Wish D3P developed the Card Game!

Hello all!
I jut wanted to express my gratitude over how amazingly developed this game has been, and how great this development team has been on player feedback and response. I have been playing Marvel War of Heroes card game for some time before I heard about Marvel Puzzle Quest being developed through a random gaming news site. I am glad I have taken the time to download and play this MPQ the first day it was released and now that I look back Marvel WOH, I really wish D3P had taken part in that game instead of Mobage and Cygames! Over the past couple of updates to that game, development has been getting worse and worse. The interface IU looks like it can be program with novice amount of code, and it looks like it is a web page marketed as a full game. I take a look at the development at MPQ and I am still surprised at how well this game has been while being a free to play game. When I spend money on Hero points, I know the money is well spent on development an features. I still can't believe people dump money into Marvel WOH, on "new" cards that come out every 3 days, making your old cards less useful, thus forcing those who want to stay competitive to constantly spend money.

I really hope MPQ continues this line of success throughout future updates to this game. I hope one day you guys can take the rights to Marvel WOH and rescue the franchise from money hungry Mobage, however unlikely (one can dream =p).

Thank you again for the great content, and I wish you guys the best!