
Thank you for bringing this game to the Switch!  I believe I played the original PQ on my Xbox 360 a long time ago but I didn't get too far into it.  So it's nice to be able to play this updated and refreshed version of the game.  It will take me a while to get through as I don't have much gaming time these days.

Last night I started a Monk, Warrior and Ranger and I can't decide yet which one to "main".  

I'd like to recommend adding some basic online functions and leaderboards to the Switch version.  Even back in the day there were pvp matches and leaderboards.  I'd like to see that supported as I think it would help encourage an engaged community and increase longevity for the title.



  • Sylver
    Sylver Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    I agree, when I started this game on the Nintendo DS, I never thought of it to become one of the ultimate games of all time. Since then I played (and finnished) it on 360, PS3 and now on Switch, especially loved the freaking imba Bloodmage. Being able to 2-hit Lord Bane is an awesome feeling.. like „Who‘s the boss here?“

    Now pretty please bring my second best PQesque game to Switch: Puzzle Kingdoms (Which storyline sounds line a direct sequel to PQ) 

    Until then I‘ll try to hold out with the returned Legend and Gems of War, which is not really a satisfying Mixup from PQ X Puzzle Kingdoms.. I need more story =oD