little more light hearted topic to dull the pain

Thread title.

So anyway, in this stressful end of the season time where ppl are axing friends for the last month to get a leg up on fury or are playing every second they can get to make up for that 500 you got in the first event or..whatever. I know you all are still busy. So my question is this:

What weird things do you guys do at the same time while playing? And I don't mean, close, I mean WHILE. Sitting on the toilet doesnt count...unless you are multitasking on it.... icon_rolleyes.gif

List of things I have done while multitasking the game today (humorously, despite the fact I've played very few match so far..a little more looking and deciding I should do a match soon lol):

-elliptical at the gym
-curls with one arm, puzzling with the other at home.
-cooking chicken with one hand (I put my phone down for chopping..I am nit that stupid lol)
-playing with the neighbor's dog (he tries to lick my phone..constantly...I assume he is a Mpq fan or thinks the pieces are skittles or something)
-tried to play dark souls with one hand doing a turn every once in a while. Ended poorly
-ate dinner
-washed the dishes (used my free elbow to keep the pans still lol)
-spacing out....not good, as I realized I was kinda swiping my thumb nonchalantly across the screen and been doing a few moves on accident. Eep. Luckily, my team for shield training is it wasnt too bad.

So, what do you multitask while playing "in our darkest hour" (sometimes I feel all the planet pictures are like a fast food menu for unicorn..yea I know...I should lay off the....actually I've only had water the last few days so this is just normal me )???


  • Back in the glory days I would always whip out the laptop from 11 - midnight during parties or get togethers at my place. None of my friends are hardcore gamers so I caught a lot of **** for that.

    I would also plan my hanging out with girlfriend time around important tourneys, which eventually led to me playing in front of her for "just another 20 minutes." She pronounces the game "mupp-a-qua" and tries to make me feel bad for hanging out with Black Widow or Storm over her. She does like when I use Feral Claws though..
  • stressful end
    I'm actually already quite relieved, you could even say excited. As far as I'm concerned, all the heavy work is already behind me and I'm just awaiting to see the end.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,507 Chairperson of the Boards
    stressful end
    I'm actually already quite relieved, you could even say excited. As far as I'm concerned, all the heavy work is already behind me and I'm just awaiting to see the end.

    Welcome to season 2. Hope you enjoyed the offseason! ARGH
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    During the evening, my husband and I pick a movie or show to watch and then just relax with MPQ for a few hours. We both have intense work so it is necessary to have chill time.

    Seriously, if MPQ is stressful then you need some perspective. Three little words: First World Problem. Think about it.
  • Personally, there's not a lot that I don't do while playing the game. Hell, I've even played the game on Steam while playing on my phone (phone is main, Steam is until they can link by Facebook). I get most of my time playing either when I'm outside having a cigarette or when I'm waiting for an appointment. Also, my 2-year-old likes to watch me play. She yells out "BOOM!" when I initiate powers or get a cascade.

    So cute.