Miles vs. Spiderwoman Clash of the Nets

qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
Champed Miles. Quickly in to hiding. Invisibilty tile in a good spot. Could cast several yellow, one red. Lots of AP gain from net tiles. Then enough purple - WHAMMO - boy was she surprised? LT was a, ahem, Emma champ level. Lot better event the the last Talostrophy.


  • Southside84
    Southside84 Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Didn't think I'd have a chance with my 2/3/0 lv 106 miles, but I grabbed some purple AP boosts, 2 blasts to all AP and this taskmaster sword I found lying around.   I was invisible by the 3rd turn and she only grabbed my invisibility once. I was visible for 1 turn before sneaking into the background for the remainder of the fight.   Ended it with almost 4000 health left. LL was a main event hulk
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    My issue on this one is always that I rarely use Miles, so I can never remember how much AP it takes to go invisible and then surprise in one go. Then it was that she got a ton of black, so it took a while until I was able to get a shot without Seeking Redemption blocking me. Once she matched that away, tho, it was all good.
    Like Southside84, I got a MEHulk from the token.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lvl 209 Miles got there first try in the end despite Jessica wiping out the invisible tile a few times.
  • Tarelgeth
    Tarelgeth Posts: 67 Match Maker
    Purple. Win.

    Possibly the easiest Crash I've encountered.
  • IIAlonditeII
    IIAlonditeII Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    Wasn't this the crash like...2 months ago? Why did it cycle back to him so quickly?

    Not complaining. My level 90 Miles did it last time, and he did it again today.
  • FesterTester
    FesterTester Posts: 51 Match Maker
    edited August 2019
    "Spider-Man: Far From Home" hit theaters July 2 and the devs changed the boost list and the Crashes to include several spider-people, even though Peter was the only spider-hero in the movie. (He was, right? I haven't seen it.  I will now hide from the wrath of spidey fans after posting this.)

    Miles also appeared out of sequence in December 2018 for the theatrical release of "Into the Spider-Verse".  Unrelated note, Iceman was in two Crashes in December of 2018.
    Emma Frost is sulking in a corner somewhere.

  • Feliz
    Feliz Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    Not easy despite champed and arrogant Miles, ok so I was cocky...Anyway she took me out of hiding and gave me a hiding! 

    Then I thought starve her of purple. Genious. Didn't work, she got a cacade of 5 and finished me a SECOND time!!

    3rd time I just stored purple and double whacked her. Game over phew.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not too bad for my level 209 5/5/3 Miles. I brought along my level 100 Chewie as usual, which helped chew through Spider Woman's health a bit more quickly. It took a while to get enough purple to double cast it, and I had to wait out a black countdown. Once it resolved I went yellow->purple->purple, and that was enough to send Shelob.. oops I mean Spider Woman to the canvas. 
    My reward was a fourth saved cover for Agent Venom. Whee!
  • froggerjohn
    froggerjohn Posts: 374 Mover and Shaker
    2/1/2 Miles, took +2 purple AP, max purple damage, max all-color damage.
    Taskmaster's support.

    Purple is certainly the key. Ideally fire it when the board is in a good position for survival.
    I saved my red for opportunities where it was important to get the extra turn.
    If you need purple, it might worth firing the yellow (best to always have enough purple, just in case your invis gets matched away). But otherwise, I saved mine for a yellow-purple kill shot, once she got below 2500, and that's how the match ended.