Progression Point Tabulation in new Spider-Man 2099 Story Event

ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
It’s been pretty well established now that 5x clears of normal nodes in immediate succession (excepting the 5* essential) and two clears of the wave nodes is the approximate target points for the maximum progression in Story mode.  

In the newly released story involving Spider-Man 2099, the point totals required for progression were much higher.  I’m assuming this was unintentional due to an error (including the 5* essential or requiring 5 clears of the wave nodes), so I wanted to submit something here.  Otherwise, I did enjoy the event, particularly the surprise of everyone being boosted in Sub 3.



  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 713 Critical Contributor
    Did you clear the Boss node all 5 times?  In this event it wasn't locked out.  You had to do it as well.
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,249 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm thinking they originally scored it as a 4 day event, instead of the actual 3 day.  
  • Haithere
    Haithere Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    It's really amazing that such a clear oversight made it live, and no one has even admitted it happened. 
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,986 Chairperson of the Boards
    On Discord they announced that this was a mistake and that it would be corrected in future runs.

    To be somewhat fair, Ice was out of the office, sick as a dog, apparently.

    On the other hand, some minor compensation in recognition that they had made a mistake in this event during their big Anniversary might have been nice to see.