My idea to fix the Supports

wolfknight34 Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
Since we are all home waiting for the current Pandemic to work itself through and I hope everybody is staying safe and staying home to fight the virus.
I thought about this the other day.
Since trying to think about things to do, my mind was on MPQ and what we could do to spice things up a bit, like the Support tokens.
It has been ages since I got one and it’s a boosts that hides in the background and is rarely thought of until you need it and discover it when mindlessly looking around the game.
I thought this:
Would it be interesting if we took the Supports and made them into playable covers and boosts.
This is how I see it:
- = helps

4* Corvus Glaive - 5* Proxima Midnight
3* Ebony Maw - 4* Thanos
2* or 3* Lucky Dog - 3* Hawkeye or 4* Kate Bishop
2* or 4* Wong - 3* Doc Strange or 5* Doc Strange
3* Hydra Henchmen - has powers like Skrull for Multiple Villains - 4* Red Skull if ever done
3* or 4* Korg - 4* Main Event Hulk or 5* Thor
3* or 4* Sharon Carter - 4* Agent Coulson or 5* Capt America IW
3* Stepford Cuckoos - 4* Emma Frost
3* Chewie - 4* Talos
3* Cull Obsidian - 4* Corvus Glaive
4* Hope Summers - 5* Jean Grey Phoenix or 5* Cable
3* Hulkling - 4* Wiccan
4* Lockheed - 5* Kitty Pryde 
3* SP/DR - 4* Spider Ham or Miles Morales
3* Carol Corps - multiple powers like Skrull for Multiple Avengers Heroes - 4* Carol Denvers 
3* or 4* Dora Milaje - multiple powers for Wakanda Heroes - 4* Black P or 5* Black P & Okoye
3* Tinkerer - 4* Prowler
3* or 4* Vanessa Fisk - 4* or 5* Kingpin
4* Victorius - 5* God Emperor Doom

These Places will be be new Boosts for limited characters:

Shuri’s Lab - Shuri
Ancestral Plane - Black Panther all *
Quantum Realm - Ant-Man or Wasp
Atlantis - Namor
Sanctum Sanctorum - Doc Strange or Mordo
Avengers Tower - Iron Man all *

These Weapons, Vehicles or Items will be new Team-up Powers:

- Web Shooters                             - Kimoyo Beads
- The Milano                                  - Arc Reactor
- Chimichanga                               - Black Widows Batons
- Vintage Shield                             - Carol’s Communicator
- Quinjet                                         - Royal Talon Fighter
- Wasp Gauntlets                          - Kra- Van
- Destroyer Gun                            - Mirror Image
- Element Guns                             - Pocket Radio
- Stormbreaker                             - Spider Sense
- Taskmaster’s Sword                  - Vibranium Ore
- The Blackbird
- Yaro Root

All Infinity Stones regardless of Colour will be Boosts for Championed Covers Only!!

Well what do you all think, I’ll take all Feedback and Criticisms.



  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,699 Chairperson of the Boards
    Supports didn't work. They're impossible to get, the UI for them is terrible, and once you get them you just put them on your best characters that you'd probably be using with or without them because the synergy you get with a meta/boosted team is mostly what's important for speed.

    The entire supports system needs an overhaul, probably so that they more closely resemble the TU/AP boost system. You can use a support for X amount of matches and then there's a cooldown or something. Then improve the UI and make it so people can actually, you know, get them. This way, they are a much more active-choice part of the game instead of an afterthought.

  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,157 Chairperson of the Boards
    Treat Supports like character covers, and a lot of the complaints would probably go away.

    Make supports to be more common, rather than a "3/80 chance in each event vault" or part of a $$$ bundle.  Switch out some of the 250 ISO rewards/2-star covers in the Deadpool Daily vault with Supports of various levels.

    Make it so you can use in-game resources to get supports.  HP for the low tier, and CP for the higher tier.  Similar to character tokens.

    Allow supports to be upgraded.  If you get a duplicate, drop the "bonus" red ISO let your current support go up one level.  Like training a character when you get a different cover.  Once you hit five covers, then you can sell them for the Red ISO.

    Bonus shards for supports?  :)
  • supergarv
    supergarv Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker
    For me, supports do work. Some are basically essential for getting CL10 to clear at all. Too bad for those who can‘t aquire them. I got mine while we still had ways.

    I‘d actually spend for them in HfH with CP/HP.

    (not for 29.99, don‘t get any ideas D3)
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards

    The main problem is that they adjusted the token odds to balance higher availability through support circuit, and then restricted availability again (presumably because it was hurting cash flow).

    One possibility that might work would be to introduce "support shards", where duplicates grant a number of shards related to their rank and the shards can be used to upgrade the rank of your support.  This would make receiving duplicate supports less demoralising because you'd know that they're getting you a bit closer to the next rank.  And provided the rank 5 supports require a large enough number of shards, basic tokens won't be an effective substitute for the expensive bundles that get released every now and then.

  • Heartbreaksoup
    Heartbreaksoup Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    Supports may not have worked for you, Borstock, but they work terrifically for me, and certainly other people.  The way that I change up my teams for each pass through a PVE chapter, I regularly change out what the new characters who I select have equipped.  If I bench Kitty Pryde, then the Cuckoos move to Professor X.  My Charlie is not champed, but he still kicks like a mule with the Cuckoos giving him a base 2400+ purple match damage.

    I will agree with you, however, that actually obtaining good Supports, and at high levels, is a massive disappointment.  I wish Support Tokens were far, far more common in the game.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wish they were available in other facets of the game. I agree they are fully broken and op in pvp.  But as it stands, they are the least fun and useful part of the game.  I would support a power reduction rework, that allows us to use them in pvp play or some puzzle focused event like Kaicilleius.