4* Juggernaut damage boost (Red passive "Unstoppable") not working consistently [CLOSED]

helix72 Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards

I did 2 trials. In one trial, the damage boost from Juggernaut's passive did not apply to a black match. In the other trial, it did apply to a blue match. Full details below. Both matches were the first match made after entering battle. Both matches were made by Juggernaut. Both matches were against a PvE team of Hood + 2 goons with Hood in front.

Running a team of 4 * Rocket, 4* Star-Lord, and 4* Juggernaut in the Unholy Alliance segment of the Hearts of Darkness PvE.

My 4* Juggernaut is level 250, 4/3/5. The relevant power is:

Red: "(PASSIVE) One does not simply stop the Juggernaut. Juggernaut's base match damage is increased by 65%..."

With my level 294 Rocket plus the other GotG member, he lays out 7 Strike tiles at the start of battle of strength 318 (total additional of 2226).

Juggernaut's base Black damage is 21.

First match is a Black match 3 by Juggernaut. It did not contain any strike tiles and did not cause any cascades.

The match did a total of 4715 damage to the enemy in front and 2426 to the 2 enemies behind.

The enemies behind were damaged by his Green power for 200 added to the strike tiles 2226, for 2426 (as expected).

For the enemy in front, 2426 of the 4715 is accounted for as described in the preceding paragraph from his Green power, that leaves 4715 - 2426 = 2289 to account for due to the initial match. If 2226 of the 2289 initial match damage is from the Strike tiles, that leaves 63, which is 3 x the base Black damage of 21. So the damage boost from his Red power is not being added, or it would be 21 x 1.65 x 3 = 104.

I have videos supporting both the black not working and the blue working I can post (if I can figure out how).


  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    The devs mentioned something about it being a match, rather than being a power. That is why it doesn't work with Okoye's passive power. Therefore, it won't work with supports similar to Okoye's.

    Here it is:


    RickOShay said:
    Wow that match damage reduction is going to make him relevant against five star teams, as long as you can get him to tank a color or three.

    So one of the big questions remains, will Okoye add to his passive AOE damage?
    Juggernaut's power Collateral Damage will not activate Okoye's power Wakanda Forever as it is associated with making a match.

  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks. That explains the second issue, but not the first.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    His base damage for black has already received the 65% damage boost, that's why it's 21.

    At level 250, Juggernaut's black base damage is 13. 
  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards
    Doh! Thank you @HoundofShadow you’re right, and here’s why I was confused:

    If I look at Juggs on my roster, it shows all his tile damage pre-boost (e.g. Black damage shows 13)
    If I click on Juggs during battle, it shows all his tile damage post-boost (e.g. Black damage shows 21)

    So I looked at a few others:
    Ghost does the same thing, shows normal damage when selected in roster but boosted damage when selected in battle
    America does not, she shows normal damage both in roster and in battle. I suspect that might be because her boost changes depending on in-battle conditions (though so does Ghost’s, but in a different way)
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    helix72 said:
    Doh! Thank you @HoundofShadow you’re right, and here’s why I was confused:

    If I look at Juggs on my roster, it shows all his tile damage pre-boost (e.g. Black damage shows 13)
    If I click on Juggs during battle, it shows all his tile damage post-boost (e.g. Black damage shows 21)

    So I looked at a few others:
    Ghost does the same thing, shows normal damage when selected in roster but boosted damage when selected in battle
    America does not, she shows normal damage both in roster and in battle. I suspect that might be because her boost changes depending on in-battle conditions (though so does Ghost’s, but in a different way)

    More importantly, America's damage boost doesn't affect her Base Match Damage, while the other two do. Juggs's and Ghost's powers will affect whether or not they tank certain colours, but Chavez's never will, even if you have enough AP in a colour to bump her damage up above whoever is tanking it normally on your team.