Quick review after Global’s launch

wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
I have been a player of clash of clans till TH12 and I also tried the similar Star Wars game and boom beach.  Here are something’s I like about G.I. Joe and some opportunities I see for improvement.  As people post here I hope it can be about good things they like and constructive ways to improve the game.

like: good graphics that feel smooth.  Lots of rewards with events to generate prizes for players.  There are events rewards and mission all giving out gems and o help you out progress.  

Not being cheep with gems.  I clash of clans it always felt like it was so hard to collect gems and to use them was so expensive.  With rewards and 3 videos a day I accumulated more gems in a week than in a month in COC.

Expanding map.  Being able to expand the map and find more opponents and missions is easy and a fun way to incorporate single player missions.


shortage on gold.  This is the one resource that feels really scarce.  You can’t raid for it and it is used to upgrade troops and skip un wanted opponents.  It expensive to find an opponent worth attacking especially when it cost so much.  I have seen many bases with 0 resources to raid and I can un out of gold skipping them.

give the ability to view replays on people attacking your base.  This is more a QOL.  To Create a quality defense you should be able to view how people are attacking you so you can adjust.

After a battle she. Recharging troops it should also include and bombs you drop.  Recharge all should be recharge all not just troops.

Shorten the time on looks boxes.  Loot boxes are the way to unlock troops compared to a A tower level or training area level which is ok but the time is long.  This style of game should allow for raiding more frequently.  Shortening the box to 3 hours, 6 hours, and 10 hours  will still take time to unlock but make waiting less painful.

i am enjoying the game and looking to see how it evolves


  • ElfNeedsFood
    ElfNeedsFood Posts: 944 Critical Contributor
    You can replay the attacks on your base. 

    I pretty much agree with everything else.

    One add - I'd like to be able to "refuse" a loot box to leave a slot open or eject a loot box from my inventory without opening it.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can replay the attacks on your base. 

    I pretty much agree with everything else.

    One add - I'd like to be able to "refuse" a loot box to leave a slot open or eject a loot box from my inventory without opening it.
    How do you replay attacks?  I went to my log and it just goes to the person who attacked me and lets me hit them?

    i will add another piece to help avoid hitting the same person don’t allow retaliation attacks after a retaliation.  So if I hit someone they hit me back I can’t go attack them again.  This will help with the skip tax
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    @wymtime If someone invaded your base, then you should see a window pop up when you open the game. In that window is where you can tap to watch the replay.
  • ElfNeedsFood
    ElfNeedsFood Posts: 944 Critical Contributor
    So "invasion" (white) is where they are entering your territory and you can attack them. There is nothing to replay, this is a battle you can choose to undertake to regain your land. 

    "HQ Defeated" or "HQ Defended" are where someone else actually attacked you and you can replay those. There is no counter attack choice here. 
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby said:
    @wymtime If someone invaded your base, then you should see a window pop up when you open the game. In that window is where you can tap to watch the replay.
    I will look for that but have not seen it yet.  Adding the replay to the log could be a good addition.  Typically when I open the app I see pop ups for sales but I will look for those attacks to view the replays 
  • ElfNeedsFood
    ElfNeedsFood Posts: 944 Critical Contributor
    @wymtime are you Tier 2 with at least 200 medals?  You might not have any HQ attacks yet...

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    1. Adding the ability to reject loot box will be great. 

    2. Some way to tell what tier of loot box my opponent will give me before going into the battle.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    @wymtime are you Tier 2 with at least 200 medals?  You might not have any HQ attacks yet...

    I am tier 4 and it finally popped up for me on my iPad.  I might have needed to pass the 200 medals to get the replays
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I guess you are referring to level 4? If you are in Tier 4, you will have at least 3600 trophies.