Puzzle Warriors 3 - Ep#218:Shard Attack!

XaOs72 Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker
Puzzle Warriors 3 - Ep#218:Shard Attack!

 * New feature: SHARDS!


  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    in the tridecagon just as the match starts Ian pops up on the Jumbotron and yells “POWER COSMIC”. Surfer hits Richards surfer wins.
  • Storm of fire
    Storm of fire Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    Haven't commented for like a month, but belated thanks to Joe for the birthday wishes. 

    Really enjoyed last week's synergy segment team - I use a variant on it with Vulture instead of MEH and it's a good versatile team for 4-star land. Might have to play with MEH instead and see how that goes. 
    216's team is also something I want to play with once I get a final cover for Worthy!Cap (who's at 2/5/5 with FIVE saved covers). 
    Had fun in Infinite Pursuit with Carol, 4-Starlord and 5-star Ironman. Boosted characters yes, but IM's yellow and Star-Lord's passive put out lots of nice countdowns for Carol to use to boost her strike tiles.
    (Also I've gone against variants of 214's Domino/Cloak & Dagger/Vulture teams with other substitutions for Domino and it's not a fun time.)

    I have failed at finishing the fics in time for the Gwen Prix, but the event is still enjoyable the second time around. The notice I got today implies there might be some changes to the event next run. Which I hope is just a new set of teams, blurbs and rewards as I love the conceit and format of the event. Especially the blurbs, as while I might be the slowest writer and I can't write the silly/absurd humour and situations the blurbs tend to lean towards (aka crackfic), I do appreciate the inspiration they provide. 
    And Strange being 'D: the horrors I have seen reading all these things' is highly amusing. 

    Related to Gwen Prix though, I went to a brief literature event about fanfic recently and realised I have like... thesis level knowledge of the genre and how its influenced wider culture. The talk was a bit 101 but it was still very entertaining.

    Showdown: since Silver Surfer and Mr Fantastic are friendly and have wandered into the tridecagon, they decide to arm wrestle for it. Being bendy does NOT help (and kinda sorta counts as cheating) so Silver Surfer wins! 

    Ian and Craig haven't watched 3rd Rock? It wasn't my favourite at the time, given I was like six and sitcoms tend to go well over the heads of kids, but it has a very young Keanu Reeves! It's about a bunch of aliens being confused by humans! That's a great set up for a sitcom. 

    Also I learned that Australia has a local version of the Masked Singer, which again baffles me that it's a popular and good enough format to merit doing so.
  • AlloyIV
    AlloyIV Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    Reed Richards has a plan. He contacts Victor Von Doom to ask for the device that was used to drain the Silver Surfer's powers.  Doom agrees and then laughs as he shows up at the area before hand.  The Silver Surfer and Reed Richards begin the battle with the Surfer standing nobly on his Cosmic Surfboard as Richards throws attack after attack at him ineffectively.  The Surfer prepares to end the fight with a single blast but then Richard's presses a button and the Surfer's attack gets pulled into a device in the floor. The Surfer tries to stop his blast but energy continues to stream from him  Now it appears that the battle is going to have an unexpected conclusion.  Doom emerges and stares with contempt at them both. "It was my genius not his that made this battle winnable but DOOM will be the real winner in this contest.." The device begins to glow and erupts into flames as the Surfer feels his power cosmic return to him.  The Silver Surfer smacks down Reed Richards with a blast as Doom laughs as Richards falls to the ground unconscious. .  
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    If it was Mr Fantastic vs Paste Pot Pete, I could apply the old axiom, "I'm rubber and you're glue!  It bounces off me and sticks to you!"

    However, it's rubber vs a non-stick surface, so Surfer wins, since he can just blast Reed into submission.