Misty Knight's Bionic Beatdown, and This Is Control, not dealing damage as stated

JSP869 Posts: 827 Critical Contributor
Bionic Beatdown's power text reads: "Deals xxx damage to the target. Then, deals an additional yyy damage for each fortified tile on the board..."

However, if the xxx damage downs the target, the additional yyy damage does not hit the next target.

The text does not say that it "Deals xxx damage to the target plus an additional yyy damage..."
It says that it deals xxx damage to the target. Then, (completely new sentence) deals additional yyy damage for each fortified tile...
"Then" means the additional damage should occur after the original damage is dealt.

ALL powers with multi-hit effects in the game all work this way. Daken, Sabretooth, Apocalypse, etc., and so Misty Knight's Bionic Beatdown should also work this way.

This Is Control's text states that it "deals xxx damage to the target and creates Y Attack tiles in a chosen row. For each Attack tile created on either team's strongest color, fortify that tile and deal zzz damage."

I just downed one opponent with This Is Control's base damage. 2 Attack tiles were created on black (my team's strongest color), however, the zzz damage was not dealt to the next target.

If these powers are working as intended, the text should be corrected to accurately reflect how the damage is dealt.

Bionic Beatdown should read something like: "Deal xxx damage to the target plus an additional yyy damage..."
while This Is Control should read something like: "create Y Attack tiles in a chosen row. Deal xxx damage to the target plus zzz damage for each Attack tile created on either team's strongest color, then fortify those tiles."

These are little changes, but they are important changes. Unfortunately I doubt anything will be changed or fixed because you still have not corrected the text for Riri's Magnetic Repulsors, which has been incorrectly worded since her release over 3 years ago.

That said, given that the game exists in far more languages than just English, if we have Forum dwellers who play the game in a language other than English, I'm actually very curious as to how the wording for Misty's and Riri's powers are phrased in those languages.

Perhaps it's worded correctly in other languages, and it's only the English version where it's wrong.