In a perfect (MPQ) world...?

Just thinking out loud, but would it be great (or maybe not?) if somehow MPQ did a massive revamp on how the game works.

I'm not talking about the A.I. being terrible, but making the game-play fun.

(using random names here for examples) Lets say for example somebody is using Kitty Pryde as she has a certain talent (like she does with Grocket) but there were numerous counters out there. Say, you could face her with a Ghost Rider on your team,
or maybe Kraven, or Jubilee had a nice counter to her. So you are using Jubilee because not only does she have a counter for Kitty, but she has a useful  attack of her own, so to face against her, you could use Wolverine, or Captain America,
How about Luke Cage?

I just think it would be nice that if each hero has a number of "counter" heroes/villains so you could use your whole deck of covers. 

5* characters would be more fun if their match damage was not so high compared to 4* and below. If the match damage was in line with other levels, maybe a 6* could be feasible.

Sure, everyone who is in 5* land uses Gritty or Thorkoye, but what if Hulk could counter Thor and Doc Ock could counter Hulk, and Phoenix and Silver Surfer could work against Okoye.

Unlimited options, that would be nice. 

I know it has been talked about on the forums before and I know it is not going to happen, but I can dream right?


  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,414 Chairperson of the Boards
    I read this three times and my head still hurts.  Apologies to the OP but I don't understand this at all.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2019
    I think he wants more options to counter characters and lower match damage for 5*. 

    All the characters that he mentioned as a counter to meta team are actually low-tiered characters.

    To summarise, it actually the 7492038th post asking to rebalance characters.  :D

  • Palookaville
    Palookaville Posts: 83 Match Maker
    I think he wants more options to counter characters and lower match damage for 5*. 

    All the characters that he mentioned as a counter to meta team are actually low-tiered characters.

    To summarise, it actually the 7492038th post asking to rebalance characters.  :D

    Kinda, sorta, not a re-balance as such, just make more characters useful.... wait, that kind of is a re-balance now I say it out loud. 

    I just want to use more of my roster!
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    What you are proposing is another attribute. Similar to types in pokemon, water is super effective to fire, x is weak against y, a is resistant to b etc. It would add another level of complexity without having to redesign each character. However, I don't know what attributes they could come up with or take from the comics to implement this. The teams and affiliations don't really have counters.
  • Palookaville
    Palookaville Posts: 83 Match Maker
    edited August 2019
    I am terrible at trying to explain/suggest things. Let me try again....

    You have characters that can put down attack tiles - to balance that out there should be multiple characters that can counteract that by either replacing/removing/turning the attack tiles.

    If a character can stun, there should be multiple characters that cannot be stunned.

    If a character is airborne, the counter should be multiple options to either stop the character from going airborne, or damage them once they are in the air.

    I know this is (sort of) how things work now, but the options at the moment are super limited. How many characters can stun compared to the characters who cannot be stunned?

    The other main problem is that the 5* characters are so wildly stronger than every other level, that their counters don't/cant work.

    For example, Kitty Vs Kraven. That is a perfect counter in theory, but if Kitty strengthens tiles by 1000 per move and Kraven only weakens them by 200, that is a heck of an unbalance (not even counting the health and match damage difference between the levels)

    If a 5* character can level tiles by 1000, then have a couple of 5* characters that can lower tiles by 1000 (4*s could lower them by 500 for example)

    Or stepping away from Kitty, how about 5* Thor and his green team attack? A perfect counter is Quake's green which should block the damage, but a 5* is so overpowered compared to a 4*, the counter does not work (Thor can do 15,000 to the team, Quake can protect for 4,000) Either Thor need to do less damage or Quake needs to protect more. Make a 5* counter for that type of attack.

    If a 5* can stun a character for 5 turns, make a counter than can resist being stunned for 5 turns (or a 4* would resist for 4 turns) you get the idea hopefully.

    But like I said, I am terrible at explaining what I want to say, I just want to use more characters and not just the couple that can counteract the few that seem to get used all of the time in PvP.

    Maybe D3 could do this in Marvel Puzzle Quest 2!
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    The vets are not going to be happy. You want a 4* to be able to nerf a 5*? Look at the outcry over Bishop now. It's not going to happen.  :D
  • theomen
    theomen Posts: 99 Match Maker
    I think a 4* should be able to stand up to a 5* if the 4* is boosted. I liked the OP's Kraven vs Kitty example.

    Maybe the solution is simply increasing the effectiveness of boosts so that 4*s have more value against 5*s?
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    Some of these counters already exist. To be honest, the character you really want is one I "designed" for MPQ a little while back in a thread where the forum was asked to come up with move sets for missing characters not in the game already at that time - it was a Days of Future Past Sentinel who has the power to neutralise enemy characters powers! No more improving strike tiles for you Kitty Pryde! It was designed as a boss to be fair.

    The counter to stop Vulture going airbourne is either deny black, stun or kill him! Can you do this quickly enough is the main question? Then there is Archangel too. I don't think the airbourne power is abused enough to really need a lot of effort towards it but of course facing an enemy Vulture that can repeatedly avoid damage and spam attacks is something we have all had to contend with...

    There are two characters that are unstunnable already. But of course if you don't have the covers then that isn't much help. As you will see is a common theme in my post ongoing - I do have both but I don't have the Surfer cover! And just for extra balance...I don't have the Ock cover either! Although he can sure get a Cunning scheme going.

    There is already a 4* that can avoid Thor's aoe - he is called Nightcrawler. Of course that wont stop him then getting hacked to pieces by Thor's red!

    Kitty's interaction with R4G is clearly and obviously broken - when you have people running Gritty (or other variation such as with Daken) off of a 1 yellow cover Kitty Pryde that is counter to what the majority of other 5* can give you - you can make a (badly) functioning Gritty team as a 3* player, running a meta a tier and a half above you. There hasn't been a 5* so wildly used and abused since OML and we all know what happened to him supposedly because of his "over use". The BSSM counter is unlikely going to be one that many 4* and below players have access to - my own one is 2/2/0 so of course lacking the relevant cover. Sabretooth is a partial counter and Bishop counters also but you'll need some luck and it will cost you healthpacks and Sabretooth needs Okoye any way.

    Bishop is broken too but I like to think that was on purpose to at least give 4* players some protection from 5*. He is definitely broken though I suspect that 5* rosters that are deep enough should have no issue dealing with him via Surfer or Ock, they just don't want to deviate from their meta teams.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would like an RPGish feature. Starting at 4*, just by using a char, it can get free level, exp based until champed, then covers. This would encourage me to use alot of my 5* and 4* that aren't fully covered, and i don't have the iso to level above base level to even really try them out.  Once champed, you can gain xp towards other things, like their support or feeder covers etc..  
  • St1nkf1st
    St1nkf1st Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    I could think of a, maybe related direction, but different revamp: Team synergies.
    We have a few, but they are loughable or even got nerfed away (hello F4). We have the traits but barely use them.
    There should by synergies that really matter and make a team of avengers, asgardians, x-men, Sinister6 or whatever really so strong that it mixes up team building as we know it. There could also be real 1 to 1 character synergies like Collosus black throwing a Wolferine for some REAL serious damage. And all that based on stuff we love from the comics and not odd invented stuff. Of course all this will never happen, but like OP, just thinking loud out.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,388 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof said:
    I would like an RPGish feature. Starting at 4*, just by using a char, it can get free level, exp based until champed, then covers. This would encourage me to use alot of my 5* and 4* that aren't fully covered, and i don't have the iso to level above base level to even really try them out.  Once champed, you can gain xp towards other things, like their support or feeder covers etc..  
    This game has an awful lot of Magikarps in it; I hope they can all blossome into a majestic Gyardos under that system eventually...
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    St1nkf1st said:
    I could think of a, maybe related direction, but different revamp: Team synergies.
    We have a few, but they are loughable or even got nerfed away (hello F4). We have the traits but barely use them.
    There should by synergies that really matter and make a team of avengers, asgardians, x-men, Sinister6 or whatever really so strong that it mixes up team building as we know it. There could also be real 1 to 1 character synergies like Collosus black throwing a Wolferine for some REAL serious damage. And all that based on stuff we love from the comics and not odd invented stuff. Of course all this will never happen, but like OP, just thinking loud out.
    I always assumed that the next place to go askewing a 6* tier would be having team affiliations that you could acquire and level up but these would also be character dependent, you couldn't just have the Human Torch in the X-Men. I suppose that wouldn't have been that different to Supports in some ways but implemented in an entirely different way and elevating play.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,388 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree that affiliations are woefully underutilized mechanically. If there were some meaningful application of them, it seems like an obvious block of supports you could roll out would be team insignia that for instance made Kitty Pryde an honorary member of the Guardians of the Galaxy (I wouldn't want that, but you know, some people may be out there using that team for some reason...). Or equally out in left field, perhaps giving 4ocket the X-Men affiliation. Maybe then people would see the value in that pairing. </jokes>

    I'd propose such a thing having a synergy perk built around all 3 characters on a team having the affiliation it grants. So you have say Kitty and Bishop on a team, then you equip 4ocket with the Spare X-Men Uniform support that grants the X-Men team affiliation, and then you get some kind of benefit, I don't really know offhand. Maybe they can get free blue and yellow AP to thematically indicate being on the X-Men gold or blue teams?

    I know this particular use case sounds horrible, but imagine there were other similar ones that did some kind of useful thing.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree that affiliations are woefully underutilized mechanically. If there were some meaningful application of them, it seems like an obvious block of supports you could roll out would be team insignia that for instance made Kitty Pryde an honorary member of the Guardians of the Galaxy (I wouldn't want that, but you know, some people may be out there using that team for some reason...). Or equally out in left field, perhaps giving 4ocket the X-Men affiliation. Maybe then people would see the value in that pairing. </jokes>

    I'd propose such a thing having a synergy perk built around all 3 characters on a team having the affiliation it grants. So you have say Kitty and Bishop on a team, then you equip 4ocket with the Spare X-Men Uniform support that grants the X-Men team affiliation, and then you get some kind of benefit, I don't really know offhand. Maybe they can get free blue and yellow AP to thematically indicate being on the X-Men gold or blue teams?

    I know this particular use case sounds horrible, but imagine there were other similar ones that did some kind of useful thing.
    Lol! Okoye would definitely need to be an honoury Avenger too!

    And yeah, along those lines and capable of being upgraded like a character can.
  • Palookaville
    Palookaville Posts: 83 Match Maker
    The vets are not going to be happy. You want a 4* to be able to nerf a 5*? Look at the outcry over Bishop now. It's not going to happen.  :D
    Nah, not wanting a 4* to be able to nerf a 5*. Like somebody suggested a boosted 4* should be able to go toe to tow with an unboosted 5*, but I was more thinking if a 5* has a power, there should also be a 5* counter for it also. It's great having a 4* counter (in theory) but i does not work when the 5* is so much more powerful than the 4*
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,388 Chairperson of the Boards
    I do wish my Kraven could help me against Gritty, but sadly he does not lol