New Character: **** Human Torch (Jim Hammond) ****

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
"The original Human Torch, Jim Hammond is an android with a peculiar flaw - he bursts into flames when exposed to oxygen. Don't underestimate this red-hot hero; He's been saving the world since before you were born!"

Take a look at this new (old?) incarnation of Human Torch, and find out how you can recruit him onto your roster!

4-Star Rarity (Legendary)
Heroes, Avengers
 greentilepng yellowtilepng

(Abilities listed at level 70, followed by 270)
3297 Health / 12212 Health
yellowtilepng 33 |  42 | bluetilepng 10 | purpletilepng 8 | greentilepng 37 |blacktilepng 9 |  23 |  3.0x
yellowtilepng 65 |  85 | bluetilepng 13 | purpletilepng 11 | greentilepng 74 |blacktilepng 12 |  43 |  3.0x

Blaze Beyond Control
 - 8  AP
The Human Torch goes nova, draining his energy reserves to blast the enemy with immense heat. Destroys all friendly Repeater tiles, dealing 333 damage to the enemy team. This damage is increase by 167 for each Repeater tile destroyed.
  • Level 1: Deals 426/213 damage (270 - 649/325 damage)
  • Level 2: Deals 426/213 damage (270 - 829/415 damage)
  • Level 3: Deals 536/269 damage (270 - 1046/524 damage)
  • Level 4: Deals 740/371 damage (270 - 1442/722 damage)
  • Level 5: Deals 1147/575 damage (270 - 2235/1119 damage)
Wildfire - 6 greentilepng AP
The Human Torch hurls fire at his enemies, igniting a firestorm! Creates a 1-Turn Green Repeater Tile that deals 61 damage to a random enemy.
(PASSIVE) At the start of your turn, if there are at least 1 of the Human Torch’s Green Repeaters on the board, create an additional 1-turn Green Repeater (Maximum 4).
  • Level 1: Deals 61 damage (270 - 119 damage)
  • Level 2: Deals 85 damage (270 - 166 damage)
  • Level 3: Deals 111 damage (270 - 216 damage)
  • Level 4: Deals 137 damage (270 - 267 damage, Maximum 5 tiles)
  • Level 5: Deals 222 damage (270 - 433 damage)
Burning Persistence - yellowtilepng Passive
(PASSIVE) As long as his allies fight on, the Human Torch's flames will never be extinguished. Whenever an ally fires a power, fortify 2 friendly Repeater tiles and create a strength 108 Yellow Strike tile.
  • Level 1: Strength 28 tile (270 - Strength 54 tile)
  • Level 2: Fortifies 2 tiles (270 - Fortifies 2 tiles)
  • Level 3: Strength 56 tile (270 - Strength 108 tile)
  • Level 4: Fortifies 3 tiles (270 - Fortifies 3 tiles)
  • Level 5: Strength 168 tile (270 - Strength 324 tile)

Recruit Jim Hammond!

S.H.I.E.L.D. Training Heroes for Hire

  • Starts: August 29, 2019, 7:00am

  • Ends: September 5, 2019, 7:00am

  • Price: 7000 HP

  • Contents:

    • Black Panther (King of Wakanda) Blue Cover

    • The Thing (Classic) Green Cover

    • 16x Elite tokens

    • 6 Command Points

    • 20,000 Iso-8

Human Torch & Friends

  • Starts: September 1, 2019, 7:00am

  • Ends: September 7, 2019, 2:00am

  • 80 Item Vault

    • Legendary token

    • 3x Beginner Support tokens

  • Random Human Torch (Jim Hammond) cover

  • 2x random 4-Stars from the Call for Backup missions, with an option of the following characters:

    • Mysterio (Quentin Beck)

    • Black Panther (King of Wakanda)

    • The Thing (Classic)

  • 21x 3-Stars

    • 3x Featured

    • 18x Random

  • 52x 2-Stars

    • 10x Featured

    • 42x Random

Event Schedule

Release - Webbed Wonder

  • Starts: August 29, 2019, 7:00am

  • Ends: September 3, 2019, 2:00am

  • Human Torch (Jim Hammond) In placement rewards

S.H.I.E.L.D. Training

  • Starts: August 29, 2019, 7:00am

  • Ends: September 5, 2019, 7:00am

  • Rewards tokens to Webbed Wonder, random cover of Human Torch (Jim Hammond), and more

Featured - Simulator

  • Starts: September 2, 2019, 7:00am

  • Ends: September 6, 2019, 2:00am

  • Human Torch (Jim Hammond) as a progression reward

  • Rewards tokens to the Human Torch & Friends vault

Versus - Trial By Fire

  • Starts: September 1, 2019, 8:00am

  • Ends: September 3, 2019, 3:00pm

  • Human Torch (Jim Hammond) as a progression reward

  • Rewards tokens to the Human Torch & Friends vault

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