Oops! I did it again! Profe$$$$or X situation 2.0

Colognoisseur Posts: 806 Critical Contributor
Britney Spears should be the soundtrack over at Demiurge HQ.
Their ability to repeat errors is impressive.
If you look at the sneak peek you will see the Feb 27 run of Infinite Pursuit PvE will reward shards for an unnamed new 5* character. 
Why what’s the problem you say that’s awesome!
Except if you look at the new pve pattern the character we get shards for is the featured 5* the next event.
so the next PvE after Infinite Pursuit will have the new 5* as the featured character. 
Here comes Ms. Spears.
The best you can earn is 250 shards towards that character and you can’t make it shardable because it’s new. Therefore you can’t get the remaining 250 to have the single cover you need to play.
How will you get that cover you ask? 
Step right up to the Infinite Pursuit token store 12k hp gives you a 1:166 shot for that cover you have to have to play the next PvE.
Now maybe they will surprise me with their foresight to avoid this situation, but with six years of history behind them that does not seem likely.
Start saving your $$$$ if you want to play what ever PvE follows Infinite Pursuit.
Oops! I did it again!


  • Ugh
    Ugh Posts: 83 Match Maker
    Everyone doesn't play for the joy of being locked out of stuff?  Then what is the point of screw you training?
  • Sm0keyJ0e
    Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
    Don't understand the OP's point. Are you saying you like this, or don't like this?
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    PvE used to give us nothing of a 5* cover, now you get half a cover, not bad. Now the new releases come back as essentials a few times before they leave latest that will give you 1 or 2 covers where you used to get nada. 

    I think the problem is people see those shards and go all “ gotta complete those shard now! They feel obligated to pay because they can’t stand having 250 shards” then they get mad that it’s a pay to win or something. Relax , the rest of the shards will come one day and you’ll have your cover .... where you used to get nothing at all before. 

    I love cl10, I can’t compete at all for placement but I could not go top 50 before anyway. Maybe I’ll miss the top 200 and not get the 4* new release in “honor amongst thieves” but 4* are irrelevant anyway. 
    next pve I’ll get him at 5000 and will be able to do the essential nodes that way. 
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2020

    I think you're missing the point here?  It seems very likely that the 5* essential for the event after IP will be the brand new 5 who is only able to be gotten from an HP store (aka pay to play).

    So only the lucky (whales will try to make their own luck, I suppose) will have a cover to be able to access the 5E for that not-yet-listed event.  Hence the placement for the event will be determined by luck or those willing to spend several hundred dollars opening packs in hopes of a cover (or more).

    It is what it is, the game devs will do what they do.  I admit I was mad last time, but now it just exhausts me.  This game isn't worth getting that worked up about any more, in my opinion.

    Some whales will bite the hook and win the event.  Congrats. 
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    i guess I did not get the point of his post because shards have nothing to do with it. 
    They have started doing it this way (having the new 5 in normal tokens instead of a special store) before shards no? And when the new one become essential then isn’t he rotated into the latest and then it’s the same old same old use LT and CP to get him ?
  • ursopro
    ursopro Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker

  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    So we're expecting the new 5* to be essential before Mr. Sinister?
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Your assumption is that the newest 5* will be the next 5* essential in the following PvE after/on their release. The probability seems to be high, but there is zero proof to show that it's definitely the case.

    Your assumption is that what they did with Prof X is a mistake. If they acknowledged that what they did was a mistake, and yet they continue to repeat the same mistake, then I agree that it is a judgemental error on their part.

    If their intention is to put pressure on players, I won't call it an error. It is part of their game plan.

    Will they get an apology if your assumption is wrong?
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm aware that I'm blunt. My reasons for saying those thing is based on experiencing incidents after incidents where players assumed that something happens, and when it did or did not happen (depending on whether it's a negative or positive incident), this place turned into an emotionally-charged place. I think this is something preventable. 

    This event is still 12 days away. They just experienced Shardmas recently, which hurt them a lot, and then if they decided to skip Mr Sinister and pull a Prof $ again, they have to pay for the price again. 

    As for being concerned about the health of the game, I think it's more like concern for the health of their game, not the game. And I have reasons for saying this.
  • Ed_Dragonrider
    Ed_Dragonrider Posts: 591 Critical Contributor
    Doesn't any 5e come with a HfH offer? I know spending cp is still spending, but if someone is concerned about having the essential without remortgaging the house for hp pulls, that is also a viable route. In fact spending 500cp might come cheaper than pulling with hp.
    If requiring the newest latest becomes standard practice, then hoarding cp for it is a fairly obvious solution. (Yes, I know it's not a happy solution, i just wanted to point out that hp pulls aren't the only way to go about it.)
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2020
    Wonko33 said:
    i guess I did not get the point of his post because shards have nothing to do with it. 
    They have started doing it this way (having the new 5 in normal tokens instead of a special store) before shards no? And when the new one become essential then isn’t he rotated into the latest and then it’s the same old same old use LT and CP to get him ?
    Historically a 5 was released via CP store.  Two weeks after that store closed, they would appear in Latests tokens and at some point after that they would be an essential.  You had the option of saving CP to chase a new release store or just saving pulls for the Latests store, or just hoping you'd get lucky etc.  It was usually somewhere between a few days to a few weeks after being in Latests, before you needed to have them rostered.

    Prof X was the first person who got released with an HP store first, then a week later in the normal new release CP store.  He was made essential fro the event immediately following the HP store opening.  For most of that event you had two ways to get him:  spend 500 CP or lots of HP, barring a lucky pull. There was a small window of time when the end of that event overlapped with his CP release store, if you played in later slices (3-5) and could try your luck there.  Otherwise you were locked out of the 5E.

    For Carnage, BRB, and Sinister (presumably), they did the HP release thing, CP release, then waited until after they put them in Latests to make them essential.  No extra pressure was put on players, but of course every 5E is a bit of pressure because RNG etc.

    I fully believe that the devs intend to make NEW5 essential a few days after their HP store opens.  I am sure they think/would say they are giving us lots of 5* shards now and it is easier than ever to get covers for them, so a little extra pressure is their "trade off" for doing that.

    The people who are most going to be out-of-sorts about this are the top players in the game.  None of them actually quit after shardpocalypse or the first time they did this with Prof X or removing HP from rewards or any other time they acted like a company running a FTP game where it's all about the pressure, baby.  There's really little downside for the devs in re-implementing this.

    Look at the current bru-ha-ha over Northstar in ST.  Oh, it stinks....oh, it's too early....why him.....etc etc.  Does anyone stop spending or quit or do anything?  No, they just keep doing what they doing.  Maybe in a few weeks the ST will be all Classics, cool.  The devs do stuff they know we won't like.  They do it because they think they need/want to.  They do it knowing it won't materially impact the game's viability because the players are here regardless. 

    I mean if you get a NEW5 from the token store you'll be really happy and you can get a few more Karolina covers than the rest of the unlucky.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,092 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm aware that I'm blunt. My reasons for saying those thing is based on experiencing incidents after incidents where players assumed that something happens, and when it did or did not happen (depending on whether it's a negative or positive incident), this place turned into an emotionally-charged place. I think this is something preventable. 

    This event is still 12 days away. They just experienced Shardmas recently, which hurt them a lot, and then if they decided to skip Mr Sinister and pull a Prof $ again, they have to pay for the price again. 

    As for being concerned about the health of the game, I think it's more like concern for the health of their game, not the game. And I have reasons for saying this.
    You have argued in "bad faith" again. Perhaps it should be you who offers an apology?
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    As for being concerned about the health of the game, I think it's more like concern for the health of their game, not the game. And I have reasons for saying this.
    And people who complain about the economy are almost always worried about how it effects them.  Hi, this is humanity, have we met?
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't know why a player can't be concerned both about how this shift could impact them and how it might impact the game itself.

    I am less worried, maybe, about the game itself and what might come of this.  Do I think a bunch of whales or spenders will stop spending because NEW5 is immediately essential?  Probably not.

    But maybe.  Maybe some people get pushed to the edge and find themselves more annoyed and frustrated and wonder why they're playing "try to keep up" when the goalposts are moved at a whim.  And they slowly or suddenly decide to engage less and less....

    All that said, I doubt that even bringing up the issue pre-emptively will change anything they are planning, given the way they have been doing things lately.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    It is, without a doubt, that the devs' goals and the goals' of players in here often contradict each other. Mismatch of expectations are very common, simply due to the roles each party is playing and the people they are dealing with.

    Generally speaking, players here:
    1) want to have information of what's going to happen in the future weeks in advance. No changes to the info posted are allowed unless the players are notified of the changes in advance. 

    2) are completionists/perfectionists. They want to complete all events without much hiccups. Places of Power (the event that gave 8 LTS), Shield Trainings and Prof $'s immediate essential requirement prove just that.

    3) don't like to adapt to changes that impact their schedules and playstyles, except when it makes things easier.

    4) don't like tradeoffs. They only want more resources added.

    Assuming 27th Feb requires the unknown 5* instead of Mr Sinister, players could spend on 40 packs, get lucky with earned tokens, use CP to buy the cover or simply taking a break for one event or play it leisurely for that event. All 4 options are out for most because it disrupts the norm. The norm is they pull for the cover in CP store and complete the event, without missing a single node.

    If it is concern for the health of the game, then why do players:

    1) encourage other players to stop spending money on bundles or stores often, when things don't go their ways?
    2) want to get more resources without increasing effort needed or money spent?
    3) expect the dev to come up with cheap bundles for good amount of resources?

    Given that income is what mainly keeps the game alive, then how does the above three points help in "maintaining" or "improving" the health of the game? Goodwill doesn't keep the game alive, money does.

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