Best strategy for kitty covers?

Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
Kitty is the most important of the current meta 5*s that I don't have well covered.  I had **** luck on her in Latest tokens, and in all the subsequent special stores. My kitty is still a wimpy 1/3/4.  I have ~1.5 covers worth of shards. I won't get much PvP value from her at all until champed, but using her underleveled in pve can be fun.

Is it more valuable for me to level up her yellow to balance my build and buff her tile boosting, or should I invest in her purple to let her overwrite CDs (even at the risk of wasted covers from her next CP store)?

In cl10 pve, what do people value more for her?  The tile buffing or the overwriting?


  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards

    Target 3* Cyclops and Emma Frost. Its what I did and my Kitty went from 1/5/3 to 5/5/3 in a couple of months. I actually just got that 13th cover this morning. Feels goooooood.

    I'd say to focus on Yellow. Tile buffing is her marquee skill. The tile overwriting is great as well, but within a few turns her buffed tiles get out of control quickly.

  • Vins2
    Vins2 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2020
    I think the cd overwriting is more important in scl10.  But devoting 2 more covers for her purple is of course a lot, and closing your outs if you pull from classics.  But if she's not buffing specials at a good rate, I'm wondering if she's even worth the character slot over Okoye, as I think her red handles those pesky tiles more often than not, sort of filling the safety net role of a x/5/x Kitty.  
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    I recently champed thorkoye. I had kitty well before that. I use thorkoye with much higher reliability in scl 10. Okoye being able to eat big match damage and cascades and heal it all off in 2-3 turns trump's kitty's anything for me.

    I do get use out of oml 3-5-5 3* yaro root (when character heals they get an extra 900 healing, and 50% chance on match start to have 5 green works great with iceman.), iceman 3-5-5 3* Carol's communicator( 44% chance at match start to make 2 protects, and 44% chance to heal for 2000 anytime a friendly special is matched), kitty 5-5-3 3* element guns (when kitty fires a power 40% chance to pop out an attack tile, extra yellow damage on matches, when kitty makes matches 40% chance to fortify specials.) For me it's the supports that make this team so great. In versus they are meh in story they are boss.

    Edit: I value her buffing more. The CD overwrite is nice but the ramping buff damage will outpace the cd overwriting. You can often down an opponent with a cooldown on the board before she can overwrite all the specific cd's you would like to have targeted.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    Anon said:

    Target 3* Cyclops and Emma Frost. Its what I did and my Kitty went from 1/5/3 to 5/5/3 in a couple of months. I actually just got that 13th cover this morning. Feels goooooood.

    I'd say to focus on Yellow. Tile buffing is her marquee skill. The tile overwriting is great as well, but within a few turns her buffed tiles get out of control quickly.

    This would be my vote too. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ditto. I used to generally run her pre-SCL10 at 5/4/4, because Circuit Breaker going after Countdowns actually slowed matches down. In SCL10, I do generally run 5/5/3, but I did the first couple with her at 5/4/4 still, and it still worked.
  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    It depends how quickly you plan to champ her once you get her covered. If you're going to keep her under-leveled, I think you'll notice a more immediate benefit to getting her Purple to 5 to be able to overwrite CDs (at the cost of making her harder to completely cover). At level 330, here are the damage boosts on her Yellow at:

    1 cover: 141
    2 covers: 151
    3 covers: 165
    4 covers: 194
    5 covers: 243

    For me, with my Kitty still at 330, having Circuit Breaker resolve in 1 turn AND overwrite CDs is better. Full disclosure, I also have both the Lockheed support and Chewie support, so being able to have a Protect tile at battle start and/or make Attack tiles on match are both super helpful as well.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mine is at 2/3/0, and I’m planning to (someday) build her purple, then yellow, then red. I find Circuit Breaker to be her killer move personally.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Get circuit breaker to 4 so it's a one turn on attack, protect, and strike. Then invest in yellow.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    Anon said:

    Target 3* Cyclops and Emma Frost. Its what I did and my Kitty went from 1/5/3 to 5/5/3 in a couple of months. I actually just got that 13th cover this morning. Feels goooooood.

    I'd say to focus on Yellow. Tile buffing is her marquee skill. The tile overwriting is great as well, but within a few turns her buffed tiles get out of control quickly.

    Cyc and Emma have been my targeted heroes since the feeder update.  But I don't open tokens as I go, so my shard progress is very feast or famine (currently famine).

    But I like tiomono's idea of going for 4 purple covers first, to get the once a turn overwrite, but then focusing on yellow.  That avoids a major risk of useless covers, but also provides a meaningful improvement in the overwrite skill.

    Thanks everyone!