. If it breaks rules anyway then of course do as you must.
    Note to the new superhero forum Flagman, better said. How much do we love those  sweet trophies!. :D:wink:
    About antivenom, I think his purple is just his own way to make webs that just has a maybe wide unnecesary conditional effects.
    I think first he is a char for pve.
    And second I think he is better suited for really strong 5* chars who tank all damage and then he can shine healing and damaging at same time, an effect not bat at all.
    Being Ihulk his most loved partner.
    And with spid2099 the third or maybe okoye, who knows maybe antivenom could save a healthpack or two.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hey guys, this may be a very stupid question but, why is anti-venom unstunable ? I dont see anything in his powers that states so. I could not stun him with Mr Fantastic blue and also with somebody else I think it was also Thanos passive during his event (did I dream this???).
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,562 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bad said:
    DAZ0273 said:

    *Note to Mods - I hope it is appreciated that the asterixed word is not any attempt at profanity (well beyond talking about a DC character on a Marvel based game forum...) and is simply the most popular used version of this characters name. If it breaks rules anyway then of course do as you must.
    Note to the new superhero forum Flagman, better said. How much do we love those  sweet trophies!. :D:wink:
    About antivenom, I think his purple is just his own way to make webs that just has a maybe wide unnecesary conditional effects.
    I think first he is a char for pve.
    And second I think he is better suited for really strong 5* chars who tank all damage and then he can shine healing and damaging at same time, an effect not bat at all.
    Being Ihulk his most loved partner.
    And with spid2099 the third or maybe okoye, who knows maybe antivenom could save a healthpack or two.

    Yeah I think you are right and with my iHulk in sad shape he isn't doing much for me but I can see how great he could be on the right team.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    Polares said:
    Hey guys, this may be a very stupid question but, why is anti-venom unstunable ?
    In the last node of Introducing.. Anti-Venom event, it is specifically mentioned in the flavour text that he can't be stunned or sent airborne.
    Thanxs! I guess I missed that, and it was driving me crazy!
  • Rhipf
    Rhipf Posts: 295 Mover and Shaker
    I am REALLY getting tired of all these normally stunable characters gaining stun resistance for certain node of various events. I find it especially strange to add an anti-stun ability to a character in one or two nodes of their introduction event. If you don't want us to be able to stun a character then add that to their normal abilities otherwise lay off with adding unstunable abilities for one or two nodes only.
    The same can be said for temporary abilities blocking a character from going airborne.
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    Purple is definitely underwhelming. It tends to shuffle uselessly around the board in my experience. Having to wait two turns for nothing to happen is pretty frustrating. 

    In the spirit of curing it could be set to create webs on all the surrounding purple and yellow (possibly other colours too as you go up in covers) tiles as well as removing specials. You could also add a condition that if there are no other basic purples on the board then it expires causing damage. That way it boosts the effectiveness of his red and means that as you cycle through the purples there’s less chance of the tile expiring harmlessly because there was still one or more enemy specials when you run out of basic purple tiles. 
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    There are some effects I tried myself out of curiosity and just raises A LOT his value:
    - he doesnt need to fully healing for fully damaging with his pasive.
    - strike tiles add to his passive as I wondered before
    -sinergy with yellow apocalypse is just brutal and nearing buggy. The damage adds to his passive firing red.
    The damage when healing black SCALATES. Kind of a bug.