SCL 10 and Scoring weirdness - bugs or intended? - UPDATED

bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
edited February 2020 in MPQ General Discussion
In the SCL10 announcement thread, the first comment by @IceIX is as follows (graphic removed):

IceIX said:
Test version of Infinite Pursuit, but this shows the current level scaling for SCL 10.

The shot in the original post is for a new Challenge Node available only in SCL 10. These nodes give additional rewards, but at current don't add points to the overall event scoring. We're still finalizing the rewards for these nodes to the last minute, but current expectations are things like Mighty Tokens and CP.

Now that the event is active, we see that the Challenge Node points count towards the event score.

Is this intended?

We also see that there is no 2E in SCL10 to add to your points.

For MRG sub 1 with the new scoring:

SCL9 initial is 11,398. (based on the spreadsheet - not actual in-game experience)  Actual results show SCL rewarding the same points as SCL 10.  Is this intended?  The points in the various nodes in SCL9 for the 2E, 3E, 4E and 5E have all been bumped up and are identical to the point values for SCL10's 3E, 4E, 5E, and Challenge Node.

SCL10 initial with challenge node points is 12,780.

SCL10 without challenge node points would be 10,700. compare points/scores assuming SCL9 is unintentionally inflated and is really supposed to be scored the way it has been for years:

Scenario 1:  One less node for points (no 2E to play, no points from challenge node) makes people in SCL10 get left behind for Top alliances.  It looks like the 5E added 6 points for SCL10 vs 9.  Without challenge node points people in SCL10 will be shut out of T10 alliances.

Scenario 2:  Challenge node IS going to count and the dramatic upswing in points could force anyone wanting T10 alliance placement (and maybe T25) into SCL10, although FG points/results will probably vary a lot based on board luck.

Also:  The point progression target for MRG is 4,950 points more than the last run.  Is this intended?  It's a bump up for all SCLs.

Some clarity and communication on this event and what to expect in the future would be much appreciated.  This impacts the top players in the game most, but the higher progression need impacts everyone if we are going to see that in all events.