Loop Control System causes soft lock [Investigating]

ElfNeedsFood Posts: 944 Critical Contributor

I triggered the LCS by way of Path to Discovery / Tokens and it totally locked up on the "GOT IT!" screen.  I guess I got it all right...  :(

Android 9, Pixel 3 if that helps...

//Edited Title - Tombstone


  • ElfNeedsFood
    ElfNeedsFood Posts: 944 Critical Contributor
    After some suggestions from teammates, I was able to lock my screen, unlock my screen, then press the back button to get back to the game....  Still a very bad bug.
  • thesmallesthuman
    thesmallesthuman Posts: 99 Match Maker
    This screen is the bane of my existence as an iPhone user. The fact that it soft locks because you’re “doing too well” at all is a problem. The fact that it’s an automatic loss only for those of us without a back button is extra infuriating. 

    I’ve learned that this “hint” screen only comes up once per app reset, so you can theoretically go to TG and force trigger it there(as many times as it takes for it to NOT soft lock, which can sometimes take a few tries) before going into a competitive match.

    However...the amount of time and energy this can take when I’m usually barely keeping up on a busy weekend just means that I typically just cross my fingers and hate myself when it inevitably forces a loss somewhere it hurts.

    There is literally no reason this screen should pop up more than once EVER in a player’s entire experience. We all know what that bar means up there and if we somehow forget the “end this loop” prompt screen would prooobably help remind us. 

    Please kill it. 

    Kill it with fire and then shoot it out into space.
  • Raistlin
    Raistlin Posts: 54 Match Maker
    edited 2019 15
    This happens to me a lot of the time, and I had a thread about it.... I sent in tickets to support also, and they said they would let the dev team know about it...but I haven't seen anything about it be "investigated" or not. 
    Unfortunately for iOs users...the only option I know of is to quit the game. I have found that it will freeze when certain supports are on the board. When there is a fabrication support on the board, it will freeze 100% of the time if one is on the board and that message comes up. I've tried to test it on other supports to see if I can find any common theme as to why it would freeze...but couldn't come up with much. 

    It's sort of like the "Not Now" bug that we had a few updates ago...which would only freeze when there were certain types of supports on the board. 
  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hi Everyone, I'll relay these reports to the team as well as the suggestion of only having the tutorial message for this system appear once.  
  • Raistlin
    Raistlin Posts: 54 Match Maker
    Djinn tokens on the board also cause a freeze when the message comes up.
    Just had it freeze in Trial if Ambition, and only had the tokens on the board. I have never had it freeze with no supports on the board. 
  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    If possible, could you all provide me with the cards that you had in your decks at the time when you encountered this issue? 
  • ElfNeedsFood
    ElfNeedsFood Posts: 944 Critical Contributor

    I don't have the entire deck any longer (built for the event).  I know I had the following:
    • Zendikar's Roil (part of loop)
    • Path of Discovery (other part of loop)
    • Ghalta, Primal Hunger
    • Gather the Pack
    • Thunderherd Migration
    The rest of the deck was probably 2-3 gates, Status, Gaea's Revenge
  • Raistlin
    Raistlin Posts: 54 Match Maker
    edited 2019 23
    Just had this type of freeze with this Tamiyo deck in Rising Tensions, on the White/Green node:

    March of the Multitudes
    Stitch in Time
    Blue Sun Zenith
    Trostani Discordant
    Thunderhead Migration
    Circuitous Route
    Animist's Awakening
    Divine Visitation
    High Alert
    Summoner's Pact

    Both Supports were out, and the opponent didn't have any supports out.
    The node's permanent support was out also.
  • Raistlin
    Raistlin Posts: 54 Match Maker
    Played the same exact deck again, and did not get the freeze this time when the message popped up. This time, I didn't have any of my supports out on the board, except for the 1-turn count down gem from Animist's Awakening. 

  • Raistlin
    Raistlin Posts: 54 Match Maker
    Same deck again and same node, and this time only divine visitation was out and it froze when the message came up. 
  • thesmallesthuman
    thesmallesthuman Posts: 99 Match Maker
    Reviving this thread because I’d really hoped they would fix this in 3.8, but no cigar. Getting semi-consistent freezes on this screen. 
  • Salubri
    Salubri Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    edited 2019 08
    Not the only time this lock is happening. Also happens when Hydroid Krasis is mid summon