Your Symbiotic Relationship pull results

PiMacleod Posts: 1,814 Chairperson of the Boards
2050 CP spent.... 82 pulls...


I do not own a single purple cover of BSSM.  I STILL do not.

...but now I have 13 covers in Green Goblin.  I guess there's an upside.  And 10 covers in WorthyCap.

In total, I pulled 12 5* covers from 82.  It's just a tad under average... but man, it was all Goblin and blue cover BSSMs.  I was looking for at least 1 Carnage, and some BSSM to fight Kitty with.

And in case you wanna watch it, here it is!


  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    1 Pull, 1 Carbage, back to trying for Iceman.
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,814 Chairperson of the Boards
    1 Pull, 1 Carbage, back to trying for Iceman.
    Sooooooo…. what's the secret?  How'd you do that?  Did you watch my vid?  I did 1 pull.  then another.   and another.... and another.... and anoth----

    Oh well.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    PiMacleod said:
    1 Pull, 1 Carbage, back to trying for Iceman.
    Sooooooo…. what's the secret?  How'd you do that?  Did you watch my vid?  I did 1 pull.  then another.   and another.... and another.... and anoth----

    Oh well.
    If I knew the secret, there wouldn't be the times like with Professor X or Gho5t Rider where I didn't get them until like halfway through the next Season. I think the only other time this has happened for me was with Archangel, so twice out of 24 5* releases since I started playing. Above average, but not hugely so.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,412 Chairperson of the Boards
    Current state:
    Green Goblin 1/3/2 with potential to be 2/4/3 with 25 sandman covers
    Black suit spidey 4/5/2 and needs 48 infinity war covers to complete

    Actually fortunate enough to pull one carnage already from pve token and debating whether or not to bother with this store. Decided this was my best chance to get green goblin completed. Set green goblin as bonus hero. 

    22 pulls later
    3 green goblin + 1 bonus hero (very early on, it may have been the 2nd pull)
    6 carnage
    2 black suit spidey

    That's almost 50%! Didn't want to push my luck any further. Goblin can wait for those 25 sandman covers. Black suit only need 28 infinity wars covers now and Carnage is 5/1/1. 
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    425 cp spent. Three Goblins and a BSSM. No Carnage but I was finally able to pull my 13th Jubilee. She was at 5/2/5 for the longest time.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,554 Chairperson of the Boards
    I completely forgot that there was going to be this store thingy and so spent all of my CP earlier this week. I think that is a win for me though anyway.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    600 CP.  One 5-star cover, and it was a Green Goblin that I already had five covers in.  Not my best showing...
  • Mattjimf
    Mattjimf Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    100 CP

    5* Spiderman
    5* Green Goblin
    Jean Grey
    5* Carnage
  • MrBowers
    MrBowers Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    6 pulls at the start. 1 goblin and 1 carnage. Pulled 2 more today but no 5*
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,959 Chairperson of the Boards
    First 6 pulls gave me my last two needed BSSMs and a Carnage black. 

    I stole all the luck....
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    I won’t pull cp in it, I’ll let you know if I get tokens. But I have gotten 2 5torm champ levels, a green Iceman for 3/3/4, and a bonus Yellow Okoye (6/5/1) this week, so I’m not mad.
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,247 Chairperson of the Boards
    30 pulls, 2 Spidey green, no Carbage...  My luck in these stores stays abysmal... 
  • Bubba3210
    Bubba3210 Posts: 248 Tile Toppler
    5 pulls netted me two goblins, Magik, 2099, and Mordo. I can live with that. Two pulls from LL resulted in two Professor X and a bonus kitty which allowed me to champ her. I’ll take these odds any time.
  • GoldenArm
    GoldenArm Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    11 pulls, 2x Goblins, the rest 4*s.
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 535 Critical Contributor
    41 pulls (including tokens) - 2 goblins, 1BSSM, 1 carnage.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    40 pulls.  Two 4* BH, one goblin, 2 carnage.  7.5% pull rate.  So working as intended.  :(
  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 1,002 Chairperson of the Boards
    2 pulls (both from the Boss Event)
    Magik champ reward
    TAHulk saved cover
  • spatenfloot
    spatenfloot Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    With my event token, I got venom
  • Monsoon3
    Monsoon3 Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    One pull - One 5* Carnage cover. I'm done with the store.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Two token pulls: a Shuri champ level and a blue BSSM, bringing him to a wretched 5/1/1. I'd already decided not to burn CP on this one.