Your Pull Results: Killmonger in Latest Legends

PiMacleod Posts: 1,801 Chairperson of the Boards
Here's my video record of the pull....

I think I did rather well.


  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 608 Critical Contributor

    Pulled. VERY happy with the results! before pulling, I had;

    Killmonger 1/0/1

    Onslaught 0/0/0

    Apoc 0/0/0

    With all cascading rewards, I had approx 260 pulls

    I got (and was able to champ all of them)

    16 Killmonger

    15 Apocalypse

    15 Onslaught

    I also got enough covers to champ 2 of my 4 4stars that weren't champed (Wolfsbane+Patsy) leaving only Legion and Misty unchamped (including all limited).

    I ALSO got Shuri from 300 to 314 to get my last cover needed for Okoye (currently 4/9/3).

    This was a good pull day.

  • Sithforever
    Sithforever Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    52 Pulls got me 4 5s so OK percentage. 
    2 Killmonger
    2 Onslaught (Champed)
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    Went 10/43 so unbelievably good pull rate (very unusual for me). Otoh I didn’t manage to pull a killmonger until the final
    pull. Still, more covers for apocalypse and onslaught is nice and, at least I can play the 5e when killmonger rolls around. Pulls were a bit sticky, I got three 5s in a row twice in that sequence. 
    Overall, pretty happy. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was trying to finish Yelena, so only three pulls so far. That said, I got Killmonger on the second one, and one of the others was a Magik, which is cool because I'm chasing her to finish up Hela.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,398 Chairperson of the Boards
    Decided to pull until I got Killmonger so I could roster him. Got him on 16th pull, so that wasn't too bad. Got an extra Apocalypse (now 5/2/2) and Onslaught (now 1/1/1) cover along the way as well. Can't really keep up with the 5* releases so I think I'm back to hoarding a bit more (only 32 pulls saved now).
  • Kwahder
    Kwahder Posts: 180 Tile Toppler


    Apocalypse 0/0/1 + 1040 shards 

    Onslaught 1/0/0 + 230 shards

    Killmonger 0/0/0 + 515 shards 

    Target: Okoye 2/2/1 + 279 shards 

    Apocalypse 4/6/2 + 1040 shards 
    Onslaught 3/3/5 + 230 shards
    Killmonger 4/1/10 + 515 shards 
    Target: Okoye 2/2/1 + 926 shards
    Apoc champed, and I can finish up the other two later - maybe by shards?
    199 pulls, 36 5* covers = one 5* every 5.5 pulls, so I’m pretty pleased

    Of course now, for the first time in years, I’m completely out of ISO. Thank god its double ISO week.

  • Heartbreaksoup
    Heartbreaksoup Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    I had 34 LLs.  It took 22 to get my first 5*.  Happily it was Killmonger.  I'll save the rest for the next 5* because I don't want to get 12 more 4*s and luck and feeling are pointing that way right now even if statistics aren't necessarily.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,412 Chairperson of the Boards
    Based on my recent poll everyone advised me to target apocalypse. I was against it at first but decided to go along since he will be leaving latest next and I didn’t want to wait for god knows how long before he gets a feeder to complete.

    Started off with my latest tokens. Burn through all 38 I earned since my last pull and only got 1x apocalypse and 3x killmonger. That’s a miserable 10.5%. Not a good start, but I still have my command points to back me up. Hoping things will turn around. 

    After another 100 pull using command points, it wasn’t getting any better. It took 61 pulls before even another 5* dropped but it eventually clawed back up to 11% with 5x killmonger, 5x onslaught and 1x apocalypse. 
    At this point I checked and saw my apocalypse sitting at 9 covers with enough shards to get 2 more. Only 1 more than what I started with. Still would require 2 more drops but I was only a few hundred shards away from another cover. Maybe only 1 more if I get lucky. Apply all the 4* champion levels and pull another 7 latest tokens. Got another killmonger. 14% but sample size is too small. 
    Proceed to pull more with my command points. Took another 51 pulls before I got the 2x apocalypse covers I needed to finish. Was only 47 shards/16 pulls away anyway. The other 5*s were 4x onslaught and 3x killmonger. That’s 17.6%. Apocalypse is championed, same with onslaught but he had 5 extra champion levels. Killmonger sitting at 1/5/4 with 2 saved covers. 
    Overall, I got 25/196 pulls, 12.7%. Not great but it could have been worst. 
  • Reecoh
    Reecoh Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    My Apoc was already covered, so I went in looking for my first Killmonger. It took 48 pulls for Killmonger to show up. The overall 5-star pull rate was very good though: I got 9 total including a run of 4 (which expanded to 5 in 6) for an overall 18.75% pull rate netting 6 Apocs (lvl 461), 2 Onslaught (4/2/1), 1 Killmonger (0/1/0).

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 746 Critical Contributor
    Hello. My name is Noone. The one who use X-23 in PVE and PVP.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards

    18 apocalypse 
    6 KM
    7 Onslaught 

    funny that I got so many apocalypse leaving my KM and onslaught unchamp... but I am very happy with my pulls. 
  • AlexNapalm
    AlexNapalm Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    Had a great pull rate. 12/40. 

    4 Apocs (all champ levels)
    5 Onslaughts (11 covers total)
    3 Killmongers

    Back to hording until Apoc is out. I'll likely get Onslaught champed through shards so I may as well horde until he is gone as well. 
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not keeping track of exact pulls, but I know I've pulled 5 KM and only 2 Apoc so far. I have the shards for another Apoc, but he's at 2/2/4, so I want to see if I can pull either a Black or Red before pushing the shards into the other color so hopefully limit the time I will surely get stalled out on Yellow covers. Oh, and I think 2 Onslaughts which brought him to 5/1/4, so he's also poised to get stuck even after I used Shards for a Green.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,408 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have zero Killmongers. The Mongers will not be killing in my MPQ.