Another Who-To-Level Topic

edited May 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
I know there are a bunch of these around, but.

I just got OBW to 85. I also have 85 cStorm. I'm trying to decide who to focus on next: 4/4/5 Ares, 5/1/4 cMagneto, or 4/3/2 lazy Thor. (I've spread out my ISO across a bunch of other mediocre characters before I started focusing on a few.) I also have regular Thor, but leveling him feels like a waste when I could focus on the 3* version, along with Daken and Wolverine, both of whom I've ignored because they seemed boring to me. My other 3*s have too few covers to be worthwhile.

My thought is either Ares or LThor because their pair better with OBW, but I know cMagneto is widely considered busted and maybe I should just focus on him?


  • Ares, no doubt.

    LT isn't really great until level 80/90 and he needs a 5 in either his yellow or green.