Deadpool vs MPQ SCL 10 Points

helix72 Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
I've never had an issue hitting full progression (or at least coming very close) in SLC 10 except for Deadpool vs MPQ. But it's not my play. I'm clearing nodes as many times as I do on other PvEs but finding myself seriously far away from the full progression point rewards. I also noticed that for some reason in sub 2 the challenge node is worth the same as the 5e, and I seem to recall that in every other event it is worth significantly more.

Anyone else seeing the same? I'm currently still over 6,000 points away from the big CP prize, and the challenge node is only worth 645. Even so, I'm still sitting in 116th place overall so this must be a shared frustration.

FWIW--On sub 1 I cleared every node 8 times (4x when it started, 1x day after the timer reset, and 3 times before it ended) except for:
-The one and done nodes (can only do them once)
-The 3e and 4e I did not make any clears before the sub ended (so 5 total on each)
-The 5e I made only 1 clear (my 1/0/0 Hulk couldn't find good enough dance partners)
-The challenge node I made only 4 clears

The above was good enough to put me top 100 for sub 1.


  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Some pve's have full progression set higher or lower than usual. 
    With the addition of CL 10, all the events have been updated when it comes to node points (or most of them, anyway). 
    Off the top of my head: 

    * Strange Sights had a slightly easier progression before and also has it after CL 10.
    * DPvsMPQ is now harder to reach progression than before. 
    * Webbed Wonder had a slightly easier progression before (compared to "average" pve) and now after CL 10, it's made even easier.

    Who knows what's going on... 
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    DP v MPQ is historically a bit weird as there are only two subs, and of course the events are set up with increasing points.  So sub 2 is always a pretty big jump.

    The devs have never clarified the planned scoring for nodes when SCL10 was implemented, but there are a number of oddities, and I *think* the CN was the same as the 5E last time.  This is not the same as most of the other events, where the CN is definitely the most valuable node in the event.

    I did notice that it seemed to take more time than expected to get the final CP reward than most other events, but part of that is probably due to the nature of the event and sub 2 being the final sub and having the majority of points.

    Optimal points in SCL10 for sub 1 are 22,650 and sub 2 are 34,095.  Full progression is 37,000.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    Usually, 4x clears of every nodes is enough for max progress. If you’re missing the 5* essential, then you will need 5x clears of every other nodes to reach max progress. Every PVE event follow this routine except for this one. No idea why but a half grind for one of the sub gets you there. Maybe it’s because the dead pool essential node is no longer repeatable, it used to be right?
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pongie said:
    Usually, 4x clears of every nodes is enough for max progress. If you’re missing the 5* essential, then you will need 5x clears of every other nodes to reach max progress. Every PVE event follow this routine except for this one. No idea why but a half grind for one of the sub gets you there. Maybe it’s because the dead pool essential node is no longer repeatable, it used to be right?
    The point requirements went up a bit when they implemented SCL10, across all events and all SCLs.

    I believe this is an error that was made somewhere along the line when implementing new scoring and requirements.  This is probably due to re-jiggering rewards and how the CN is counted or not, and including the 5E in SCL10 scoring requirements.

    At the low end (SCL6 and below), where there isn't a 5E at all, I am pretty sure you need to hit things more than 5X but honestly I have no idea how much.

    At SCL7-9 the 5E is not "required" as far as points towards progression, so if you hit it along with everything else 4X then you should be OK for progression.  Maybe you need to hit the trivials a few extra times.

    Probably, the fact that this event has only 2 subs means that the extra hits required to hit progression stand out more.  In other events, you probably hit the Trivials 6X because it only takes one match with Rocket and Juggs/Thanos to get that extra reward.  Spread out over 3-4 subs, that makes up for some of these extra required points.  This one has only one sub providing that opportunity so you need to make up more points in sub 2.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2020
    All events that aren't this one in SCL10 require 4x clears of regular nodes, 2x clears of wave nodes to hit full progression, assuming you can hit the Challenging node as well. It does seem they've moved the token drop on wave nodes from clear-1 to clear 3 for some reason, so you may want to hit those a third time to get that now. This one seems intended to have you hit the nodes a 5th time at the mid-point of each 2-day sub. I wasn't sure if this was a weirdness with events that have multiple day length options or if it was just DP vs MPQ, but it seems consistently jacked up for this one.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    The nodes that give the most points are the 5e nodes in SCL 7. I thought I was dreaming because I remember they have the second or third lowest point in SCL 7.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    The nodes that give the most points are the 5e nodes in SCL 7. I thought I was dreaming because I remember they have the second or third lowest point in SCL 7.

    I am forced to conclude that implementing SCL10 lead to numerous errors in terms of assigning points to nodes and they have little time and/or interest in correcting that. 

    There is also inconsistency in terms of playing in SCL9 or 10 providing more possible points (based on presumed optimal play and faster clears in 9, and that speed being impossible to accomplish in 10).  In events with a 3E wave, playing in 10 can possibly result in a higher score than in 9 because you can't repeat waves as much before they drop to 0, and in 10 the 3E is the lowest-point essential node.

    At most, these errors and inconsistencies would impact the small number of players who are shooting for high alliance placement and possibly those who are trying to max/min progression and very precisely figure out how many hits on which nodes must be made.

    The vast majority of players are not aware of the point targets being driven by a certain number of clears, or clear timing, or anything else like that.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    The nodes that give the most points are the 5e nodes in SCL 7. I thought I was dreaming because I remember they have the second or third lowest point in SCL 7.

    That didn't used to be the case - for awhile the 5e node was dropped to be very low
  • Dougfresh413
    Dougfresh413 Posts: 125 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2020
    The max progression points used to be 32,000, and now it is 37,000 (on SCL8).   I would say previously it was too easy, but now it's probably too hard to hit max progression.  Before the change, I would clear all nodes 6x in the first sub and have nearly 17,000 points.  I didn't have to play much of the second sub to hit max progression.  Nowadays, I'm having to clear all nodes 6x to get there.  Currently, I don't have iHulk so I cannot play the 5e which means I might not make it to progression.  I've cleared all nodes 4x on the second sub, waiting for points to regenerate, but I still need 6,500 to make progression.  
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    The nodes that give the most points are the 5e nodes in SCL 7. I thought I was dreaming because I remember they have the second or third lowest point in SCL 7.

    That didn't used to be the case - for awhile the 5e node was dropped to be very low
    In other PVEs, the SCL7 5E is still very low.  This event (DPvMPQ) is not following that design, for whatever reason, since the SCL10 rollout.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    The max progression points used to be 32,000, and now it is 37,000 (on SCL8).   I would say previously it was too easy, but now it's probably too hard to hit max progression.  Before the change, I would clear all nodes 6x in the first sub and have nearly 17,000 points.  I didn't have to play much of the second sub to hit max progression.  Nowadays, I'm having to clear all nodes 6x to get there.  Currently, I don't have iHulk so I cannot play the 5e which means I might not make it to progression.  I've cleared all nodes 4x on the second sub, waiting for points to regenerate, but I still need 6,500 to make progression.  
    You can pick up a bit over 4,000 points if you allow all the nodes (minus 5E) to recharge to full points.  You can clear them at any point after that and end up with, at minimum, 2,640 more to hit full progression.
  • Dougfresh413
    Dougfresh413 Posts: 125 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2020
    bluewolf said:
    The max progression points used to be 32,000, and now it is 37,000 (on SCL8).   I would say previously it was too easy, but now it's probably too hard to hit max progression.  Before the change, I would clear all nodes 6x in the first sub and have nearly 17,000 points.  I didn't have to play much of the second sub to hit max progression.  Nowadays, I'm having to clear all nodes 6x to get there.  Currently, I don't have iHulk so I cannot play the 5e which means I might not make it to progression.  I've cleared all nodes 4x on the second sub, waiting for points to regenerate, but I still need 6,500 to make progression.  
    You can pick up a bit over 4,000 points if you allow all the nodes (minus 5E) to recharge to full points.  You can clear them at any point after that and end up with, at minimum, 2,640 more to hit full progression.

    Thanks @bluewolf , I hadn't even tried to do the math.  I was planning to let the node points regen and then grind them all to zero.  If that doesn't work, then I'd say the node points need to be reworked a little.  It's a little frustrating having to do all the extra clears compared to the past when the progression target was set at 32,000 points.  I should add that I'm a progression player, not placement, so this is extra time and effort for the same result.  I understand that many placement style players wouldn't even notice or care about the change because they were probably blowing way past 37,000 points anyhow
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2020
    Only Deadpool vs MPQ is affected.

    The point system for many PvEs is more logical now. It used to be H1,E1,H2,E2 etc in terms of lowest to highest point in non-wave nodes, not counting easy nodes, 5E and Join Forces node. Now, it's H123, then E123. Or did I remember wrongly?
  • krakenoon
    krakenoon Posts: 355 Mover and Shaker
    I also traditionally play only progression, but my play style was always to play as if I were going for placement and take the time off at the end of the sub, going for easy placement. I did notice the shift in points at first, but this style has kept me from worrying about if I can hit max progression. 4 initial clears and 2 to 3 before the flip will usually get you there with a little breathing room even if you’re missing an essential. Haven’t tested the missing essential since the points update, so might not be true anymore, but probably still valid.
  • grumbLEGO
    grumbLEGO Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    With Deadpool vs MPQ I’ve always done the four clears early on, then another at 24 hours full regen and then whatever I can get cleared close to the end of the sub. At this point on SLC 10 with only 3 clears on the challenge for the first sub and 1 clear on the second sub I’m almost to the 2nd CP going into the 24 hour mark of the 2nd sub.  More than likely the 5th clear on the nodes should easily get me past max progression, I haven’t really noticed a huge difference if effort to get to max progression with most scl 10 events. I mean the nodes are harder but unless I have a couple of days where I can’t muster the time or effort I can usually get max progression. 
  • axmoss
    axmoss Posts: 236 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2020

    Are you sure? I cleared 8x except for the sub 1 5e node and still got 4.7k over progression with the 2nd half of sub 2 to go on SCL 10.