SCL9 (and below) rewards - are they good enough?

bluewolf Posts: 5,324 Chairperson of the Boards
edited February 2020 in MPQ General Discussion

This is directed mostly at people who can't play in 10 (either not high enough in SR or just don't have a good enough roster to make it worth it). Are the rewards you can collect worth it after the changes? We have more shards and - I think - more covers available at every level. But, less HP and CP are available now than before. And iso seems to have remained at the same level as far as I can tell. (Riso is riso, I guess.) What do you think?

Feel free to comment about how the reward changes impact your interest in playing.

SCL9 (and below) rewards - are they good enough? 66 votes

The rewards are awesome! I am very happy!
Wonko33atomzedGrimSkaldStranger DankillahKlownHalleckrobertbahjameshProjectus2501skittledaddySouthside84Mr_F 12 votes
The rewards are improved but still need to be better.
killercoolabmorazrawfsuTrerasWarbringaCrowlbluewolfrg72Alfje17tchipleyshinnarutoBubba3210TenebraeReecohCoubiibowla33PtahhotepFriarbundyScofiejp1 36 votes
The rewards are not nearly good enough, even now.
morghchamber44wymtimejordanixThe Viceroy ReturnsLilithgrenadierLifeofAgonyPalookavilletallemanAres76Mrcl25lvsmr2MayoKungfullama12 15 votes
I don't care about rewards; I just like the game enough to play it regardless.
peterdark 1 vote
After seeing the rewards revamp I am so disappointed I am planning to stop playing (or already did).
firethorneHaithere 2 votes


  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,069 Chairperson of the Boards
    The rewards are improved but still need to be better.

    Mostly happy with SCL 10. However, on the occasions I am tempted to play down to 9 the rewards seem lackluster. The CP loss is a trade off the hp loss is a ripoff. Even more than that ISO should be a net increase with the time commitment and resource drain of SCL 10.

    Still, I’m currently viewing it as a net positive until long term roster growth is measurable.

  • GreenArmadillo
    GreenArmadillo Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    The rewards are improved but still need to be better.

    If you are chain running full progression SCL 8 you get an additional cover in 4 star shards (including t200 placement in the previous event). This is a huge improvement in being able to cover 4 star characters so you aren't stuck using 3 star champions for a year plus until you suddenly cover a bunch of 4s at the same time.

    If you don't have all the 4 stars rostered yet, the drop in HP probably hurts. They deliberately still give you a full cover in progression rewards to put pressure on your vine instead of having all the rewards be shards. So, instead of opening tokens to get shards for your bonus hero, you have to hoard because you can't afford to roster random classics.

    (The magnitude of this problem depends on the proportion of 4 stars you have rostered. I'm not opposed to paying reasonable amounts for extra HP, but early on you need a new slot for every token, which is not reasonable.)

    And yes, I'm with @spidyjedi84, standard tokens are a nuisance. At least offer a toggle to autovendor these when they are opened so I don't need to deal with them.

  • Southside84
    Southside84 Posts: 93 Match Maker
    The rewards are awesome! I am very happy!

    Red iso sucks and is completely useless. You get maybe 1 new 2 star support every 6 months, and forget about 3,4, or 5 star supports unless you can be top 5 PVP season. Feels like I get more red iso than regular iso. I have 718K and climbing, with no hope of ever using it.

    Meanwhile, nowhere near enough hp to keep up with shields and slots.

    All that complaining aside, the extra 4 star in progression is awesome. The 5 star shards are awesome.

  • shap328
    shap328 Posts: 61 Match Maker

    I agree for the most part here. The thing I think is getting in the way is shards, since if they replace the standards with elites, you get double the shards.

    Maybe an easy fix is replace the easy node standard tokens with some ISO, and change the hard node standards to elites? Balances out.

  • grumbLEGO
    grumbLEGO Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    The rewards are improved but still need to be better.

    I mean am I the only one who thinks the rewards should get better with each win? Win six times on the challenge mode on scl 10 and you get a... drum roll... elite token. Which, I guess could be a standard so at least it’s not that, but come on!

  • killahKlown
    killahKlown Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    The rewards are awesome! I am very happy!

    I haven't seen the actual numbers added up anywhere, but I don't think CP decreased with the introduction of cl10. It is just spread out differently.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,324 Chairperson of the Boards
    The rewards are improved but still need to be better.

    Let's look at SCL9.

    In PVE they reduced the CP from progression from 40 total to 30 (same rewards in the nodes).

    In PVP if you play SCL9 you have 24 in progression per event, so that's a loss of 1 per PVP or 3 a week.

    Total loss is 23 CP less if you play in SCL9 than before for one week of events.

    Yes there is some make-up with more 4* covers, shards, maybe lucky pulls on Mighty tokens, etc. But they did remove some CP which would obviously make it harder to build a hoard up, especially if you are lower in the game (don't have all the 4's champed and most are at low levels).

    I don't have PVE 7 & 8 up since I already joined the Hunt, but in PVP you get 20 CP per PVP in 7 and 22 in 8. So the lower you play the less CP you can get.

    In 10 vs 9, PVE provides 34 progression CP per event (lost 6 CP) although you can hit the CN now and get one more, so I guess you are down 5, or 10 a week. PVP provides 28 CP so plus 9 for a week, so basically we traded 1 CP from progression play for the assorted goodies if you are playing PVP to the CP.

    I'm not sure about sub stuff, but it's a little lower there as well. Ex: I placed T10 in SCL9 sub 3 and only got 2 CP where before I got 3, if I recall correctly.

    Again, I'm not saying "this sucks!" but if your personal goal is hoarding CP you'll be forced to do it longer than before. The good news is more covers and shards mean you don't need to pull things to add levels (assuming you gather enough from progression and placement), so maybe some players can keep up with the old hoarding pace or maybe do a little better, depending on who is rewarded and your individual roster.

  • killahKlown
    killahKlown Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    The rewards are awesome! I am very happy!

    Top 10 in each sub gives 3cp. Pretty sure it wasn't that generous in the previous reward structure.

    Also event alliance rewards yield a good amount of CP as well.

    Also... more shards and covers speeds up your CP accumulation.

  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 712 Critical Contributor
    The rewards are improved but still need to be better.

    718k red ISO? I'm sitting on 5.8million useless red ISO

  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,292 Chairperson of the Boards
    The rewards are improved but still need to be better.

    I think the progression rewards are great for PvE and PvP SCL 10.

    I think the one major improvement is that the sub-placement and the node clear rewards in PvE SCL 10 need to be better. The challenge node which is amazingly hard provides not much better rewards than the 2* node from SCL 9, which you can clear in a much faster time for example. The fact they spread out the 3* CP into three 1 CP rewards in the 5e node is actually a step back. I am not asking for a huge increase in node rewards but minor fixes and additions would make more sense for the difficulty that SCL 10 presents to most rosters.

  • DirionScrab
    DirionScrab Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    The rewards are improved but still need to be better.

    For me at my stage in the game they are improved

    Standard tokens do have their place and are worth more than the 70 or 140 iso you would most likely replace them with and at least the auto open button helps

    Earlier in my journey the reduced HP might have been an issue

    I find CP about the same due to reaching the extra in PvP

  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,493 Chairperson of the Boards
    The rewards are awesome! I am very happy!

    The shards you get add up to quite a lot - 250 5* shards (half a cover) and 900 4* shards (a cover and a quarter.) You still get the 4* cover, so that's 3 4* covers from progression now (and a little bit left over for next time.) Two of those covers are "colorless."

    That, coupled with the Mighty tokens you get (1 from the Bonus Node each sub, 1 from top 50 each sub) makes them very, very good. I used to play shard 3.9 but would wait until the bracket filled twice - this gave me a reasonably laid back grind for top 50, and I could push for top 20 or maybe even top 10 if I felt like it (I rarely did.) Since 3.10 doesn't seem to fill reliably (possibly at all - it filled the first time, but not the subsequent times) I've been forced to enter later - now I can push for top 50 or take it somewhat laid back for top 100.

    The rewards difference between top 50 and top 100 are actually kind of negligible, though for the subs it isn't. It depends on how I feel...

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,324 Chairperson of the Boards
    The rewards are improved but still need to be better.

    This thread was an attempt to capture players who aren't in 10....I agree 10 is pretty amazing reward-wise. But I've seen some players in lower SCLs who seem to feel like they are losing out vs before while 10 gets all the goodies. Anyway, carry on and comment/vote if you'd like.

  • StormDragonE55
    StormDragonE55 Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    The rewards are improved but still need to be better.
    I'm playing in cl7 and I've found that playing in both PVE and PVP my CP gain is roughly the same, and may tilt slightly to better gains for me.  Getting one 4 star cover and a bunch of stars seems to be working in my favor right now.  Due to the PVE Shards and PVP shards I've gotten while playing, I've managed to fully cover 3 4stars that have been giving me grief and with Strange sights I"ll have all the newer 4 stars fully covered with exception of Karnak since he just entered the stacks.  Still getting standard tokens is a waste.  I don't keep the 1 stars and I rarely get a 2 star when I pull from there.
  • Coubii
    Coubii Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    The rewards are improved but still need to be better.
    I was playing in SCL8 before SCL10 came out. I have the level even before to play in SCL9, but the reward diff between SCL8 and 9 was so low, I prefered be in 8 and finish my clears faster.

    I've tried SCL10 and I don't have level for that one, as I don't have any champed 5*. Rewards are damn good, but progression is too hard to complete. So I moved to SCL9, where now there is a clear advantage compared to SCL8.

    My rewards have improved even if CP and HP I earn are slightly lower. My 3* farm is going crazy, almost finishing max champ a dup I started right before this update. 4* are slowly progressing, still at a faster pace than before. 5*, no diff progress sofar, I stall as I don't compete for top placement rewards.
  • peterdark
    peterdark Posts: 151 Tile Toppler
    I don't care about rewards; I just like the game enough to play it regardless.
    Playing SCL8... there wasn't a "it's about the same" answer so I chose that one.

    Basically I get less HP and CP. I also get less 2* covers for my farm, but this (I guess) is balanced out with more 3 and 4* covers. So in my head it works out the same. ISO is ISO and it will always be either 'not enough' or, when you get to that level 'I don't care, I don't need it'.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    The rewards are not nearly good enough, even now.
    it is definatly less rewards for CL9 and CL8.  There is a trade off in peace of mind.  In sub 3 of HOD I basically rage quite in CL10 on the final wave node and the challenge node and the 5* E node.  Since I don’t have BRB covered I dropped down to CL8 for strange sights more for piece of mind than rewards.  I can do my final grind in a short period of time and don’t have to worry about using a health pack nor do I have to worry about over leveled nodes kicking my butt.

    i do want them to put the CP they have taken away back in the game in progression
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I vote the hidden option of "I don't know, haven't played anything but SCL 10 since it came out"
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 714 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2020
    The rewards are awesome! I am very happy!
    I think that new rewards are good. I would gladly accept better ones. Who wouldnt? But let me clarify it. I am currenlty on 4* transition and I got huge improvement in rewards. Here is my roster as of evening of March 6th 2020:

    Weekly, in SCL 7 in PVE and SCL 9 in PVP (thats the setup I play),  the old rewards would get me enough CP to have 6 pulls from classic. Plus two 4* covers. Roughly, 8 covers a week.

    New rewards gives me 4 pulls, plus two 4* covers + shards to get two more from PVE  & PVP and if I'll try enough hard, one more cover from shards from PVP. And 6 mighty tokens, which statisticlly are one more cover a week. Thats 10 covers a week. But there is more!

    In old system, with same effort,  I had at best two 4* covers per day with all rewards (above plus random 4* from heroics, mighties, Daily Login, occasionaly 40 wins in PVP, champ levels ect, DDQ CP). With new system, in last weeks I usually got 2-4 covers per day, averaging 3 per day. Personal record is 8. I really see diference.

    Yes, in total we have less CP and HP, but in exchange to more covers to less characters: I mean something like not 8 covers to 8 characters but 10 covers to 5 characters so we do not need that much HP that fast. And CP for pulls. If we add up that shards does not expire, we also lose less covers.

    For me, the new system in total is way better. It can be even better, but I see great improvement. Yes, I agree, less CP and HP hurts. But the speed up in champing thanks to faster cover rate gain gives me more in less time.

    At least that is what I think.