New Character - **** Legion (David Haller) ****

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Legion (David Haller)

4-Star Rarity (Legendary)
Affiliations: Heroes, Mutants

"David Haller's mind is home to over 200 different personas, each with their own incredible mutant power. As the son of Professor Charles Xavier, David has the potential to be the most powerful mutant the world has ever seen. To do so, he must learn to conquer his inner demons, quell the chaos within his mind, and finally embrace his father's legacy."  

(Abilities listed at level 70, followed by 270)   
3779 Health / 13995 Health
 37 |  10 |  8 |  42 |  33 |  9 |  23 |  3.8x
 74 |  13 |  11 |  85 |  65 |  12 |  43 |  3.8x

Tyrannix the Abominoid - 6  AP
David taps into the powers of Tyrannix to read the enemy's mind. Choose a tile to become a 1-turn Repeater tile that destroys 1 enemy AP in its color.

(PASSIVE) At turn start, if you have more Red than Purple AP, this power becomes Ksenia Nadedja Panov, and David's Purple and Red match damages swap.
  • Level 2: Repeater tiles destroy 2 AP each turn.
  • Level 3: No change.
  • Level 4: No change.
  • Level 5: Repeater tiles destroy 3 AP each turn.
Ksenia Nadedja Panov - 6  AP
This discus champion and Moscow heiress allows David to create deadly ionic energy blades from his fingertips. Deals 463 damage, ignoring Protect tiles. Deals 139 extra damage for each Tyrannix the Abominoid tile in the target's colors. (Max level 902/271 damage)

(PASSIVE) At turn start, if you have more Purple than Red AP, this power becomes Tyrannix the Abominoid, and David's Red and Purple match damages swap.
  • Level 2: Deals 695 damage, plus 185 for each Repeater in the enemy's colors. (Max level 1353/360 damage)
  • Level 3: Deals 917 damage, plus 232 for each Repeater in the enemy's colors. (Max level 1786/453 damage)
  • Level 4: Deals 1250 damage, plus 417 for each Repeater in the enemy's colors. (Max level 2435/813 damage)
  • Level 5: Deals 2037 damage, plus 695 for each Repeater in the enemy's colors. (Max level 3969/1355 damage)
K-Zek the Conduit - 6  AP
K-Zek's energy manipulating powers turn the enemy's strength against them. Choose a color. Deals 383 damage plus 48 damage for each AP the opponent has more of than you in that color, then destroys 2 of that enemy AP. (Max level 745/93 damage)

(PASSIVE) At turn start, if you have more Black than Yellow AP, this power becomes The Delusionaut, and David's Black and Yellow match damages swap.
  • Level 2: Deals 536 damage, plus 67 damage for each extra AP the enemy has. (Max level 1043/130 damage)
  • Level 3: Deals 689 damage, plus 86 damage for each extra AP the enemy has. (Max level 1341/167 damage)
  • Level 4: Deals 919 damage, plus 115 damage for each extra AP the enemy has. (Max level 1788/223 damage)
  • Level 5: Deals 1486 damage, plus 186 damage for each extra AP the enemy has. (Max level 2891/361 damage)
The Delusionaut - 6  AP
David channels the powers of The Delusionaut to create himself a momentary reprieve. Creates a Black Invisibility tile targeting David, then restores 232 health. Grants a burst of 166 health to a random ally if the enemy has 0 AP in any color (excluding Team-Up) (Max level 453/323 Health)

(PASSIVE) At turn start, if you have more Yellow than Black AP, this power becomes K-Zek the Conduit, and David's Yellow and Black match damages swap.
  • Level 2: Grants a burst of 232 health. (Max level 453/452 Health)
  • Level 3: Restores 483 health and grants a burst of 299 health. (Max level 942/581 Health)
  • Level 4: Restores 986 health and grants a burst of 432 health. (Max level 1925/840 Health)
  • Level 5: Restores 1991 health and grants a burst of 697 health. (Max level 3887/1357 Health)
The Mycojester - 6  AP
With the help of The Mycojester, David releases debilitating toxic spores across the battlefield. Creates a 1-turn Repeater tile that replicates itself on an adjacent basic tile, leaving behind a strength 42 Attack tile. (Max level strength 81 tile)

(PASSIVE) At turn start, if you have more Blue than Green AP, this power becomes The Origamist, and David's Blue and Green match damages swap.
  • Level 2: Creates Attack tiles of strength 60. (Max level strength 115 tile)
  • Level 3: Creates Attack tiles of strength 76. (Max level strength 147 tile)
  • Level 4: Creates Attack tiles of strength 89. (Max level strength 172 tile)
  • Level 5: Creates 2 Repeater tiles which create Attack tiles of strength 89. (Max level 2x strength 172 tiles)
The Origamist - 6  AP
David calls forth The Origamist, a powerful reality bender, to eliminate enemy threats. Removes an enemy Strike, Protect, or Attack tile and Fortifies a friendly special tile, then improves a friendly Strike, Protect, or Attack tile by 37. (Max level 72 improvement)

(PASSIVE) At turn start, if you have more Green than Blue AP, this power becomes The Mycojester, and David's Green and Blue match damages swap.
  • Level 2: Removes 2 enemy Strike, Protect, or Attack tiles.
  • Level 3: Fortifies 2 special tiles, and improves a friendly Strike, Protect, or Attack tile by 56. (Max level 108 improvement)
  • Level 4: Removes 3 enemy Strike, Protect, or Attack tiles, and improves a friendly Strike, Protect, or Attack tile by 104. (Max level 202 improvement)
  • Level 5: Fortifies 3 special tiles, and improves a friendly Strike, Protect, or Attack tile by 242. (Max level 470 improvement)

Release Schedule

Store Offerings

Legion & Friends - June 18 - 23

  • 80 Item Vault
    • 3x 4-Stars
      • 1x Random Legion (David Haller) cover
      • 1x Random Medusa (Inhuman Queen) cover
      • 1x Random 4-Star cover
  • 7x Tokens
    • 1x Legendary token
    • 1x Mighty Token
    • 2x Heroic Tokens
    • 3x Beginner Support tokens
  • 6x Iso-8
    • 1x 5,000 Iso-8
    • 2x 2,500 Iso-8
    • 3x 1,000 Iso-8
  • 15x 3-Stars
    • 3x Black Panther (T’Challa)
    • 12x Random 3-Star covers
  • 49x 2-Stars
    • 10x Captain Marvel (Ms. Marvel)
    • 39x Random 2-Star covers

Release Debut:

Deadpool Vs. MPQ - June 18 - 23

  • Legion (David Haller) In placement rewards

Introducing… Legion - June 18 - 25

  • Legion (David Haller) Shards
  • Tokens to the Legion & Friends Vault

Featured Event:

Lost in Time - June 22 - 26

  • Legion (David Haller) as a progression reward

Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D. - June 21 - 26

  • Legion (David Haller) Shards
  • Tokens to the Legion & Friends Vault

Versus Tournament:

A Change of Mind - June 21 - 24

  • Legion (David Haller) as a progression reward
  • Rewards tokens to the Legion & Friends Vault