I need suggestions for my next 4* and 5* character

Kletvar Posts: 96 Match Maker
edited September 2019 in Roster and Level Help

4* land and 5* land players, i need your help ! 

I'm a PvP and PvE player, but i need tips for PvP, because PvE right now is easy for me, and because i'm in a pvp oriented alliance.

Not while ago i championed my first 4*- America Chavez. Now i'm looking for another character to set as a bonus, so i can speed up the covering process. For a while, i was thinking about going for Carol or Medusa, but then the game buffed the characters that profit from matching enemy special tiles, and now i'm a bit lost.

Should i go for Medusa that profits from enemy and friendly special tiles, should i go for situational characters like Prowler or Kraven that takes care of attack/protect/strike tiles, or Sabertooth that takes care of enemy strike tiles. Or maybe i should go for someone else that specializes in raw damage and "c*ckblocking" ( sorry for the word, but i couldn't think of something more suitable) the enemy team ?

I know it's early to think for 4* land, but I'm free to play player and games with massive amount of grind like this one need planning for the future.

And for 5*, should i got for Prof.X so i can pair him with chavez and board shakers, or should i go for Kitty? 

And most importantly: What is your experience with the newest update and tile matching buffs? I think i will make my decision mostly on this, so this really means to me.

Current 5* characters → http://prntscr.com/pbl6f1

Current 4* characters → http://prntscr.com/pblbmd   

http://prntscr.com/pblc5o Every 4* not in the pictures is rostered with 3 or less covers.


  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    First off, Chavez is a great choice for first 4* champ. Great Character, and she stays useful all the way up into the 5* tier.
    Of the possibilities you mention, Medusa is still very strong, because she benefited quite a bit from the Special tile change, and Sabretooth is excellent. Medusa also pairs well with Chavez because of her AP gain power. Prowler and Kraven are too narrow. They should wait until you have a more solid lineup of generalist 4* champs.
    Mockingbird is also a really good partner for Chavez, helping to keep the enemy team from getting ahead of you on AP, buffing match damage still further, and having a great finisher with her red. Mordo is also a possibility. He's not the best, but he's better than many, and his colour spread complements Chavez perfectly. Kate Bishop is the other 4* with that colour spread and some good generalist ability, so might be worth considering as well.
    If you're thinking of chasing Kitty, the number one question is how good is your Grocket? She has a lot of good partners, but they're the best by a significant margin. Honestly, tho, if you're just now starting to champ 4*, your 5* bonus hero probably isn't all that important at the moment. I would definitely go for someone in Classics, because everyone currently in Latest will be there by the time you get around to seriously working on 5*, so there's no real benefit to chasing one of them rather than someone who's already out. I would tend to lean toward Okoye, but Kitty is probably the other good option.
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 96 Match Maker
    edited September 2019

    If you're thinking of chasing Kitty, the number one question is how good is your Grocket? She has a lot of good partners, but they're the best by a significant margin.
    I have no idea what 5* to chase, that's why i asked if the meta is changing after the newest update. If the meta is not changing, kitty is the obvious choice. Otherwise, it would be Charles. Okoye's great, but i don't know which characters to pair her with. 
    GRocket is 3/2/1. I updated my post, now it has pictures of my 5*s and 4*s.

    Honestly, tho, if you're just now starting to champ 4*, your 5* bonus hero probably isn't all that important at the moment. I would definitely go for someone in Classics, because everyone currently in Latest will be there by the time you get around to seriously working on 5*, so there's no real benefit to chasing one of them rather than someone who's already out. I would tend to lean toward Okoye, but Kitty is probably the other good option.
    The bad thing is, after putting some 5*s in my roster, the PVP got harder. I know it's a bad thing to do with a roster of undeveloped 4*s and champed 3*s, but if i get a 5* i won't sell it.
    So, as i said, pvp got harder, i started seeing more 4*s than i previously did, so i thought of getting few covers to at least try to make things better. I'm thinking of pulling LL's when the anniversary comes ( if it's a good anniversary, i'll just save my pulls for later ), I have around 50 LL tokens, i think of using them all. If the RNG Gods like me, i guess i'll get 3-4 GRockets ( some of them from Bonus ) and maybe 1 or 2 bonus 5* characters. And because 5*s are relatively hard to be obtained, and because i'm also a f2p player, i think that every cover counts.
    That's one of the reasons why i was wondering between Kitty and Prof X.
    The other reason is the meta. ( what i wrote in the first part of my comment )

    I know Classics are better for players transitioning to 4* rosters, but the problem is that right now i don't have enough HP for that many roster slots. I need 44 characters that are currently in Classics (30 5*s and 14 4*s). And that's a lot, so the chances of getting someone i don't have are higher.
    In Latest, there are only 14 characters ( all of them 4*s ) i don't own. So, the chances of getting someone i don't have are lower. 

    I'm sorry if i seem unfriendly or passive-aggressive. It's just that i'm kinda bad at communication, also English is not my first language, so i'm having small problems of expressing myself the way i want to.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okoye pairs well with nearly everyone. Talos, Kitty, Nico, Emma Frost, and 3* Loki; maybe 3* Storm, GSBW, Howard and Domino. That's the complete list of Characters she doesn't make better. She works really well with Chavez, Sabretooth, and/or Medusa. Of those three, only Medusa really pairs well with Kitty.
    The good news about PvP is that it's not going to jump up substantially in difficulty again for a long time. Unleveled 5* and newly-champed 4* are in the same level range, so as long as you don't go putting more ISO into you 5*, your MMR shouldn't change much until you have a good chunk of the 4* tier champed. and each 4* champ will help make it easier to deal with.
    Bonus Heroes don't care what store you pulled from. You can still get a Classic 5* BH when pulling from Latest. They also show up, on average, about once every 140 pulls, so your odds of getting even one from 50-some pulls is pretty low. Just to get your expectations calibrated.
    Honestly, I don't think the Meta is shifting that much due to the change. It makes things that trigger on Special tile matching better, but it doesn't actually make Special tile creators/buffers any worse.
    The fact that every 5* cover counts is part of why I recommend Okoye. She's a strong contender for best Character in the entire Game, so it's really hard to go wrong with her as your BH. Even a single cover provides buffs for everyone on her team, a decent attack with some board control, or a true heal.
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 96 Match Maker
    edited September 2019
    Thank you for your help. I appreciate it :smiley:
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,247 Chairperson of the Boards
    Carol is never the wrong answer.  The passive damage (under the right circumstances) and ap gain in your strongest color is great.  Since you have Chavez champed already, how's your Hulk (Main Event) shaping up?  The key to America is her crit tiles and MeH helps you with occasional random matches (same applies to Mockingbird as far as AP generation).    

    As for 5* I wouldn't level up in your case just for pvp, cause unless you run double max 5*, Gritty, or something with Bishop, you're going to get hit... a lot... With that being said Prof X is great, but he's also squishy unless you have his damage reducing cover and X-men on his team (still get damage reduction without X-men, but that makes him even more squishy).  I agree with @TPF Alexis about Okoye in this regard.  If you're going to start using 5*, and you don't have a lot of them, they'll become healthpack sinks.  Okoye can true heal herself and that will help a lot.  Also, since he's still latest, Iceman is really fun and effective.

    And also, I've seen a few people mention tile matching buffs, am I missing something?  Or is it the bug that makes things process multiple times in a line clearing match?
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    And also, I've seen a few people mention tile matching buffs, am I missing something?  Or is it the bug that makes things process multiple times in a line clearing match?
    That bug is a follow-on effect from the intentional change. It makes it so that things caught in a line-clearing match count as having been matched, so, for example, if you have Medusa on your team and clear one of your own APS tiles with a line clear, you'll still get the burst of health for it, while before, it would simply have counted as being destroyed, so you wouldn't get the health. Or how it used to be possible to safely clear Grocket's bomb countdown with a line clear, but now that counts as matching it and sets it off.
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,247 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks @TPF Alexis.  I thought that was part of the bug.  So, the activation on destroying a line (your Medusa + Grocket) example), that's what was what was supposed to happen all this time??? Doesn't that buff Medusa?  Like she needs more power  :D
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks @TPF Alexis.  I thought that was part of the bug.  So, the activation on destroying a line (your Medusa + Grocket) example), that's what was what was supposed to happen all this time??? Doesn't that buff Medusa?  Like she needs more power  :D
    I'm not sure if that was how it was supposed to work all the time, but that is the intended functionality under the new game engine, as far as I can tell from the responses to the various threads in the Bugs forum.
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 96 Match Maker
    Carol is never the wrong answer.  The passive damage (under the right circumstances) and ap gain in your strongest color is great.  Since you have Chavez champed already, how's your Hulk (Main Event) shaping up?  The key to America is her crit tiles and MeH helps you with occasional random matches (same applies to Mockingbird as far as AP generation).    

    As for 5* I wouldn't level up in your case just for pvp, cause unless you run double max 5*, Gritty, or something with Bishop, you're going to get hit... a lot... With that being said Prof X is great, but he's also squishy unless you have his damage reducing cover and X-men on his team (still get damage reduction without X-men, but that makes him even more squishy).  I agree with @TPF Alexis about Okoye in this regard.  If you're going to start using 5*, and you don't have a lot of them, they'll become healthpack sinks.  Okoye can true heal herself and that will help a lot.  Also, since he's still latest, Iceman is really fun and effective.
    ME is 1/0/1 or 1/1/0. One of those two. I agree that he's a great partner to Chavez. Actually, i wanted to select him as Bonus alongside Chavez while i was collecting covers for her just because i thought of the great partnership. 

    Leveling 5*s right now is not an option for me, i agree on that one too. It's not worth the iso and it will make pvp harder. I'm waiting to make plenty of 4* champions and maybe then i'll start leveling up 5*s, to around lvl 300 or something.

    I never saw the health on Prof X, until i read your comment about being squishy. He's a glass cannon, lol. Maybe Kitty and Rogue/Bishop would work well with him because of the damage reduction and all that, but what do i know about late game teams, it's still early for me.

    I was thinking about Okoye since @TPF Alexis  mentioned her, i'm gonna focus on her when i'll spend the CP hoard in classic store in about 2 months or maybe later ( depending how fast i progress in the game). I want to have all 4*s and enough hp for 2 or 3 5*s when i start opening classic tokens.

    When Iceman was announced, i thought that he is a joke character like 5* Carol, but the more i see him, the more i like him. Storm seems ok. One more reason why i want to open those LL tokens that i've gathered during the past few months.

    Thanks for the help, i appreciate it :D 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    5torm is really fun. Tons of board shake and she ends up generating a bunch of AP, too, so she'd probably play really well with Chavez.