MPQ Sneak Peek: August 2019 Edition *Updated (8/23/19)
Sorry, no. There is no understanding. This is 100% a pay-to-win scheme, plain and simple. No amount of PR explanations can whitewash this away.
Even if this is so-called "testing new things out,' frankly it is offensive, and this pattern is just going to alienate players even more than the current course of game play is already doing.21 -
Therealsmkspy said:Sorry, no. There is no understanding. This is 100% a pay-to-win scheme, plain and simple. No amount of PR explanations can whitewash this away.
Even if this is so-called "testing new things out,' frankly it is offensive, and this pattern is just going to alienate players even more than the current course of game play is already doing.
That is not pay to win it pay to play and is the one and only thing I do not like about the new release. If Professor X was not essential and you could earn him in packs for hero points or from the limited legendary pack from the alliance event that would be a great addition as it gives players more ways to get a 5*.
only change needed is wait till Professor X is in packs before making essential like previous release 5*.8 -
Brigby said:Hi Everyone,
With the release of Professor X, many of you are aware that we are trying some new things out; details can be seen in his Character Release article and the above Sneak Peek update. While we’ve already seen some positive feedback regarding the additional option to earn him with Hero Points, we’re also aware of players expressing their concerns about Professor X being featured in the upcoming Unstable Iso-8 event.
We understand that this scheduling is different than what players may be used to, but rest assured that this is merely something new that we’re trying out this time, and is not necessarily reflective of the schedule moving forward. While we won’t be making any changes to the current schedule, we always welcome and encourage players to provide any feedback they may have, and we’ll be sure to take a look and review them!
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
I trust anyone who’s been here any length of time know exactly how to translate this.11 -
Who green lights this stuff?
More alliance events, more pve side content like the gauntlet, lightning rounds run throughout the week, a double iso day once a week.
D3: Ehhh we could do that stuff and keep our veteran players more interested so that they don't get bored and quit or we could just try to gouge people on trying to get the latest 5*. Hmmm what to do, what to do.2 -
Just tell the devs whenever they come up with something new, they must stick to these few rules:
1) make sure that all players can complete 100% any event, regardless of whether it's old or new, without paying. As you can see from past new tweaks to events, like the Places of Power event last year and the upcoming PvE that require Prof X, they hate not being able to 100% the events.
2) The devs can only monetise the game and come up with bundles or new monetising methods by selling things that the players don't want. Let's see... Players want more CP, ISO-8, 5* covers, HP for free or without increase in effort or being competitive. Hmm... So, the only solution to make this work is to ask the devs to request Sega to fund this game and incur losses on their financial books.
As long as there's any sign of monetising, this place will always go into frenzy mode.
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Brigby said:Hi Everyone,
With the release of Professor X, many of you are aware that we are trying some new things out; details can be seen in his Character Release article and the above Sneak Peek update. While we’ve already seen some positive feedback regarding the additional option to earn him with Hero Points, we’re also aware of players expressing their concerns about Professor X being featured in the upcoming Unstable Iso-8 event.
We understand that this scheduling is different than what players may be used to, but rest assured that this is merely something new that we’re trying out this time, and is not necessarily reflective of the schedule moving forward. While we won’t be making any changes to the current schedule, we always welcome and encourage players to provide any feedback they may have, and we’ll be sure to take a look and review them!
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
This is NOT trying something "new"; this is repeating the same mistake over and over. From this angle is doesn't look like a new attempt on offering a new character. It feels like a other ploy to get you gambling.
And it's not even close to new. Or maybe I should say unique. Limited access loot boxes is a concept that goes back forever.and a day ago.
Regardless, walking it back now doesn't play well. You either intentional set out to provide terrible odds to pull a character that would immediately be required. Or you obtusely planned ahead the third such "mistake" within months of each other..12 -
Brigby said:Hi Everyone,
With the release of Professor X, many of you are aware that we are trying some new things out; details can be seen in his Character Release article and the above Sneak Peek update. While we’ve already seen some positive feedback regarding the additional option to earn him with Hero Points, we’re also aware of players expressing their concerns about Professor X being featured in the upcoming Unstable Iso-8 event.
We understand that this scheduling is different than what players may be used to, but rest assured that this is merely something new that we’re trying out this time, and is not necessarily reflective of the schedule moving forward. While we won’t be making any changes to the current schedule, we always welcome and encourage players to provide any feedback they may have, and we’ll be sure to take a look and review them!
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
This is a line we've drawn. Make the characters reasonably available before they are required for in-game events. We argue it every handful of Shield Training events, every time a newer 4-star is required super close to their release. We've had to argue it a couple of times when 5-star characters have been Essential a day before entering Latest packs. It was a concern we've been expressing since Shield Training started, and since 5-star characters started receiving their own Essential nodes (conveniently, both in September of 2017)
This is a line the playerbase has stuck to for almost two years, literally the entire time it has existed as an issue. We've tried to be patient for that long, and the Devs keep pressing the issue and testing boundaries every couple of months to try and get away with crossing that line. We say no, and don't get a response, or maybe get lucky and are told "oops, that wasn't supposed to happen, it won't happen again." Then a few months later it does anyway. The longer it goes on, the more it sounds like a crummy abusive relationship, to the point that the Devs' behavior would be comical if it weren't so frustrating.
Fact of the matter is "trying out this time" is a lie, because it's a boundary you've been trying to cross for two years now, despite getting the same response every single time. If you weren't planning to make changes to the current schedule, there'd be no reason to try anything out in the first place. If you really welcomed feedback, you might show it by listening at some point over the past two years. No one in their right mind is going to "rest assured" when you keep feeding us lies.
To be honest, I like the idea of an HP store. I wouldn't mind it if it were done in place of the CP release store (the one we'll see with tokens for the Apocalypse boss event). As long as the normal process of new characters entering Latest Legends stays the same, I see it as a way to make HP more valuable, especially to higher end players, and that's not a bad thing. And to be 100% above board with this, the problem with requiring Professor X immediately is that it takes something from regular players who don't happen to strike it lucky with the HP store. We don't mind occasionally having bad luck with the CP stores, because we get a release weekend, then two weeks to save up CP for the character to enter Latest tokens, and then possibly another event or three before the character is Essential. Careful planning can make that time period not an issue, and if it doesn't work out, players don't feel cheated, they simply feel unlucky. You can keep rolling the dice to overcome bad luck. But if you're being cheated, rolling the dice just means you keep getting cheated.
Having an HP only store with abysmal odds and immediately requiring the new 5-star character feels like the entire system was rigged against us in the first place, and it means we'll be losing out on rewards and points that many people expect from each event, because they know the exchange rate of their time/effort required to earn them, and not because of failure or bad luck on the part of the player, but because the Devs changed the rules to deny us something as a way to pressure people into buying their way out of it. It's manipulative and dishonest and we don't like it. You let us get 80% of the way there and give us an option to buy the remaining 20%, people will bite to cross the gap. But when you change the system so we can only get 5% of the way there on our own and then offer to sell the remaining 95%, you get a big middle finger. We want a fair shot at things, and are happier to spend when it lets us turn a fair shot into a good shot. But when you set things up that we have to spend a lot just to get a poor chance at success, it just makes people quit the game.
Requiring Professor X with the awful HP store (which again, I like the idea of) as the only way to acquire him is a dirty move. Doing it again when we've spent two years telling you that you can't require characters until we feel we've had a fair chance to acquire them is... stupid. Can't call it anything else, because stupidity is the only thing that explains why you keep trying it after this long.
But you know what? If you'd created a new mini-event, something like Shield Training or System Reboot, that could only be played with the new Professor X, and you'd done it on top of and separate from the normal event cycle? Now you're offering extra rewards for anyone willing to spend HP to chase Professor X early. No one is missing out on regular event rewards if they don't bite, anyone that gets lucky and acquires him via event tokens to that HP store gets a little something extra if they play the new event, and everyone is given the opportunity to buy their way into the new event and extra goodies by spending in the HP store. Call it the Marvel Debut event, have nodes like the bottom of Shield Training (requires the new character, each subsequent node requires more covers and a higher level for that character), give out special Debut tokens that go to a vault with a couple of really good prizes. Some people get lucky and acquire the new 5, complete a node, hit the jackpot in the Debut vault. Some people pull a more average reward, but are willing to keep chasing the new 5 for more shots at the Debut vault. Make it something you can't empty with HP, and the only way to keep making pulls (which increases the odds of better prizes, because that's how vaults work) is to acquire more covers of the new 5-star. Which requires spending HP. Some people hit it lucky, most don't, there's value in chasing the 5-star early, but no penalty if you don't, and the normal cycle keeps going for people who just want to wait and spend at the CP store later. Do your fancy behind the scenes math, and make the Debut vault nice enough for people to want it, but balance the rewards given out with the amount people are spending on the HP store, and you've got the possibility of a new Skinner Box for the players. Buttons we want to push because the outcome is worthwhile, so we're willing to make it worth YOUR time (buying HP) in order to do so. That's a win/win for everybody.
Or you could keep doing what you're doing, and trying to change the status quo so that players feel they're suddenly being denied something, which makes them mad.
There are ways to make this all work, the devs both pressuring players to spend, while also generating the desire to spend, so people are happy to do it. It would be so awesome if you'd try pursuing that route, for once, instead of trying to see how much you can abuse us without making us quit.39 -
Brigby said:Hi Everyone,
With the release of Professor X, many of you are aware that we are trying some new things out; details can be seen in his Character Release article and the above Sneak Peek update. While we’ve already seen some positive feedback regarding the additional option to earn him with Hero Points, we’re also aware of players expressing their concerns about Professor X being featured in the upcoming Unstable Iso-8 event.
We understand that this scheduling is different than what players may be used to, but rest assured that this is merely something new that we’re trying out this time, and is not necessarily reflective of the schedule moving forward. While we won’t be making any changes to the current schedule, we always welcome and encourage players to provide any feedback they may have, and we’ll be sure to take a look and review them!
Thank you for your patience and understanding!2 -
Let's take a trip down Memory Lane......
April 2017. The new 5* Star Lord releases 4/27/17 to some excitement.
4/30/17, the new event "I have a plan" appears. If you recall, it had a special node requiring 5 Lord which was NOT required for the progression, and the mini-event was not a placement event and had no alliance component as it was a standalone mini-PVE.
There was some complaining, but I think you got 5000 iso for the required node, so people just grumbled a little and kept playing.
More of these mini events appeared over the next few weeks, some before 5SL was in Latests, to a mostly accepting playerbase.
5/11/17 Backup Plan
5/25/17 Plan C
Later of course the devs combined these mini-PVEs into the (ironically just run) Honor Among Thieves.
So you had a model from your own history to make a type of event where having 5BuckChuck would benefit players but not enrage the playerbase to the point where I almost uninstalled this game last night.
You could have juiced it up with CP or (heaven forbid) an LT or a cover for 4PX or something. The game has SO MANY CHARACTERS! and giving away a 4* cover is not a big deal anymore. Make a new mini event like the prior SL-related events and imagine how people would be reacting now. We LOVE new untimed content, in case you missed our prior 10,000 request for such.
But this Prof$ thing does nothing to address dilution, not even in a very small way. It just creates a new way to chase a 5 and creates pressure to do so.
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That was a brilliant post, JHawkInc. Perfectly written and expressed.
Bluewolf too. If they had a one off like they did for Star-Lord, it would have been received much better.7 -
Devs if you insist on making Professor X essential you should have made 4* Professor X a feeder first so many players would be a able to get a cover through champ rewards. You should have then placed 5* Professor X in a vault instead of a pack and made it so the vault could not be reset. This would basically be letting players buy 1 Professor X with HP.
Overall even if you did things this way I still would not want Professor X essential when he is not in the Latest Legendary packs.
The worst thing about this experience is it is obviously a bad experience for players from 10,000 miles away or from 2 inches away. Just force an update and make it so Professor X is not essential in the next PVE.1 -
Man... @JHawkInc already knocked it out of the park. Not much to add to that ... but I'm gonna try anyway.
This is considered a test? Then allow me to express my feedback.
The idea of offering a 5* at very low odds using a resource that can be purchased for real world dollars isn't necessarily a bad one, especially since HP is a fairly prevalent resource within the game once you've rostered everyone and/or choose not to shield hop in PvP.
If it's an entirely new and completely separate option for obtaining a 5* IN ADDITION TO the 5* new release stores that feature two other Classic 5*s available at 1:7 odds for 25 CP per pull, I say go for it. I still don't think it's a great method for obtaining a cover, but if someone else likes it, then why shouldn't they have the option?
What bothers me (and it appears quite a few others) is immediately requiring the new 5* in PvE. In my opinion, this is immoral, predatory behavior which takes advantage of people with addiction or addictive tendencies, and I will not support that. I will open my earned tokens from Thick as Thieves, but nothing more.
I'm not against monetization, either. I know the members of the development team have bills to pay and should be fairly compensated for their work, just like anyone else. That's why I've done VIP monthly for nearly three years and buy the occasional deal if I consider it a good value. I roll my eyes at some of the offers that come down the pike, but guess what? I simply don't buy them, as they never directly impact my ability to actually play the game.
This isn't that. It may sound a little silly, but I take a small amount of pride in the fact that I play hard and manage my resources in a way that I'm never locked out of a node.
The last time I didn't have a required character was the first time Archangel was required in January 2018. At the time, Daredevil was my sole 5* champ and was being booted out of Latest by AA. I figured I would pull everything I had to try to get as many champ rewards as I could and level DD as high as possible, since he was the workhorse of my roster. Lord Gambit and Thor being in Latest didn't hurt either.
I figured I'd start hoarding and have a decent shot at pulling AA before he was required. But then he was required like a week after entering Latest, and I had hardly any resources to chase him. I didn't get a cover for him in time, and at that point I resolved to plan better so that wouldn't happen again. And it hasn't. Until now.
For the first time in more than 1.5 years, I'll be locked out of a node (unless I'm super lucky on my earned token single pulls). It won't be due to poor planning on my part, and only very partially due to being unlucky. It will largely be due to the fact I chose not to spend real world dollars to chase the new release.
As others pointed out, there was even a way to mitigate this by providing small incentives and benefits to those who got lucky or bought their way to a cover by having non-essential content available.
I've been a competitive player for awhile now, and part of a dual hybrid T10 alliance family for about a year. But for the first time in a long time, I'll (likely) be missing out on resources normally earned through playing and placing through no fault of my own, simply because I chose not to cough up cash trying for the new 5*.
Those are the reasons why I think this was an extremely poorly executed offer. And that's me being charitable. The IDEA of getting a 5* with HP isn't bad in and of itself. The EXECUTION of requiring him immediately is.
Sadly, I will not be surprised if this ends up being the distribution model moving forward. New 5* available at terrible odds in a PvE release event store, then immediately required in the following PvE. Then offered a week later in a CP store with two Classic 5*s. I've seen too many reports here and on Line of people getting their Professor X covers. Sure seems to be a successful test, despite our protests.
Just know if that ends up being the case, you can't be mad about it if you were pulling 10 and 40 packs this go around. You can protest here and on Line or Discord all you like, but they're only gonna care about who pulled and who didn't or who bought and who didn't. If their data shows a sharp increase of people spending HP, you can't exactly blame them for drawing the conclusion that people liked the test and therefore they should keep the distribution model intact.15 -
And just in case anyone is wondering, I'm HP poor at the moment as I'm finishing out building my 3* farm. Still have to buy 13 more roster slots before I have each 3* at 266 with a dupe to farm rewards. And I tend to front run in S1, so spend a fair amount of HP on shield hopping.
I have enough spare earned HP that I could buy a 10 pack, maybe even two. But even if I had 1 million HP banked, I likely wouldn't pull anything extra in this Thick as Thieves store, because again, all they're really gonna care about is the data. And if the data shows a bunch of people opened 10 and 40 packs, then it will be considered a successful test.
What makes it worse is it seems like Professor X is pretty great and I would love to have a cover for him. It's killing me a little not to pull, but I just can't get on board with this setup.2 -
JHawkInc said:Brigby said:Hi Everyone,
With the release of Professor X, many of you are aware that we are trying some new things out; details can be seen in his Character Release article and the above Sneak Peek update. While we’ve already seen some positive feedback regarding the additional option to earn him with Hero Points, we’re also aware of players expressing their concerns about Professor X being featured in the upcoming Unstable Iso-8 event.
We understand that this scheduling is different than what players may be used to, but rest assured that this is merely something new that we’re trying out this time, and is not necessarily reflective of the schedule moving forward. While we won’t be making any changes to the current schedule, we always welcome and encourage players to provide any feedback they may have, and we’ll be sure to take a look and review them!
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
This is a line we've drawn. Make the characters reasonably available before they are required for in-game events. We argue it every handful of Shield Training events, every time a newer 4-star is required super close to their release. We've had to argue it a couple of times when 5-star characters have been Essential a day before entering Latest packs. It was a concern we've been expressing since Shield Training started, and since 5-star characters started receiving their own Essential nodes (conveniently, both in September of 2017)
This is a line the playerbase has stuck to for almost two years, literally the entire time it has existed as an issue. We've tried to be patient for that long, and the Devs keep pressing the issue and testing boundaries every couple of months to try and get away with crossing that line. We say no, and don't get a response, or maybe get lucky and are told "oops, that wasn't supposed to happen, it won't happen again." Then a few months later it does anyway. The longer it goes on, the more it sounds like a crummy abusive relationship, to the point that the Devs' behavior would be comical if it weren't so frustrating.
Fact of the matter is "trying out this time" is a lie, because it's a boundary you've been trying to cross for two years now, despite getting the same response every single time. If you weren't planning to make changes to the current schedule, there'd be no reason to try anything out in the first place. If you really welcomed feedback, you might show it by listening at some point over the past two years. No one in their right mind is going to "rest assured" when you keep feeding us lies.
To be honest, I like the idea of an HP store. I wouldn't mind it if it were done in place of the CP release store (the one we'll see with tokens for the Apocalypse boss event). As long as the normal process of new characters entering Latest Legends stays the same, I see it as a way to make HP more valuable, especially to higher end players, and that's not a bad thing. And to be 100% above board with this, the problem with requiring Professor X immediately is that it takes something from regular players who don't happen to strike it lucky with the HP store. We don't mind occasionally having bad luck with the CP stores, because we get a release weekend, then two weeks to save up CP for the character to enter Latest tokens, and then possibly another event or three before the character is Essential. Careful planning can make that time period not an issue, and if it doesn't work out, players don't feel cheated, they simply feel unlucky. You can keep rolling the dice to overcome bad luck. But if you're being cheated, rolling the dice just means you keep getting cheated.
Having an HP only store with abysmal odds and immediately requiring the new 5-star character feels like the entire system was rigged against us in the first place, and it means we'll be losing out on rewards and points that many people expect from each event, because they know the exchange rate of their time/effort required to earn them, and not because of failure or bad luck on the part of the player, but because the Devs changed the rules to deny us something as a way to pressure people into buying their way out of it. It's manipulative and dishonest and we don't like it. You let us get 80% of the way there and give us an option to buy the remaining 20%, people will bite to cross the gap. But when you change the system so we can only get 5% of the way there on our own and then offer to sell the remaining 95%, you get a big middle finger. We want a fair shot at things, and are happier to spend when it lets us turn a fair shot into a good shot. But when you set things up that we have to spend a lot just to get a poor chance at success, it just makes people quit the game.
Requiring Professor X with the awful HP store (which again, I like the idea of) as the only way to acquire him is a dirty move. Doing it again when we've spent two years telling you that you can't require characters until we feel we've had a fair chance to acquire them is... stupid. Can't call it anything else, because stupidity is the only thing that explains why you keep trying it after this long.
But you know what? If you'd created a new mini-event, something like Shield Training or System Reboot, that could only be played with the new Professor X, and you'd done it on top of and separate from the normal event cycle? Now you're offering extra rewards for anyone willing to spend HP to chase Professor X early. No one is missing out on regular event rewards if they don't bite, anyone that gets lucky and acquires him via event tokens to that HP store gets a little something extra if they play the new event, and everyone is given the opportunity to buy their way into the new event and extra goodies by spending in the HP store. Call it the Marvel Debut event, have nodes like the bottom of Shield Training (requires the new character, each subsequent node requires more covers and a higher level for that character), give out special Debut tokens that go to a vault with a couple of really good prizes. Some people get lucky and acquire the new 5, complete a node, hit the jackpot in the Debut vault. Some people pull a more average reward, but are willing to keep chasing the new 5 for more shots at the Debut vault. Make it something you can't empty with HP, and the only way to keep making pulls (which increases the odds of better prizes, because that's how vaults work) is to acquire more covers of the new 5-star. Which requires spending HP. Some people hit it lucky, most don't, there's value in chasing the 5-star early, but no penalty if you don't, and the normal cycle keeps going for people who just want to wait and spend at the CP store later. Do your fancy behind the scenes math, and make the Debut vault nice enough for people to want it, but balance the rewards given out with the amount people are spending on the HP store, and you've got the possibility of a new Skinner Box for the players. Buttons we want to push because the outcome is worthwhile, so we're willing to make it worth YOUR time (buying HP) in order to do so. That's a win/win for everybody.
Or you could keep doing what you're doing, and trying to change the status quo so that players feel they're suddenly being denied something, which makes them mad.
There are ways to make this all work, the devs both pressuring players to spend, while also generating the desire to spend, so people are happy to do it. It would be so awesome if you'd try pursuing that route, for once, instead of trying to see how much you can abuse us without making us quit.3 -
*(08/16/19) Brigby - Updated Versus events, Story events, Deadpool's Dailies, and Weekly Buffs.
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I'm old enough to have forgotten that Support event that would happen once a week.Why do I bring it up? We were told it would be back and yet...So I fully expect this Prof X situation to be the new status quo, even though it's just something they're trying.1
Many good long posts above. Mine will be short. Giving an additional way to get 5* covers is normally good. Scheduling a 5* essential before it is reasonable to obtain is a terrible idea.
This is also not a good test. Some high-end players are willing to go after the 5Prof X this ONE time with banked HP, but that does not mean we are willing to do it many times, or even the next time.
Reset the schedule so that players can try their luck with HP AND/OR with CP from both locations prior to the required PVE.3 -
jackstar0 said:I'm old enough to have forgotten that Support event that would happen once a week.Why do I bring it up? We were told it would be back and yet...So I fully expect this Prof X situation to be the new status quo, even though it's just something they're trying.0
So many great posts that there’s really nothing I can add, other than one personal anecdote and one point I think cannot be emphasized enough.
- i haven’t played as long as many (600+ days) but still a good amount of time being a more than casual player. There have been points along the way I’ve questioned developer decisions or been annoyed, but as someone who runs an organization IRL I also understand business decisions and balancing resources and profit with customer wants. So by and large I might not like their decisions at times but I understand them. This is the first decision in all that time that has genuinely infuriated me as a consumer. So if you are seriously listening, you need to take heed. I’m hardly alone on feeling this crossed a line (clearly evident above)
- Make no mistake folks, they are reading this forum but they aren’t factoring it into their decision. They knew this would make people upset. What they are really trying out is just how far they can push us and still make us spend money. If you do not want this repeated, the only way to do it is keep your money in your wallet. I’m not spending a dime to support this farce, and the only way it changes is if enough people decide to do the same.
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