I need advice on transitioning to 3*

sajymus Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
edited May 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
Hi, I'm new to the forums, but I've been playing for months. I'm in the transitioning stage from 2* to 3* roster, but I'm not sure how to proceed. I can often get in the top 50 in PvP events with my 2* team of OBW+Ares/Wolvie (all maxed out), especially now that I've bought HP and can use shields. However, that's only one 3* at a time (and not always--I missed out on the recent lazy Thor reward), and my alliance is small and gets in the top 1000. So, I get one cover instead of 2-3 most of the time and focusing on one to really develop like the transitioning guide says is harder. My 3* covers have been haphazard. My best ones are: Hulk (5/1/2) at 79, Iron Man 40 (4/2/1) at 66 and Daredevil (1/3/2) at 49. I don't like playing Daredevil because of the probability that his specials attacks will prove useless. I have a The Hood and Lazy Thor right around level 40 and one 4* wolverine.

My question: should I level up whoever I get or save my iso for a particular cover? The theory, as I understand it, is to level up a 3star to replace someone in your best 2* team, so should I save my iso for when I get Thor covers so he can replace Ares?

Any other advice for transitioning?



  • Don't level DareDevil anymore I'd say. Save your ISO until you have enough covers for a 3* char to get around level 100. At around level 100 a 3* ~level 85 2*. Another alternative is level whichever 3* is buffed for a tourney since it'll help you rank higher. You don't necesarily need to replace one of your 2*s with the 3*, but the more characters you have at that level, the more options you have for tourneys and opponent matchups