Choosing 4*Bonus Hero

wingX Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
Previously I was BH 4*Jugg, but after my Jugg reach 4/5/1, I feel it quite dangerous to continue BH him thus I was thinking of a new character to BH. The candidates that I am thinking of setting as my 4* BH are as below:

Ronin, (currently 2/3/2)
Black Cat (currently 2/3/4)
Thanos (currently 2/3/3)
Prowler (currently 2/1/4)

I have most of my older 4* fully covered. Beside these characters, is it worth waiting for 4*Cap America (Worthy) and/or 4*Human Torch (Jim) to come into the tokens so that I can BH them? If so, is 4*Cap better of 4*Human Torch? (Personally, I feel that 4*Cap is just an alternative choice for 4*Thor).

Thank you.


  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you run a team with a stun character on then BC is an excellent choice as she is quite spammable.

    I haven't really got my head around Ronin and Thanos and Prowler are both niche- as you don't get to fight many heroes in PvE Thanos is more for PvP and I think people will tend to take Sabretooth instead as a counter to enemy special tiles or even Medusa. Prowler is quite fun but he is slow.

    As for the new lads - I think I like Torch better.
  • froggerjohn
    froggerjohn Posts: 374 Mover and Shaker
    Now that you have 5 red, Juggs should be fully usable even without being champed. He should tank 4 colors plus TU (with either Gamora or Star-Lord), and then you can add a support to boost yellow or purple, and get all but one color.

    If you're lucky enough to have a 4* Element Guns, Juggs can tank 100% of colors.

    I ended up boosting purple with Stepford Cuckoos, so I can get all but one color with either SL, or Nico.
    I can also run with Kitty, but lose another color.

    From your list, only Black Cat is moderately interesting, but even then she may not get much use.
    I _want_ to like Prowler. As DAZ says, he's fun to play, and I have his companion Tinkerer support which works well with him. But I wind up always having faster/better tools to deal with specials.

    Of the new ones, I really think I'll like Cap Worthy. Paired with Carol/Grocket and a suitable damage source (like an enemy Grocket), it's an immediate huge buff. Even better than the infamous Carol/3Hulk/Daken. And his blue will dip the strike tiles *for every charged tile*, up to six extra hits. That's an insane nuke, especially if you happen to be playing against someone that makes charged tiles. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why is it "dangerous" to leave Juggernaut as your BH until he's champable? Just save the covers and rocket past 270 with them once you get there. I think he's by far the best one of that group, but I also agree if you want to move on, Cat is likely next best. 

    I have a suspicion Th4nos is a solid component of an anti-rocket team, but he isn't a lone solution to rocket by himself. Ronin strikes me as especially susceptible to Kitty's nonsense, but otherwise he's a character I'd enjoy playing. Sort of like 3* Blade and Falcon mixed into a single character.
  • wingX
    wingX Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    Why is it "dangerous" to leave Juggernaut as your BH until he's champable? Just save the covers and rocket past 270 with them once you get there. I think he's by far the best one of that group, but I also agree if you want to move on, Cat is likely next best. 

    I am just afraid that all the bonus hero that I will obtain will be the colour that I don't need as it happened before.

    After all the though, I decided to BH 4*Cap as he seem to be the best and most talked about out of the latest 4* beside Jugg.

    I think I might be setting Spider-man 2099 as my next target once he is available as he seem to be the missing link in the Spider-team (or aka Web Warrior).
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    I mean sure, it may stack like that for a bit, but they just convert to champ levels after you eventually get the ones you need. And really that's all to the good when it comes to a new character - that way they'll pop out fully formed rather than being a baby champ. 
  • 111MCH111
    111MCH111 Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    I like to use Bonus hero on 4* champions until they reach lvl 280: 5* feeder cover (or LT)
    one 5* cover is enough for a few PVE required 5* character. My 5* roster is at 60%