CotT: Magik vs. Wolfsbane

qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
Meh, it took me three tries with my champed Magik. Wolfsbane just cascaded, went invisible (tile not reachable) and just threw all her clawey might at me. Third try I gave Magik all her color boosts and went to town with Wolsbane (Magik's red is not to be sneezed at). LT was a Blade champ cover.


  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    Started with a 1/1/1 Magik. Downed by Rend.

    Used shards to add 1 Red cover. Loaded +2 R/Y, +2 B/P, +100% All Match damage. Lucked into 5 Match-5s across my first 2 turns, including 1 red one. Won after using her red.

    LT gave a blue Wiccan.
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    Now, thtat's really tough,kudos!
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Luck was with me - I managed it with my level 94 4/5/4 Magik on the first try. I gave her Taskmaster's sword for the fight, which helped a lot with the damage. Wolfsbane had bad luck with AP, and only managed to cast the ability that generates all of the countdowns. I lucked into most of the red (which seemed appropriate, seeing as how I have four saved covers on her (all were red prior to being saved)), and finished her off with a nasty slice. 

    My reward was a champ level for Kate Bishop.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,664 Chairperson of the Boards
    Champed Magik chopped Wolfy into itty bitty dog treats in what was one of the fastest Crashes played. Once the purple repeater was pumping out red it was on the cards that Rahne would not be stopping play and that she was getting sent back to her kennel.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spent a while with Rahne invisible, but I had my repeater out and was gathering red during that time, so when I finally did manage to get rid of her Invisibility tile, it turned out that werewolfism is a variety of sorcery that Magik can slice just fine.
    Token was a Domino champ level.