New Feature Coming - Targeting Heroes

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
edited October 2019 in MPQ News and Announcements

MARVEL PUZZLE QUEST is always evolving and improving. This last year's Anniversary was another success, with two new story events that had record setting numbers of players going through them. As we move out of the Anniversary events themselves, we'll continue to do this with not only new events but also new features.

For example, one of the biggest things players have been asking for is a way to direct progress towards given characters, especially those that aren't directly featured in a given pack. Both the Saved Heroes and Bonus Heroes systems help with this, but we can go even further. Directed progress is super important for players to feel as if they can get more powerful by playing to have the tools they need to succeed.

By working with this new coming soon feature, players will be able to choose which characters they want to directly go for and get covers to complete. On top of this, the feature is visible and easily trackable, so players will always know how close they are to that next character milestone.

This feature has been a focus of our development recently, along with our continued engine updates. We're excited to provide you more info in the coming weeks, but wanted to provide you with a little teaser today!

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