Raising Level Button

The new Raise Level to the max level, button, was a kind of good invention... But you went about it the wrong way I think... Let's say I get 1 Prodical Token, 3 Heroic Tokens and Buy a 10 pack Prodical... And luckily I get myself 5 Punisher covers that I ever so need, along side 2 Invisible Girl and a Hulk, to add to my covers I own already... What's the odds I have the exact (or more) ISO that is needed to level them all to max level... I believe what you should've done is;
Check how much ISO I own (let's say 26922).
Check covers. (let's say I own 12 of either of them)
Check what level they can reach. (let's say 130)
Then the button should tell me: "Use 26854 ISO-8 to raise level to 84" (or whatever).
Because sometimes my ISO reaches a nice amount that I can raise my heroes by 40-50 levels and holding that button for like 2-3 minutes is a little tedious and unnecessary, (no matter the time length) when an event has no time to waste and we shouldn't have to waste time either.