friendly competition and affordablility

quadiak Posts: 177 Tile Toppler
Developers please answer one question for me?

Why is it that you cannot build a business model that will help this game succeed?

The concept is very simple. People in general like to have friendly competition in an affordable game that can ease the pressures of everyday life. How can you not understand that these are the simple basics which have driven so many apps to reasonable long term success. Yes all games have a shelf life, but all you are doing is making the shelf life as short as you can with this highly enjoyable game.

My suggestion is to make rewards slightly easier to achieve without have to play 24/7 by either decreasing bracket size or possibly increasing the chances players have to achieve rewards in ranking levels. maybe shift everything by 1 position, like top 25 getting the current top 10 rewards. or brackets with only 150 players instead of 200. you need to find a balance that is less frustrating in order to retain your client base. in the real world people just dont have the time to invest that is required for even minimal success in this game.

as far as in game purchases. maybe lower everything by 1000% percent. it still blows me away that you can charge people basically $300-$350 dollars to level a 3* character. Would $30-$35 not sound like a much more reasonable figure for what is basically an action figure, without the figure.

I truly believe you would make 200-300% higher income generation by going for a larger quantity of paying players rather than trying to simply gouge the few you can get to actually spend thousands on building a roster. I believe the game play is easily good enough to support long term income generation, but it seems that you dont have enough faith in your own product to give it a chance.


  • Agreed. Just now I checked out the Psylocke cover pack because my Psylocke is far from complete, but the fact that even the increased chance of getting any Psylocke cover is just barely over 6 % made me decide not to buy anything. I mean, most likely I'll just get a bunch of 2* covers, and I have all of them already. If it's that expensive and/or that unlikely to get the desired character, I'm not spending money on it.
    When you introduced Falcon, for example, there was a much larger chance of getting him in the cover pack, so I bought two of those.

    Also, that whole pay to win is a turn-off. I mean, I LOVE this game, but recently things seem to be getting more and more expensive or harder to get, and one is pretty much forced to invest in shields during PvP now, because if you don't you can't get any of the good stuff because you'll end up being attacked by players with lvl 141 characters constantly towards the end (and my highest characters are lvl 100 - how the hell is it even possible I get matched up with all-141 teams?? icon_e_surprised.gif ).
  • I think they would be surprised how much a massive price reduction would tip the scales towards frequent micro transaction spam. The chance of packs to drop anything meaningful (especially when frequent PVPing, particularly during LRs, will unlock all the 2*s by itself) at their current prices don't work. Either 3* and up or a huge price drop would make people feel differently about using them.

    Meanwhile, dredging through mechanics like prologue healing so you don't have to burn through health packs, or consider paying just to be able to revive and play after dying to increasingly ludicrous scaling. That's not to mention how ridiculous it is to have designed scaling systems where you're hurting yourself by doing well. I can't think of anything more inane than a player trying to intentionally screw up their kill efficiency in order to try to trick the game into not making the game harder at a faster rate.

    I think F2P players feel the huge gap between them and paying players to start with, let alone the gap that will be omnipresent between them and whales spamming boosts and shields constantly.

    If the micro were very cheap, there are players that weren't going to pay regardless, but it could shift a huge chunk more players into paying, and likely build much stronger positive vibes in the community when the micro feels "worth" it.

    I looked at the price of HP and compared it to the drop rates for meaningful 3* covers in 10 / 40-whatever packs and laughed. Same for maxing out a single hero through upgrades.

    You could buy a AAA game off the shelf, let alone using the Steam model to buy it when it's down to $5/$10 a year later, with development costs in the tens of millions or more, for less than what you'd pay maxing one of the many heroes.

    Trying to latch onto and leech a small percentage of paying players for as much as you can instead of trying to target the masses makes zero sense. Every review I've ever seen of this game has people mocking the micro, especially ISO prices. That's great advertising and word of mouth.
  • I agree with what has been said. I am mostly playing with a few work friends and we started an alliance. We didn't want to dump a ton of cash on the game to try to get 10pack or to buy over priced single covers to make our 3* heroes better. We have used almost all of our personal coins and about $50 in coins to get more slots to do better in the events. At the time I am typing this we are at 15/20 and are still fighting to be in the top 500 in most PVP events. I feel like it is now too hard to win any 3* heroes. Only the top 50 in a personal get one cover of a 3*. Only the top 100 get a three star cover. This puts a huge wall on winning new powers that are 3* or better. I feel like I am drowning in two star covers. Like Quadiak I feel that if you make it easier for me to start winning some more I will make it easier for you to get money from me. Please give me a real reward for placing in the top 100 of a personal event a 3* would be great. I would like to see the top 500 in alliance events to get 50hp,1500 ISO, and a heroic. then maybe top 200 get 50HP,1500 ISO,and an event heroic coin.

    Another way I feel like we could help get over the 3* wall is to make something that would push the odds in your favor to get a 3* cover after every 2*. For example every 2* you unlock with heroic token you would get a .5% added to get a 3* cover. Have this happen until you unlock at 3* cover with a heroic token, then start over again.

    The last idea is a some type of crafting system. Breaking down covers to make HP, ISO, or other tokens. This was touched on here viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2293&start=20 along with other ranting.

    I want to finish by saying this game is so much better then when I started. More evenets, heros, alliances, and seasonal pvp. All this is great but I feel stuck on a loop of 2* level 85. Its the same grind against OBW, thor, and event hero to exempt rank up only to be bumped off the top 50 and into yet another trash 2* heroic. I want D3 to make a ton of money. I want this game to be filled with players who are using their favorite heros and villains. But with out making the Mid to late game more fun and less of a money grab I don't think it will happen.
  • kvas_707 wrote:
    I want to finish by saying this game is so much better then when I started. More evenets, heros, alliances, and seasonal pvp. All this is great but I feel stuck on a loop of 2* level 85. Its the same grind against OBW, thor, and event hero to exempt rank up only to be bumped off the top 50 and into yet another trash 2* heroic. I want D3 to make a ton of money. I want this game to be filled with players who are using their favorite heros and villains. But with out making the Mid to late game more fun and less of a money grab I don't think it will happen.

    Important point, thank you. With all the complaints, people often forget to mention what they like about the game.

    Yes, I also think there have been some great additions. I'm enjoying this. So I'm quite ready to spend a bit of money on it. Just make it worthwhile. icon_e_smile.gif