Change Facebook Account?

Katai Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
edited November 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
Is there a way to change which facebook account I'm using? Right now it's attached to my main facebook, and I'm absolutely certain my aunts and uncles aren't playing Marvel Puzzle Quest, which makes the whole Reinforcements thing completely worthless.


  • I'm also wondering about this. I actually posted the question in another thread on the forum here (viewtopic.php?f=7&t=665#p7605) and as was suggested, i send an in-game ticket and I'm currently waiting for a reply. I'll share it here when I hear something back.
  • I went into Facebook and removed Puzzle Quest's access to my Facebook account. Then when I launch the app, it prompts me to log in again. At which point, I logged in with a different Facebook account. Problem solved for me at least.
  • Thanks, deleting access to my original FB account worked like a charm.
  • Thanks, NFHQ43. Needed this as I originally made the mistake of using my real FB. Can't see why you shouldn't be able to choose, or at least make it so there's only people who actually have the game.
  • Thanks NFHQ43! I didnt think of removing it via facebook itself but it worked like a charm.
    I instantly received about 10K iso, 8 covers and a couple boosts. icon_e_smile.gif
  • So if you remove it from Facebook, you can then sync your saved data to a new account without losing any progress?
  • Yes, i didnt loose any of my progress when changing accounts.
    Therefore i assume that its merely a backup from your phone's data. So i guess that when you loose the progress on your phone you can use facebook to restore it, for example when reinstalling the game.
  • Is anyone doing this using iOS? If so how did you go about still using your normal facebook account?

    I made my mpq facebook account the default one on my phone and then went into the game to connect to that account. That worked, and the app then appeared on the mpq facebook account. So long as the app has access to that facebook account, can I now switch back to my normal facebook account on my phone without any problems?
  • I'm using an android phone myself, but i guess it should work the same for iOS. After you have linked MPQ to your MPQ facebook account you can switch back to your normal account on your phone and MPQ will still be linked to the MPQ account.
  • I got an android phone. But when I remove the app from my Facebook. I just get the message ingame that it failed to login "try again later".....
  • I think I got it working by removing my facebook account from my phone (facebook app).
  • Just so everyone is aware, Facebook will very likely figure out that you've made a duplicate account. Mine didn't last a day.