Dear MPQ...

GumisK Posts: 372 Mover and Shaker
Dear MPQ,

Lately I've been trying to find reasons to change my mind about a decision that had been building up in me for quite some time. I failed to find them. I'm leaving you today.

When I first heard about you, and saw some pictures on the Internet, I immediately got excited. You were strikingly similar to my old love, called Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords, but there was something more to you. It seemed you were into Marvel comics, and into collecting - we could have so much in common! I rushed for my phone to get in touch with you. At first you were a bit odd, but in that nerdy, geeky kind of way, which I found attractive. I got to like you pretty fast, and started to spend more and more time with you. It was new, it was fun, and I couldn't see a single flaw in you. Despite that, you kept on changing for me. You tried awfully hard to be even better in my eyes, even though I wasn't complaining at all. You went on finding new ideas for us, and I knew you were smart, 'cos I liked most of them.

I can remember the day when I heard from you that you would be even happier if you could also reach me on my PC, not only through my mobile. That was a brilliant concept, so I got involved into all the testing with you. It worked! Now I could spare even more time for you; and boy, did you look beatiful on that big screen!

Your creativity knew no limits. I felt great with all the ruckus you'd been causing. I'm not a dynamic person, have never really been into changes, but you patiently taught me that change might, in fact, be good. I trusted your decisions, as they more often than not led to good things. Sure, you made some mistakes (remember the poor guy Rags, and how you treated him? I must say I wasn't proud of you at that moment), but that was merely a price for progress. Damn, those were good times.

Then, one evening, you told me we should be more social. With so many people out there, it wasn't right to keep ourselves isolated. It truly made sense to me - we were happy, but we didn't have anyone to share the joy with, like a loving couple stranded on a desert island. I felt motivated to introduce you to some friends, and from that point we were one, fantastic bunch. Our social circle was expanding rapidly, as we were bumping into more and more buddies - hell, even that old sport Emeryt showed up! They were all Polish, too, which really mattered to me, as we could understand ourselves on so many levels, often without words, unlike those virtual, Facebook friends who usually know nothing about each other and their lives. Our party was rolling on full power, and I was convinced it wouldn't end.

However, every now and then I got that cold feeling, that we're singing out of tune. Your ideas started to ran out, our conversations were tainted with repetition, dullness even. Sure, we were still enjoying ourselves, although it was then when I began to wonder whether our crush wasn't finally over. I guess you could see that too, and you started acting weird. You demanded more and more attention, made me spend every minute of free time with you. I knew that nothing good could come out of it - forced relationships never end well. But you didn't listen. For the life of me, I couldn't understand how our communication got so messed up. I tried to explain my concerns to you, I really did. With no reaction from you, I felt like I was talking to a wall. To make matters worse, you became greedy. I'm not a materialistic type, and not very wealthy too, yet you kept on finding ways of taking my money from me. Why? Have you already forgotten how we were able to enjoy ourselves without cash involved, at the beginning?

It all started to get on my nerves. I decided to give us some time to sort things out, to make it up. Again, you refused to listen. Time has passed, and you have nothing new to tell me. I did my best to get us back on the right tracks, and now it all seems pointless. I've lost my passion for you. I don't miss you after the whole day without you; you don't bring the smile on my face as you used to; I can't even be angry with you. I just don't care anymore.

There is no other solution, no simple remedy for our problems. We have fallen out. Bye MPQ, and thank you for everything. It was a blast, no doubt about it. Try to be better for your future lovers, show them your pretty face, they deserve it.


  • Clintman
    Clintman Posts: 757 Critical Contributor
    You know, people would not fight this hard, or try to reason with the company this strenuously if they did not love the game and truly want it to go in a beneficial direction that would keep them playing.

    I am sad to see veteran players go. I have hope that D3 is able to nimbly act to make changes and direction corrections to be able to maintain loyal customers. They have proven to be very agile in making a lot of good changes as well as a lot of very very bad changes. That being said, there is still hope.

    Don't disappear forever brotherman!
  • MPQ has definitely been the most abusive relationship I've ever been in. Unfortunately, I'm not as strong will as you, GumisK. I keep throwing money at MPQ to try to make it happy but it keeps wanting more. I keep talking to MPQ but it stopped listening a long time ago. But MPQ is inflicting so much pain and misery because it loves me, right?
  • GumisK
    GumisK Posts: 372 Mover and Shaker
    Knock3r wrote:
    But MPQ is inflicting so much pain and misery because it loves me, right?

    If that's what you call love, then yes, definitely.
  • You and me, bro...

    You and me.

    The worst part of leaving MPQ? Sadness.

    Sadness that they screwed up something I was so glad to give my time and money into.

    Sadness that I'm leaving such a fine people in my alliance.

    Sadness that I'm leaving such an amazing community, so unwanted by the creators of MPQ.

    Sadness that I really wanted to contribute to this game. To help it be better. To help Devs as my gratitude. That was a reason to become a mod on forums.
  • Man, I just keep up-thumbing these farewell threads.
  • Emeryt wrote:
    The worst part of leaving MPQ? Sadness.

    Exactly! I feel like a game that I was still having fun with has been taken away from me.
  • GumisK wrote:
    Lately I've been trying to find reasons to change my mind about a decision that had been building up in me for quite some time. I failed to find them. I'm leaving you today.

    Yep, they shifted the **** engine into the next gear. As I wrote here viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6767#p148187 they helped a lot on the last week to remove all my remaining doubts.

    I was thinking to linger on, try for the daken prizes with psylocke, but just don't feel like starting another tournament wasting time on deleveling opponents from all-141 for the start and 2 days in look at 30-40 veterans at the top fighting for the 10 over 1100, getting nailed from 0 pointers on every other shield hop. Did that enough times what can I possibly get from repeat?

    I hope those who stay find some joy or if not find some wisdom finally to break from the pure grind.
  • Leugenesmiff
    Leugenesmiff Posts: 401 Mover and Shaker
    As long as people keep buying tokens that give you three tenths of one percent to get what you want then nothing is ever going to change. My enjoyment is still balancing out my frustration, but I've been close to quitting. But unless there's a change my wallet is closed.
  • I decided early on that the only way I'll be spending money on this game is if they make a standalone single purchase version that cuts out the token lottery, the roster limit and absurdly slow leveling pace.

    The core combat is pretty solid. I think it's a good entry into the Puzzle Quest catalog. The progression and monetization scheme, though... those are bad news.

    I still play the game here and there because it's still fun to *play* a few fights here and there, but the metagaming aspect is absolutely not worth spending money on.