feature request: filtering opponent's decks

Heartstone Posts: 233 Tile Toppler
This post is caused by a freeze in today's Titanomachy event. My opponent was playing finale of revelation  and  it froze the game just before I could have killed him.
This is a known bug, and will be fixed in 4.2.
But it's just an example of a bigger problem in this game: irrelevant or dangerous (AKA freezing risk) decks.
Ifa player is unaware of the bug or accepts to take the risk, it's his problem.
But punishing players because of someone else's mistake is not acceptable, and that's exactly what happens when we get a freeze because of some random deck on which we have absolutely no control.
So, I would like to ask you to implement a deck selection.

Basically,  before adding a deck to the pool of available opponents,  do a simple check:

IF deck contains 1 or more cards of "known bugged" list
THEN do not add

It's pretty simple, and should be implemented on the server side, so the "known bad" list can be updated without having to update the app.
This feature would already remove a lot of frustration on this game.

Oh, and if you want to invest a bit more time in this filter, it could also be used to remove irrelevant decks, like (just an example) creatureless decks for events with "kill x or more creatures" objective.


  • Julie71
    Julie71 MTGPQ Mod Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    I like that idea.  Maybe they could add something to the card itself. When it's the card that is faulty.  But unfortunately the finale cards by themselves are not faulty it's the exile effect that triggers jumpstart/buried cards.  But only if they are in the graveyard.  So I'm not sure how they would be able to implement that.  But it definitely is something that @Oktagon_Support could look into
  • Nyarlathotep
    Nyarlathotep Posts: 92 Match Maker
    edited May 2020
    I really like where this is going.
    Like some kind of blacklist for known and bugged effects. (sometimes it's not the card itself) 
    If a card includes a known bugged effect, the deck simply will not show up as a possible opponent.
    Not sure if it is that easy to implement though, sometimes even the best of our bug researchers dont have a clue. 😉 

  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since people can’t seem to practice good sportsmanship, I suppose this seems like a good solution, though I think a faster solution would be to just block those cards from use in PvP all together. 
  • Avahad
    Avahad Posts: 296 Mover and Shaker
    or check they don’t break before releasing content.

    or fix them faster... maybe a 1 hour maintenance each week with bug fixes.

    this is something that goes round and round tho. Is it bad sportsmanship? Should we potentially cripple our own decks and jeopardise our rewards by omitting these cards? We will be facing people not on the forum/fb/reddit/discord who won’t be doing the same. 
    Should an in game message go out saying- this card(s) are broken- we aren’t fixing this just yet but please be an angel and don’t use it in the meantime?

  • jtwood
    jtwood Posts: 1,285 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like this

    But I should point out that the in-game ticketing process has been very good as a point of remediation in these circumstances. When this has impacted me, I’ve taken screenshots of the game and log. At the end, if that loss would have impacted my final rank, I submit a ticket. They have always compensated the difference. 
  • Abracadavers
    Abracadavers Posts: 76 Match Maker
    I don't think they should implement something like this.

    Let me explain.  It isn't because I wouldn't want it to work like this, it is just hat as a software developer myself I can imagine how much time this particular modification would take.  As someone above mentioned, it isn't just whether or not a particular card is bugged, it's whether a card is bugged in an interaction with any number of other cards as well.  So it isn't just flagging a card as bugged, it is flagging different combinations of cards.  And the logic for that gets complicated very quickly.  In addition storage of this information would probably require changes to their database structure which could in turn cause changes to be required all throughout the app and back end software.  And even if none of this is true, maintaining any such lists is a chore that takes time.  Time that would be better off used to actually fix the bugs.
