Immortal Hulk Suggestion

HuracanDolor Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
Since the inception of Kitty Pride there has been a rash of “Meta characters” and we watched you guys spend a long time and quite a few characters to come up with “counters” to that one specific character instead of nerfing her. Well, here we are again with Immortal Hulk, if you guys run some tests against a Immortal Hulk/Okoye/Bishop team, you will see that they are virtually unbeatable. Here’s a suggestion, can you please remove the buff from Okoye that Hulk receives, when she adds up teamup tiles? It should work the same way 5* Thor passive works, he damages the enemy when at 50% health but does not receive a damage buff from Okoye. It’ll only make the game more fair by not adding unbeatable teams.