Are Carnage and Beta Ray friends?

grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
This is getting absolutely ridiculous.   There are 40 5 stars, some 150 total characters in this game,  but for some freaking reason,  almost every event has brb and carnage in their challenge node.   I understand you are here to make money,  but if I have to use gimmick teams to win even though i have 11 550s and another 4 500+, don't know what others are doing.   Carnage is doing 9 to 12k per match 3 and by turn 3, he is getting a free turn,  so that means 18 to 24k damage PER TURN at level 650.  If you can't stun carnage by turn 3, you are absolutely f'd.  To add to the brilliance,  let's put in BRB who puts out 4 x 1368 protect tiles from the very beginning.  Do you know how many if my 550s do 5200 match damage on a match 3?  FREAKING ZERO!!!  Also,  you can't match or destroy any of them,  otherwise he gets 1 blue and 1 green ap back which means he needs 1 blue match and soon he'll be off to the races with more protects.  So he also needs to be stunned by turn 1 to 3.  So,  I have to stun 2 characters by turn 3 for essentially the whole match,  whittle down 630k health for just those 2 (3rd character also has 250k+ health).  This isn't Marvel Get Lucky or Use A Gimmick Team Quest.   It's Marvel PUZZLE Quest.   There is no puzzle to this.  There is only 1 team that works ok against this team and that's Thorokoye and only if your Okoye is 500+ level and tanks for Thor.  Unlucky for me,  I opened my hoard line 2 months before you guys just decided to come out with cl 10.  If I had known,  I would have 550'd Okoye instead of Hela.  I have carried 999999 whale points for almost 4 years,  but I've used up over 100k of them since the dev's have decided that BRB and Carnage are best of buds and should be together in almost every event.  This is just plain lazy on your part.  Use the other characters since you say you spend so much time and effort coming up with them.   Show us that you actually care to make this game fun.   BRB and Carnage together brings me back to the days of "you are supposed to lose".  THIS IS NOT FUN!!!


  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
    Two events have Carnage and BRB, in ONE sub event. 

    It is a difficult team, but not as difficult as you're making it out to be. I beat it, without using Thor and Okoye, and my highest 5's are still in the 460's.

    The issue here is that you haven't found a suitable solution to the puzzle, and have come to the (incorrect) conclusion that the puzzle is the problem.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    What are examples of gimmick team?
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2020
    The Challenge Node is supposed to be.....challenging.

    Finding a way to accomplish that in a game where the AI is at an extreme disadvantage is kind of tricky. 

    Players know that most of the characters are borderline worthless in the AIs hands, you can grind away at many battles and almost always win as long as you pick the right teams, especially once you have the meta.  

    So essentially the only way to make a challenge was to amp up the character levels to god status and do what they have done.  Some challenge nodes can still be taken out pretty easily (where they are all goons or the characters are so slow to build AP towards weak powers you can still stay ahead of the AI actually doing anything to damage your team).

    Others like this one (BRB/Car5age/some symbiote)  have the ultimate passive - MASSIVE match dmg.

    It is what they devs have to work with unless they were going to sit down and create some kind of actual puzzle (like make this match, then this one etc to win), but that would be something that would be solved and future runs of the event would essentially be trivialized/a matter of memorizing the correct sequence of events.

    I continue to have a big problem with the levels in all the other SCL10 nodes (maybe there should be 3 at the most where the health pools are huge) and grind time needed but I don't know a different way for them to make a "Challenge Node".  I do echo a bit the fact that there are 200+ characters but we see the same characters in many Challenge Nodes.  I suppose they are following the story/theme of the events they are in but it's kind of disappointing.

    When SCL10 was introduced they said they would be keeping an eye on community reaction, presumably to tweak/adjust things.  Of course, there are other things that may have interrupted any plans in that regard, but so far it appears they are not going to change anything, since they are just re-running events under SCL10 the same way they were first run.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    What are examples of gimmick team?
    I would say the Stunlock Classics featuring 5* Hawkeye/coulson/g4mora is probably on that list, because of the conditional insta-kill and massive AP generation. 

    I'd be curious to know if there are any others of note i'm not aware of.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    What are examples of gimmick team?

    I think  the classic gimmick team was 'charlie's angels' (4* prof X, gsbw, switch).  survive to collect 11 purple ap and the ai never got another turn.  5* match damage has mostly ended that team. 

    Other such gimmicks included

    3* patchneto,
    2* stormneto,
    3* mohulk.

    more recent iterations of this concept have not been truly infinite engines, but have instead used stunlock to simulate it (He/Coulson/Gamora.  they need to advance to turns to generate ap, but they generate so much ap that they can easily stunlock the whole enemy team each turn without trouble).

  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am I am going to make this comment about the challenge node.  It is one thing to use a certain teams like Hawkey, Gamora, Coulson to win.  It is another to need to use this team, make sure you have the right supports, boost AP to all and Boost AP to certain colors stun lock the AI and still need to use a health pack after each fight.  

    Fighting opponents that can do 10k match damage on turn one is just not fun and massively time consuming.  They could reduce the levels on these nodes, limit their powers, or something to tone them down.  The other difference is playing for progression compared to placement.  As a player who plays for placement in CL10 the challenge node can be awful and unfun.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    bluewolf said:
    but so far it appears they are not going to change anything, since they are just re-running events under SCL10 the same way they were first run.
    Imagine if the nodes do get changed, their match damage would be even bigger than BRB or Carnage, even double the numbers.. with the power creep and the increased release pace of 5*s that could easily happen near the end of this year.
    Sad Anthony Anderson GIF
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can only recognise G4mora as a gimmicky strategy as of now. Prof X/Switch/GSBW was a popular one. With the right Support, you don't have to keep Prof X underlevelled anymore.

    I'm not familiar with 3* patchneto, 2* stormneto and 3* mohulk. I guess they were widely used in the early years (2014 - 2017) of MPQ?

    So, are teams that can create winfinite turns considered gimmicky? I feel that winfinite teams are considered perfect teammates. What about invisible team?

    I wonder how the old Dr Octopus will fare in SCL 10 challenge nodes because his ability is gimmicky too.  With Support, his cd can be fortified. Get your alliance to send you Quicksilver or Agent Coulson TU to make the match at '1'. 

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards

    I wonder how the old Dr Octopus will fare in SCL 10 challenge nodes because his ability is gimmicky too.  With Support, his cd can be fortified. Get your alliance to send you Quicksilver or Agent Coulson TU to make the match at '1'. 

    Doc Ock will die quickly.

    The main "gimmick" teams are ThorkIce, where you chase Iceman's CDs to keep people stunned (a fast and effective team for me) or Worthy/Coul/Hawk which keeps people stunned but takes forever.

    Both are vulnerable to bad boards and cascades, though.

    There are some others....also, it somewhat depends on which clears you are looking at.  It's a lot easier to do the first few up to 4 vs the last 3.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not so sure I'd call Ice-Thor-Koye a gimmick team; it just seems like a good team to me?
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I forgot about Worthy/Coul/Hawk team. I didn't know ThorkIce is considered gimmicky. 

    Has anyone tried Thorkoye with Wiccan? I think there might be some surprising result and this could be considered gimmicky.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2020
    I forgot about Worthy/Coul/Hawk team. I didn't know ThorkIce is considered gimmicky. 

    Has anyone tried Thorkoye with Wiccan? I think there might be some surprising result and this could be considered gimmicky.
    The issue with Wiccan is getting enough AP in each color to flip his blue.  Then he also becomes the target from all enemy attacks which will kill him fairly quickly since most challenge nodes are doing around 10K match damage at the end. 

    I am also not a fan of worthy cap past the first couple of clears.  He can die really fast so I prefer 4* Gamora 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2020
    I actually think Sinister is going to be that dude with Wiccan. He is an AP factory for real if you haven't tried it. But then, what would you do with Wiccan? he just eats all damage and dies every time i try and use him, even though his green is probably awesome if you can fire it off against BRB/Carbage - almost as spectacular as Rescue/BRB when you fire off Rescue's blue and turn 60% of the board red. Maybe Sinister's black will keep him alive?
  • Projectus2501
    Projectus2501 Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    I myself am really frustrated to see the same 5*s in the challenge nodes... When will I see hulk or silver surfer for instance? 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I used Wiccan against BRB/Carbage before and found the interaction surprising. I remember his Chain Lightning going off for about 6-7 times and I ended up with a lot of aps.  But, this was in 4* land. So, I was thinking it might work in 5* land with the right partner.

    I think the right support might be part of the answer to challenge nodes. 
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    Any 5 outside of a quick healer (okoye) or gimmicky team gets crushed when they are doing that much damage on match 3... forget a match 4 because the cascade will get BRB his 6 blue ap and then he kills someone with his 40k blue.   
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    I myself am really frustrated to see the same 5*s in the challenge nodes... When will I see hulk or silver surfer for instance? 
    You’ll see Immortal Hulk in one with a quickness, just wait lol
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    i would say that brb is kinda broken. i love the toon, but he is. sorry. his blue should cost 12ap to fire with the self acceleration. 
  • superdrongo
    superdrongo Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    For a lot of these challenge nodes, I use Kitty, 5ProfX, and Wolverine with Avengers Tower support. The support gives you some protects to start, plus protects on a match 4, which Kitty can often buff enough to keep you safe against even high level match damage. Then all three can make attack or strike tiles to be buffed. By no means fool proof, of course.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    I used Wiccan against BRB/Carbage before and found the interaction surprising. I remember his Chain Lightning going off for about 6-7 times and I ended up with a lot of aps.  But, this was in 4* land. So, I was thinking it might work in 5* land with the right partner.

    I think the right support might be part of the answer to challenge nodes. 
    i tried BRB/Wiccan in this Mr F pvp against a BRB/Kitty team. Wiccan's green does clear out the board if you can keep BRB stunned. In a total turnabout, Wiccan was the last man standing with just a little HP left. outside of having a boosted Mr F in the mix I'm not totally convinced it is a good team for my MMR. I really liked the idea of Wiccan when he came out, i've just never been able to get him to live up to the promise of the premise.