Alliance events vs traditional pve



  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    grunth13 said:
    I'm all for locking alliances at start of event. Currently there is only 1 top 10 pve alliance.   We all know that.   There are 6 alliances working together to make 6 top 10 alliances and then there are another 8 alliances to make 3 more top 10 alliances.  That's right...8 to make 3.  That's just asinine.  Im all for locking them in.  There's no point of alliances if you can just fill up your alliances for the last 15 minutes of an event.  That's not an alliance.
    As a commander of a top 10 pve ally, I agree.  If you want to see some crazy stuff, watch the last 30 mins of the pve event.  Watch who is in the top 10 and watch who shows up that had 5 people pending and let them all in at 1 time in the last minutes to be “tricky”.  We all know it.  I would love a total lock in or the last 12/24 hours.  Something like this for sure.  
  • BagPuss
    BagPuss Posts: 73 Match Maker
    Last 5 minutes a few events ago? 

    Perhaps offer one or two subs spots if needed, otherwise this is (not) 
    Working as intended.

    This doesn't just apply to t10. What about the other end at t100
  • A_Wise_Man
    A_Wise_Man Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    I agree with OP on this.  You should be locked into your alliance every event, and for every type of event.  This includes pvp.  Scoring for pve should be set up like boss events as well and just throw out alliance placement.  Pvp should lock in, keep ranks and scoring the same.  If you leave your alliance mid event, you should also forfeit any alliance rewards for that event.  This may stop people from leaving their own alliance to spend money in another one, all to....I guess make sure the guys in their own alliance dont get any cp?  I've never understood that one.  If you like your alliance buy at home, dont help out other guys. Anyway I've strayed far enough from topic.  Lock all the stuff in.  
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    1.  You should be locked into your alliance every event, and for every type of event.  This includes pvp. 

    2.  Pvp should lock in, keep ranks and scoring the same.  If you leave your alliance mid event, you should also forfeit any alliance rewards for that event. 

    3.  This may stop people from leaving their own alliance to spend money in another one, all to....I guess make sure the guys in their own alliance dont get any cp?  I've never understood that one.  

    1.  I think the overwhelming majority of players (maybe not commanders) would say they appreciate the flexibility being subbed in and out of alliances based on their personal real life situation.  As someone who remember's what it was like when only T50 alliances got the new cover.  Its not worth the bad feelings and issues that arise when people are kicked/moved out of alliances for non performance/scoring issues.  (while people focus on the last 5 min switching)  I'm sure we will see the rise of complaints in the FB groups about why I got kicked etc.  

    2. What if your kicked from your alliance?  Do you also forfeit the alliance prize?  At the end of the day.  Commanders will organize rosters to best accomplish desired outcomes.  It will just come down to,  "I don't think that guy can make his mins, so we should kick now, before rosters get locked".  

    3.  I learned early in this game not to put my hands on someone's else wallet and criticize how and why they spend their money.  Any CP I get from alliance VIP, HFH bonuses, buy club bonus are truly mana from heaven.