The hulk (main event) Grand Entrance occasionally not destroying tiles at battle start

ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,528 Chairperson of the Boards
Since the engine update I’ve seen a number of times MEH come in and play the Grand Entrance animation, but no tiles are destroyed and the board doesn’t move at battle start.  I can’t get it to reliably reproduce, but it seems to be about 1:7 matches that it happens. I often run him with GE Doom. Grand Entrance is set to 5 covers.

anybody else see this?


  • Notwen
    Notwen Posts: 51 Match Maker
    On my iPad in a battle with MEH, the board displays as usual to start the battle then the board is completely covered by the cut-scene showing Hulk making his entrance. Sometimes the cut-scene closes and I see the board as normal when MEH destroys some tiles and the board adjusts. Other times, I see the animation for exploding tiles, presumably in their proper places but while the board is still hidden by the cut-scene animation. When the board reappears, all the tiles are settled so its not clear what happened (I do assume the skill worked normally and everything resolved properly).
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,528 Chairperson of the Boards
    It’s hard to tell, yeah. I was wondering if it was just an order of operations thing, but a few of the times I’ve seen it the animation comes and goes, then I get the little tile break FX, and there has been 0 movement of the board. I generally bring MeH when Rocket is in play, and I kind of reference the strikes to see if they move.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,528 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm definitely still seeing this bug in PVP.
  • dokiy
    dokiy Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    I saw this too. Didn’t check to see if it was animation glitch or game play glitch as I went “huh, that was weird” and made a match without checking AP. But it’s defiantly happening.