Attack+protect+strike tiles makers; Characters that form trio with C4rol and Coulson

Kletvar Posts: 93 Match Maker
edited November 2019 in MPQ General Discussion
1) Which characters have powers that make protect and attack and strike tiles while using one or more powers? I only can think of Beast (his blue), 4* Black Panther(his yellow), 4* Jean(her green), 4* Prof X (his yellow passive) and Nico Minoru(her pink).
Note: I don't ask for characters that make only 2 of the previously mentioned types of special tiles ( Example: Hela. She makes attack and strike tiles, but not protect tiles). I ask for someone that makes all 3 types of the mentioned special tiles.

2 )Which characters (3* and 4* preferably) make great or interesting trio with C4rol and Coulson ? Wolfsbane in her pvp proved to be great, 4* Wasp looks promising, Dazzler is an off-meta character but seems interesting. Anyone else ?
Feel free to suggest off-meta characters. Experimentation is what makes games interesting for me

Please, when you write your answers put "1)" or "2)" depending on which question you are answering


  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    2.) Wasp/Coulson/C4rol is great regardless, but how well/fast it works depends on who your strongest character color is. The point of course is to get Wasp's blue passive going and some special tiles out first so that they're being passively strengthened by Carol every turn. But then you also have Coulson's passive dishing out pain and giving more AP, paired with Wasp's cheap yellow to keep strengthening tiles and dropping more CDs. In theory, Carol will help generate black if she tanks, or yellow if Coulson/Wasp is your strongest character - however I have a high level Destroyer Gun on Coulson, so purple is actually my strongest color on that team, which can help me generate more of whatever color I need to start the chain reaction of passives. I used to have Wasp Gauntlets on Wasp, which made blue the strongest color, and that got things going super fast sometimes. Either way, them not hitting Wasp with the Repeater Tile bat was one of the greatest things they could have done for Wasp. 

    OJSP covered all the other ones I could think of - I mostly use Cho out of that bunch with these two on Boss Fights like Sinister Six where targeted board destruction comes in super handy
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    There are 3 basic strategies here for what this team is about: cheap or bulk CD production, cheap or bulk special production, or just generally cheap powers allowing Coulson to be the CD maker.

    Additionally characters who can add Team Up tiles to the board are helpful here (really I think that's just 2* Captain Marvel and Okoye), or barring that to collect them on powers like 3* Storm because Coulson can burn those down to shorten CDs.

    3* Partners 
    Loki - allow enemy match-4s to get ridiculous CD spam that also steals AP. Use his black to flip any opponent strikes/defends to the opposite as you steal them

    Patch - play with Loki to generate enemy strikes along with friendly, and get double action. Play up with Medusa and get more AP gain, health regen, or stolen tiles for your trouble

    Sentry - you will be hard pressed to get more active CD spam from a character than you get from Sentry, but be aware nobody is coming out alive if you do...

    Daken - free strike spam on green, very cheap blue that can keep Coulson spitting out CDs even though it's removing friendly strikes. Your mileage may vary here

    Blade - passive strike creation and active attack creation, used to be better when his black was a short CD pre-repeaters

    Hawk3ye - cheap powers, all CD based for the most part, true heal, can create friendly strikes

    4* partners:
    W4sp has long been the golden 3rd on this team. bank up 8 blue, hilarity ensues.

    Medusa - constant CD on the board, health regen whenever a friendly special is matched, chase your own CD to split it down into attack tiles as often as you can

    Worthy Cap seems like the obvious but overlooked choice on your list. Eat enough damage, flood the board with red/blue and 1-turn CDs

    Valkyrie - always has a CD in play, if teammates take damage she spits out strikes

    Magik - creates defend tiles on friendly fire and fortifies existing specials - maybe not the most useful

    Kingpin - You might not think it, but Kingpin/Coulson/C4rol is a decent team. KP's CDs hit harder than coulson's I believe, and they don't blow up the board, so use Coulson to shorten KP's CDs in the background.

    Ronin - free red attack spam, cheap green

    I'm sure there are plenty more, these are just the ones I can think of.

    Also - if you have him even remotely usable, 5* Hawkeye is another one.
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 93 Match Maker
    OJSP said:
    2. Drax, Peggy, Medusa, Nova, Hulk Cho, a lot really. Rocket is good too.

    OJSP covered all the other ones I could think of - I mostly use Cho out of that bunch with these two on Boss Fights like Sinister Six where targeted board destruction comes in super handy
    How is Cho good with Coulson and Carol ? Is it because of the cooldown tile ? It gets to 0 faster and makes more green tiles for Cho. And that's it ? Or am i missing something obvious ?
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    ^ in that example, it's more about the targeted board destruction being useful on boss fights that you get from Cho's green. 
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 93 Match Maker
    edited November 2019

    3* characters
    Loki looks nice in theory, but it may take some time to use his black power.
    Patch and Sentry will burn health packs quickly. If i pair Patch with Loki, i will have to remove Coulson from the team :/ Btw 3 or 4 months ago, when pvp was easier for me and when i had few extra health packs i used to play Sentry, Hood and C4rol in the simulator. The team has really strong nuke :D 
    Daken may give, but the dude may also take some good friendly strikes even with 5/5/3.
    I love Blade, both of his versions, but i don't think he has enough spam to trigger Coulson's passive.

    I love the idea of Hawkeye in this team. Actually, i love Hawkeye paired with Coulson. Until 3-4 days ago (Coulson was lvl 229 until then, so Hawkeye was tanking purple and pink. Maybe he still is tanking pink and blue after Coulson got champed, but i haven't checked) i was using both of them with Carnage as third in the simulator. Carnage and Hawkeye brought tons of pink and blue covers.
    About the team with C4rol and Coulson - I guess the strategy with him is: Gather 18 pink ap. Use his pink to make strike tiles and use Coulson's pink to match Hawky pink cd. Then, play normally (spamming Hawkeye's blue, lol). 

    4* characters 
    Wasp looks like my next 4* champ after i get 8 more covers on Medusa. So, thanks to you, @BoyWonder1914 and @OJSP for that :smiley:
    Worthy is one of the best 4*s in the game and he's great with C4rol and 4*Grocket, but i can't see how he's good with Coulson and C4rol.
    Anyway, i think it's still early for me to focus on covering him, because i don't see that many aggressive teams that can trigger his passive early in the game.
    Valkyrie, Magik, Kingpin, Ronin. I think i'll have a lot of fun with these as 3rd character. Thanks :smile:

    My 5* Hawkeye has only 1 cover, and that's on his red, but i've seen some videos and he's great with Coulson 
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    4* Star-Lord is particularly effective against enemies with cheap powers (e.g. goons and Dark Avengers), but more so with Coulson than Carol.  Carol/4* Luke Cage/Wasp quickly becomes hilarious against enemies that use a lot of powers.

    Ant-Man is an underrated character to pair with Carol.  If you manage to launch and preserve the relatively cheap Ants! Ants! Ants!, you get a ridiculous set of buffed strikes the turn they expire (bonus points if you're generating Pym Particles before you get there).  Small Time Crooks is an additional countdown, but isn't really worth pursuing just for Carol shenanigans (due to the long countdown) unless there are already enemy specials out.

    Scarlet Witch is decent with Carol/Coulson.  Arcane Incantation is a passive (if slow) countdown, and the purple generation can be used by Coulson to generate other useful AP colors.

    3* Falcon works decently when paired with Wasp instead of Coulson. He can generate protect spam and can buff when collecting yellow -- which can be funneled into Wasp's Tactical Intuition to convert them to strikes when advantageous.  You've also got an additional passive countdown generator in Redwing, although it's a relatively slow countdown and only if the enemy is generating special tiles.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kletvar said:

    3* characters
    I guess the strategy with him is: Gather 18 pink ap. Use his pink to make strike tiles and use Coulson's pink to match Hawky pink cd. Then, play normally (spamming Hawkeye's blue, lol). 

    4* characters 

    Worthy is one of the best 4*s in the game and he's great with C4rol and 4*Grocket, but i can't see how he's good with Coulson and C4rol.

    The whole point of basing teams around CDs that burn down is that every time one expires, C4rol buffs a special. So in addition to Coulson creating AP in the background, you're looking at C4rol jacking up the damage on anything that's out on the board. To that end:

    3* Loki isn't about using his Black as the primary, it's about getting free CD spam passively. It works WAY better than you think he would here, so long as you remember to occasionally allow the enemy to get a match-4, which can be very counter-intuitive to your finally honed game sense. 4* Mockingbird is another one that can be hard to kick the habit on preventing those. But don't allow an enemy Profe$$or X to do it if you can help it lol.

    3* Hawkeye you don't actually need to collect that purple all at once - keep in mind that Coulson is making AP in the background every time a CD counts down, and Hawkeye (3*) is also creating blue/purple every time you match an enemy special. You can prompt that by using his black to create some, but you can get it from any enemy special type, not just A/D/S tiles. Since his purple comes out with a CD of 4? turns, you have a little time to match it away. But even if you don't, it hits very hard so nbd if it goes off.

    4* WCap - see 3* Loki - it's not about anything he's doing save creating 1 turn CD spam that Coulson is using to generate AP of random colors and C4rol is using to buff strikes out the ying yang. 
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 93 Match Maker
    OJSP said:
    1. Mr Fantastic's black, Lockjaw's blue (when red is most present) . Edit: (I thought Green Goblin makes attack tiles, but apparently not)

    2. Drax, Peggy, Medusa, Nova, Hulk Cho, a lot really. Rocket is good too.

    Mr. Fantastic + Medusa + Carnage. Infinite heals, infinite spam of powers for free ? :smiley:
    Lockjaw is one of those characters that i forgot they exist, lol. Gotta check his powers again :D:smiley:
    Drax + Coulson = Double damage on countdown expire. Plus the special tiles that Drax brings. Interesting.
    I don't understand how Peggy contributes to Coulson+C4rol. Does it have something to do with her Legendary Presence ?
    Medusa is selected as Bonus hero. One of the reasons why i did it is her contribution to Coulson+C4rol. The other reason is the current meta and how well she fits in it.
    Nova may be interesting. I guess 5/5/3.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    A trick I use on Coulson sometimes is to just hot-swap 2 colors within a match 3 that you want more of rather than trying to create a match 4 (assuming there are no match-5 opportunities available for his purple). That gives you 7 AP on that color when there are a pair of charged tiles in the match, rather than the 6 you'd get from a Match-4 (not inclusive of any gathered AP from the line clear, or a secondary match from the swapped location)
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Another trick you might want to use for C4rol/Coulson is to set up a match 4 for the opponent in their strongest color (assuming it matches yours) and then don't match it yourself. They'll always take a match-4, so if the AP is in a color that won't lead to you getting your face nuked off, it may be worth it to trap them with C4rol's passive.
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Kletvar said:

    3* characters
    I guess the strategy with him is: Gather 18 pink ap. Use his pink to make strike tiles and use Coulson's pink to match Hawky pink cd. Then, play normally (spamming Hawkeye's blue, lol). 

    4* characters 

    Worthy is one of the best 4*s in the game and he's great with C4rol and 4*Grocket, but i can't see how he's good with Coulson and C4rol.

    The whole point of basing teams around CDs that burn down is that every time one expires, C4rol buffs a special. So in addition to Coulson creating AP in the background, you're looking at C4rol jacking up the damage on anything that's out on the board. To that end:

    3* Loki isn't about using his Black as the primary, it's about getting free CD spam passively. It works WAY better than you think he would here, so long as you remember to occasionally allow the enemy to get a match-4, which can be very counter-intuitive to your finally honed game sense. 4* Mockingbird is another one that can be hard to kick the habit on preventing those. But don't allow an enemy Profe$$or X to do it if you can help it lol.

    4* WCap - see 3* Loki - it's not about anything he's doing save creating 1 turn CD spam that Coulson is using to generate AP of random colors and C4rol is using to buff strikes out the ying yang. 
    But, if there aren't any friendly special tiles, there will be none for C4rol to buff. So, without any friendly special tiles on board 0 or few cd tiles on the board will be all the same to C4rol, right ? Sure, Coulson will bring some nice ap, but it's not as beneficial as it could be. 

    Also, i agree about Hawkeye not having to collect 18 pink ap. 8 black on C4rol will also make few strike tiles and after going off it will leave the strikes on board. Hawkeye's black will almost always be second option because of C4rol's black, but sometimes it could be used for true heal and potential ap gain.
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Carol/4* Luke Cage/Wasp quickly becomes hilarious against enemies that use a lot of powers.
    I love this ! Even better than  4*Starlord+Coulson+C4rol.JackTenrec said:
    Ant-Man is an underrated character to pair with Carol.  If you manage to launch and preserve the relatively cheap Ants! Ants! Ants!, you get a ridiculous set of buffed strikes the turn they expire (bonus points if you're generating Pym Particles before you get there).  Small Time Crooks is an additional countdown, but isn't really worth pursuing just for Carol shenanigans (due to the long countdown) unless there are already enemy specials out.
    Seems interesting.
    Scarlet Witch is decent with Carol/Coulson.  Arcane Incantation is a passive (if slow) countdown, and the purple generation can be used by Coulson to generate other useful AP colors.
    The funny thing about this is that i always said to myself that when i'll champ Coulson i have to try the team, but since i made Coulson a champion i never thought of SWitch+Coulson+Carol. I kinda forgot that SWitch exists and few months ago she was regular in my fights.

    3* Falcon works decently when paired with Wasp instead of Coulson. He can generate protect spam and can buff when collecting yellow -- which can be funneled into Wasp's Tactical Intuition to convert them to strikes when advantageous.  You've also got an additional passive countdown generator in Redwing, although it's a relatively slow countdown and only if the enemy is generating special tiles.
    One more forgotten character that i used to play a lot with. Him, 3* Iron Fist and 3* Luke Cage were the real deal when i was entering 3* land. Fights were slow, but the usage of health packs was minimal. 
    Him paired with Wasp and Carol may be really interesting team.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    Kletvar said:
    I don't understand how Peggy contributes to Coulson+C4rol. Does it have something to do with her Legendary Presence ?

    Do What Peggy Says creates 3 blue countdowns.  Unfortunately, this requires you to have either fired Coulson's Call the Cavalry or Carol's Photonic Barrage to generate specials beforehand (and all of those are relatively expensive powers).
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Kletvar said:
    I don't understand how Peggy contributes to Coulson+C4rol. Does it have something to do with her Legendary Presence ?

    Do What Peggy Says creates 3 blue countdowns.  Unfortunately, this requires you to have either fired Coulson's Call the Cavalry or Carol's Photonic Barrage to generate specials beforehand (and all of those are relatively expensive powers).
    So, she's both strong (3 blue cd tiles, +1 cd tile from coulson + 2 stunned enemies) and weak (too slow) in same time in that team. Interesting 
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Another trick you might want to use for C4rol/Coulson is to set up a match 4 for the opponent in their strongest color (assuming it matches yours) and then don't match it yourself. They'll always take a match-4, so if the AP is in a color that won't lead to you getting your face nuked off, it may be worth it to trap them with C4rol's passive.
    Yup. It's especially useful in C4rol mirror matches when strongest color in both teams is the same color :D 
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 93 Match Maker
    A trick I use on Coulson sometimes is to just hot-swap 2 colors within a match 3 that you want more of rather than trying to create a match 4 (assuming there are no match-5 opportunities available for his purple). That gives you 7 AP on that color when there are a pair of charged tiles in the match, rather than the 6 you'd get from a Match-4 (not inclusive of any gathered AP from the line clear, or a secondary match from the swapped location)
    And also you deal more damage because of his Pink. I haven't thought of that yet. Thanks ! 
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    Put ant man with 4* carol and use his yellow and thank me later
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can either use a support (pve) to start a match with seed specials, or prioritize Photonic Barrage as early as you can with WCap. But anyone that isn’t doing it passively has this problem to a greater or lesser degree.

    another option for you is Domino, who brings active red/green and can flood the board with black after a couple turns.
  • wingX
    wingX Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    edited November 2019
    2)Beside some of the characters mentioned above, other that can paired with Carols and Coulson are:
    • 4*Iron Fist - His cheap blue create strike tiles which activate Coulson's countdown and also can help fortify strike tiles
    • War Machine - He will cover all active colours in the team, and also create attack and countdown tiles. However, both his red and green are kind of expensive to activate Coulson's countdown.
    • Beast - His blue is cheap, create countdown that also create SAP tikes, thus when his countdown resolve, his SAP tiles are immedately boosted. Then they will be boosted again if Coulson's countdown are resolved too. The only problem is all his special tiles are on blue.
    • 4*Human Torch - His cheap green will help activate Coulson's countdown, and if Coulson or Carol fire their power, a strike tile will be created. Will be best if Carol fire her power so that her attack will trigger both Coulson's countdown and Torch strike tiles to boost on following turn.
    • Kitty - She has a cheap red to activate Coulson's countdown, and if attack by a power, will generate attack tiles to be boosted. Work well when used her against Strange and 4*Juggernaut.
    • 4* Professor X - If Carol fire a power, PX will create SAP tiles and Coulson will generate countdown to boost them next turn. For me I will prefer using Scarlet Witch instead of Coulson for her passive countdown and a chance to generate five-of-a-kind to activate another PX passive.
    • 2* Wolverine - He will be the perfect missing link for this team if not for the fact that he is a 2*. His cheap green will generate strike tile to be boosted, and also cover all active colours in this team.

  • Hilk
    Hilk Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    2) Cloak and dagger- 
    * starts with a black generation to boost carol. (Swords)
    *  don’t match black to get a fist
    * An inexpensive purple to set off Coulsons countdown
    * yellow to boost Carol again
    * True healing if needed to tank

    C&D is a very versatile player, great to pair with anyone who needs black or yellow.