Request to add holiday cards to craftable legacy booster

Horadrim Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
Can the developers please add holiday cards to booster crafting? 


  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the point of the holiday cards are they are only available to those who are there for those seasons. Kind of like ornaments with limited prints each year. Making them craftable would remove the fun. 
  • Horadrim
    Horadrim Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    edited September 2019
    Wrenn and Six bundled cards plus new land threshold cards were made holiday cards. Too bad free-to-play players can't try the threshold mechanic.
  • Ampersand
    Ampersand Posts: 211 Tile Toppler
    Technically Tamiyo and Sarkhan3 are also part of the holiday set, but they are available for gold. Hopefully Wrenn&Sixx will be too.
  • Horadrim
    Horadrim Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    I don't recall Tamiyo and Sarkhan Unbroken being bundled with holiday cards ("falling star" icon) and with "special" mechanic (like threshold in this case)
  • Ampersand
    Ampersand Posts: 211 Tile Toppler
    Correct, they were not bundled like that, however if you go to the PW section of the in-game menu, then go to filter PWs by set, they are categorized under the shooting star icon. Ugin is also in this category.

    All I'm saying is, I expect Wrenn&Sixx to be available for gold eventually. The other cards, unfortunately, are probably only available for $$$.
  • Horadrim
    Horadrim Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    @Ampersand Yes, precisely why I am requesting the developers to consider adding these threshold cards (and Wrenn and Six-bundled cards) to the craftable legacy packs. Cheers :smile: